Allo everyone! Thank you for stopping by my site *hands you a cup of pudding* I Know you like it ^_~ tee hee! Welcome to my little site ya kno just for me. If you are interested u can read about me. Oh gosh that was funny. Poor fools :)
Lets keep it simple here everyone heres a lil bit boot me:
1) I Love chocolate. And I don't like sharing.
2) I'm a really busy person so don't be sad when I don't comment on site or answers pm that often but yes I really do try :)
3) I like people who comment and are actually 'friends' :3
4) I am a very straight up person so if you don't like my attitdue..Welll I don't really give a shit
5) I'm fairly nice ehehe
6) Occupation: SPACE COWGIRL :)
Hey everyone!!! Right now I'm trying to learn html! XD So confusing so I think I'm goign to just give up =)I hope everyone had a wonderful new years! I spent New years eve watching Pirates of the Carribean 2! ^___^ Well there was a party going on but it was mostly adults and everyything -_-. I had to spend New Years Eve cleaning up for that party I was so tired at the end of the day!
But I couldn't sleep until like 3:30am XD
Stupid people behind my house with their fireworks >=P
Then yesterday I went over to my cousins house. They live like and hour away so my dad drove. But even after going to their house like 100 times my dad got lost >< So we spent like an hour driving around trying to find directions then we ended up going the wrong way..twice.. Then with finally a stroke of luck my dad got back into the highway and followed some random signs that FINALLY lead us the my cuz's house XD
Geez XD
I also just watched Superman Returns yesterday. I cried, Strange though there was nothing sad in that movie. I cried twice XD I love Superman AND Spiderman they are my fave superheroes =) I dunno for me jsut sumthing about those 2 characters ^^
I was sort of. persay a bit disappointed with the movie. It was awesome I just don't really like the fact that Lois loves Superman but doesn't really notice Clark.. I love how Clark is so akward and clumsy ^^ And I can't believe that that Clark/Superman has has a... junior.. nuuuu!!!
Ahh Brandon Routh did a good job portraying the man of steel =) he's so yummy tee hee
I hope everyone has a great day!
Todays Thought: A new year = a new start
Avvie SuperdeduperFUNTIME: