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Quiz Results
My fantasy anime world
Member Since
Making my family happy
Real Name
Not tellin'... =P
Getting a reward for finding a lost doggy
Anime Fan Since
I know it was before I was in 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
Neon Evangelion Genesis, Trinity Blood, Saiyuki, Argentosoma, Fooly Cooly, Ouran High School Host Club, Chrono Crusade, Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Fruits Basket, Shakugan no Shana, and Shaman King
First a doctor, then a film maker after being a doctor for 20 years, then an anime cartoonist and/or mangaka, after I make at least 5 major awarded movies, oh yeah! I wanna invent a car 2!
I luv to draw and imagine stories
I think that would be drawing and writing

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
GRAH!!! My background won't show!!!
GAH!!!! WHAT THE FRIKING HECK?!?! I can't get my background to show up on this dang site!!! DX Maybe I should give up on myOtaku... heck, I'm not even active on OtakuVV... it's just... blech for me now... haaaaah... so frustrating... if not more than five people comment on this post, I shall delete this account! I think it might just be a waste of computer space if I'm not even active... lol, sounds like virtual suicide... well, bye bye... ^^'
(8) |
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Independence Day!
Happy late 4th of July! We went over to a friend's house to see the fireworks yesterday. They're lucky 'cause they get a nice view. As for anime related stuff, I watched both motion pictures of xxxholic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. I really liked them, especially xxholic, probably bcuz I like that better than Tsubasa. My family and I also watched Hancock in theatres, and Balls of Fury at our cousin's house. It was hilarious! Lastly, I reread my Chrono Crusade and Tsubasa mangas... oh! And I changed the theme of the site. xxxholic's characters: Yuko and Watanuki. lol, I just luv weird couples. Kk, see u all soon... :3
(7) |
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hello... :)
I'm sure no one will read this, but oh well... I'd just like to say "hi" to all of myOtaku friends and visitors out there... hope ur enjoying OtakuVV ^^ And that u like my theme... it's Kanda and Lenalee from D.Gray-Man... yeah, I like the couple quite a bit... okay then, time for me 2 go... see u! ^^
(13) |
Featured Quiz Result:
Yay! I'm sugar! Yahooey!
Are you sugar or spice? (cute pics)
My gosh this is accurate...
You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 48% Of The Time You have a place in the world, even though you may forget on the bad days. You fit in pretty well, but you don't always feel like it. All you need to do is keep the right outlook and stay true to yourself. You will go places.
Do You Have a Place in This World? Create Your Own Quiz |
I like this one too... ^^