Allo everyone! Thank you for stopping by my site *hands you a cup of pudding* I Know you like it ^_~ tee hee! Welcome to my little site ya kno just for me. If you are interested u can read about me. Oh gosh that was funny. Poor fools :)
Lets keep it simple here everyone heres a lil bit boot me:
1) I Love chocolate. And I don't like sharing.
2) I'm a really busy person so don't be sad when I don't comment on site or answers pm that often but yes I really do try :)
3) I like people who comment and are actually 'friends' :3
4) I am a very straight up person so if you don't like my attitdue..Welll I don't really give a shit
5) I'm fairly nice ehehe
6) Occupation: SPACE COWGIRL :)
HEY GUYS! Happy Valentine's day ^-^
Where I live there's no school today! Its snowing like crazyy!!! Well some of my friends are depressed since they can't see your LOVERSS (EHE) but then again any day can be special can't it? IT doesn't always have to be about Valentine's day ^-^
Well my day started off badd, I woke up at 7 and then I had to shovel the snow by myself, then like the last 15 minutes my mom and brother came out to help, yeah that helps since I already did everything! Brr I'm frozen stiff, I think I was out for like one hour >_<
Did you guys hear about the skeletons that were discovered in Italy, they are dated back into the stone age. And they were found together (They are male and female) embracing each other. I think that's cute, to die in the arms of the person you love. Scientists won't split the two from each other, and are dubbing them the Stone Age Romeo and Juliet, Lovers of Valdaro and some people are saying that this couple is in eternal bliss :)
Isn't this perfect for V-day ^-^ MAybe its just me since I'm a total Oddball :P
Well I hope everyone has a great valentine's day, whether you spend it with your friends or special someone!

I was looking up different ways in languages to say I love you:
Je t'aime (French)
Ich liebe dich (German! Thanks Madarame!)
Ti amo (Italian)
Eu te amo (Portuguese)
я тебя люблю (Russian?)
Te amo (Spanish)
Wo Ai Ni (Mandarin)
Wo O ley (Cantonese) (Not sure spelling though :P)
Aishiteru (Jap) I dunno :P :P
Uhibak or Bahibak (Arabic) Thanks Fortuna :D
Em Yeu Anh (Female to male) Anh Yeu Em (Male to female) Thanks Wings of Dream! =D
Ahh so many ways, one meaning ^-^
Today's thought: Never frown you never know who is falling in love with your smile :D