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I supose thats not somthing I could judge for myself. lol
| Ether Takashi
Friday, March 17, 2006
Forgive me Sony, I am weak. v_v'
I don't know if I mentioned this anywhere in my other posts, but I got a GameCube for Christmas.
I did infact ask for it, it was what I wanted. This is a change for me though because in genaral I hate Nintendo. I'm am very loyal to PlayStation and I have been since I first got one for Christmas when I was like 7.
I really hated the N64 (mostly the contorler... I know I'm going to be shot for saying that. >_<)and I strongly disliked the GC up until very recently.
So anyway after being told over and over how awesome the game was by one of my best friends I have started to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (GC port version).
Much to my suprise I have found it to be very injoyable. Navi's constent screaming in my ear aside, it has ver solid gameplay and so far a desent plot.
I'm very excited about the new Zelda game coming out "Twielight Princess". Its actualy suposed to be the sequal to Ocarina of Time from what I've heard.
Now to redeam myself in the eyes of Sony and its followers I will talk about the Godly creation that is the PS3.
I'm really, really looking forward to to the realese of this system.
It has been anounced that Sony will be realesing their system internationaly in November of this year.
To be honest I'm not happy about this because its the same mistake Microsoft made with the the 360.
You see normaly Sony realeses the system in Japan and uses it like a testing launch. Then they work all the bugs they found out of the system. Even then thier are still bugs that they continue to work out. For example. I just got a new PS2 (like a week or two ago)because I had one of the first PS2s to be realesed in th US ,I got it in the first year of its run. In this run of PS2s the lens used to read the dics over time would come loose causing it to move out of foucas.
Because he PS3 is going to be realesed internayionaly there is that kind of problem and probably alot more.
Another thing, even though Sony has said they are taking action to make sure that it won't happen, there will probably be PS3 shortages, like the XBox360.
On the positive side we won't have to wait till 2007 for the PS3 like alot of people thought and its going to be a really great system once all the bugs are worked out. Like I said, I am REALLY looking forward to it.
Well I have other things I got to do right now so until later,
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