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myOtaku.com: EternalDragon

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

   Ha ha ha so funny!!!!
I have 88 tomodachis in my guestbook.....maybe i should call you guys the crazy eighty-eights......*smiles cookooly* Yeah I know I am nuts...he he Kill Bill 1&2.... Love'em to death...I still think that Uma Thurman can never kick Lucy Lui's butt....she just got lucky. Well I have nothing really to report...except i am trying to use my new usb cruser mini...and since i never used one of thes things I am so lost.&_& I try though...I am like a cave women with all this new technology...yeah I am a bit behind but I am getting there....DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY DISABILITIES!!!!A AHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH


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