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thats not of the consoquence
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A long, long time ago.......
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In no real order: Naruto, Bleach, .hack//sign, Kodocha, Hikaru No Go, Full Metal Alchemist, and much more.
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Playing PC/video gamess, reading manga, watching anime, etc....
I supose thats not somthing I could judge for myself. lol
| Ether Takashi
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Blah... >_>
Well its been about a week since I last posted. AS I've said before I've been busy moderating a forum.
Its actually a pokemon forum... Kinda. It's attached to an online store that sells TCGs and one of the TCGs it sells is pokemon cards, but no one on the forum really likes pokemon that much anymore.
I originally joined there after my friend found it trying to find some info on the pokemon TCG. He buged me for like a month before I actually joined.
I found that it was a small, but nice community (kinda immature in some cases though >_<) so I've been there for a year on the 28th of this month.
Coincidently the 28th is the release date for Kingdom Hearts II.
I am so exited about this game. I have loved SquareSoft (now SquareEnix) since I first played FFVII (the best game EVER) with my older brother. I was also kinda raised with a boat load of Disney films in my home. So naturally when I first heard about the first Kingdom Hearts I was like "cool!".
I actually didn't have a copy to play until my older brother got one for Christmas (it had just been released on Greatest Hits). So when my brother and I played it we were like "Wow... That was awesome!".
The first game was ended on a major cliff-hanger so I've been waiting for the second one for what seems to be a really long time.
I never did play Chain of Memories though... I thought I had heard somewhere that it didn't really have anything to do with the other KH games, it was its own story. This is a mistake, it is apparently going to play a huge role in KHII. >_< Doh!
Anyway, I guess I should end here. Oh! For anyone that’s interested in the forum I was talking about it at, there’s a link to the forum right at the top of the main page. My screen name is Ether (duh) so PM me if you have the chance.
Well anyway, until next time,
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