Male Location My comp Member Since 2005-12-29 Occupation Student Real Name thats not of the consoquence
Achievements Nothing as of yet. ^_^' Anime Fan Since A long, long time ago....... Favorite Anime In no real order: Naruto, Bleach, .hack//sign, Kodocha, Hikaru No Go, Full Metal Alchemist, and much more. Goals To achieve... Something Hobbies Playing PC/video gamess, reading manga, watching anime, etc.... Talents I supose thats not somthing I could judge for myself. lol Ether Takashi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Another AMV
I'm sorry I havn't posted in the last couple of days. ^_^' I've had other things to do, but to make up for it I found this cool FMA AMV....
Its done to yet another Linkin Park song. >_< I'm sorry if it bugs you guys that I like that band so much, the next time I post an AMV it'l be done to another ban's song. lol
Pay Day
Well I Finaly got to cash that check I got for baby sitting. $15. Not a fortune, but its more than what I had before... Which was a total balance of $4.26 in EB Games store credit... >_<'
I really need to get out there mowing lawns and stuff... I mean I live in San Antonio Texas, theres only like two months of the year where its to cold for the grass to grow... Then again those are the only two months of the year where its cool enough outside for humans to survive, and by humans I mean any normal person...
This does not include one of my best friends. He seems to be able to survive in any weather no mater what. There are other people like that, but I'm not one of them. >_<
I know I've told you its hot here, but now I'm going to give you some statistics. Its nomaly about 95 degrees and above at 80% humidity...
I can take dry heat, but I hate being hot AND humid, it sucks hardcore.
Okay. Now that I have bored you with my whining, I think I can rest easy tonight. ^-^ Thats a relief,I mean I was getting a little worried there for a second.
Anyway I guess I'm done for now. Sorry, but my life is pretty boring right now, maybe I'll have something interesting for you tomorrow. Untill then,
Sorry for my absence. I went to spend the night at my friends house for the first time in forever.... ^_^' I've also been really tired lately. I've been up all night tossing and turning, I cant get to sleep. lol
Anyway... I don't really know what to say... I had a really fun time at my friends house, I think he joined this place, but I'm not really sure. Well I guess I better stop rambling before I bore you guys to death. I'll talk to you guys later. Untill then,
I just thought I would let all you guys know, I have updated my friends list. If you have added me to yours, asuming you said somthing, I have added you to my list as well. :D Thanks for your suport.
Babysitting... -.-
Well today I went babbysitting. The kids mom told me I could take them outside in thier backyard if I wanted to, this is where everything went wrong. >_<'
I had only been there like 15 minutes when I dicided to take the kids outside. After letting them play outside for a bit I dicided to take them back inside, one of the boys I was sitting tried to open the door. And then I heard it.... So much misfortune reflected in just two small words, "Its locked". 0_0 So I whent to check it myself and sure enough it was locked.
I knew it was unloked when we whent outside, I hadn't locked it, I didn't see any of the either of the kids lock it before they shut it.... So I checked the front door. lol It was also locked, there were no open windows either.
So I thought "well I guess I'll have to use one of the nieghbors phones," so I asked Keith, one of the kids, if he knew of any "nice" nieghbors "I forget" he said to me...
-.-' I don't know about you guys, but I have had lots a creepy nieghbors, so I was kinda worried about going into just any strangers house with these little kids.
So, I took the kids into the front yard to see if there were any cars in their nieghbors driveways.... The nextdoor nieghbors didn't seem to be home.
I looked acrost the street. I saw a house that looked kinda gloomy and I kinda thought "well thats not the house I want to go to", but right next to it there was another house. I looked at it and it still had christmass decorations up and in the driveway there was an SUV. Right about then my thoughts were about like this, "SUV = family car = kids, christmas decorations = cheerfull = good people! :D"lol
I knew I could have guessed all wrong, but I really felt good about this house, so I rang the door bell and I was right. B)
I hung out there with the kids untill the mom came back. ^_^' *phew* The mom wasn't mad at all, it turned out that it was a problem with the door. >_<
.....Wow that was kinda long. lol thats pretty much all thats happened today. lol So see ya later. lol Untill then.
Somthing New
Well I have some happy news. :D I don't know about you people, but I do about 98% of the vacuming in my house... I hated it, I hated our vacume... It just sucks.. No pun intended. Anyway on to the happy part. :D Yesterday my mom and dad bought the shinyist, slickest, Kirby vacume cleaner..... Its sooooo nice.... It may not be that much to you, but to me this is one of the best things to ever happen to me. lol This vacume does everything, but fold your close, lol It even has a little coin slot on the handle for any of those lose coins you may find on the floor while vacuming. lol Anyway I don't really know what else to say here. lol And I got to get to bed.. Sooo I'll try to post again tomorow if I can. Untill then
... I still cant get over how well Chibi Hiei did on this site. 0_o The backgrounds, the Naruto music video done to a song by my favorite band. Wow. lol
Anyway. I just got done with my schoolwork... I still have to do chores, but they can wait. I was injoying the wether we were having over here in San Antonio, where I live, but it seems to be warming back up. *sigh* I hate the heat... Its so hot and humid here, its not even funny. >_< I supose we have it better than Huston does in that sense, but I still hate being so freaking hot. Well thats all I have for now. I'll see ya guys later. Untill then.
Post Number Two
Well I don't really have much to say... Other than thaks for the suport you guys have already given me. lol I haven't even really talke to you guys yet and you still have welcomed me with open arms, I real apreciate that. ^_^ School started for me today (I'm homeschooled), so I have to cut this post short. I will post more later today after I'm done with my school work though. Untill then....
Well this is my first post, I just wanted to say hi to every one. ^_^ Also I want to thank Chibi Hiei for making this awesome site... Its increadible how much of all the stuff I like is in here... I had only talked to her once after like a year when she told me about this place... And she gathered all she needed to know to make the site without me even realising it. lol ^_^' Anyway. I'll try to post tomorrow too. Until then....