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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Still kicking and watching anime
Hello otakus!
It sure has been a long time since I've been able to get in the O. My life has been pretty busy this year of the dog. School work and activities taking most part of it. But now that things are calming down a little bit I will try my best to make visits here more often.
On anime news I am so happy to inform you people that thanks to my anime junkie friend in school, I have gotten my hands in a couple of anime series. They are on CDRs but its anime, so it works for me. ^^
They are Chobits, X (tv series), Witch Hunter Robin, Samurai Girl, Weiss Kreuz (both series plus OVAS), and Hi No Tori. Is that great or what?
Also, I dont know if you guys recall me telling you but me & my bro ended up buying the first 5 series plus the movies, of Knights Of the Zodiac. I am currently in episode 37, and let me tell you guys that this anime is awesome! It is one of my all time favorites, its getting there next to Evangelion. I remember watching it when I was 6 years old, but now that I can appreciate it better, it is a great experience.
So yeah, Knights of the Zodiac is awesome good. ^^
Anywho, that will be all for now. I would go on for hours telling you guys what has been happening with me, but I'll keep it just with the anime and that I'm still around.
I'll leave you guys with this pic of FMA that I found in dviantart. I hope you guys enjoy it (specially those Potter fans out there)
Take care my anime friends.
~eva girl~

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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Hello guys! Hope you all had fun during the holidays. I just changed my x-mas theme for this eva series one, hope you all like it. ^^
Not much going on just that I'm kind of crippled right now. I slammed my two smallest toes against this plastic box so now its hard for me to walk. Well, its healing now but i still have that pretty tone of purple all around. Oh well, I've had worse.
As in anime news. I finally watched FF VII Advent Children. That is one awesome movie people, I really recommend it. Also, me and my bro got our hands in Saint Saiya (knights of the Zodiac) episodes 1- the most recent season pluse the 4 movies. ^^ That is so cool, I cant wait to get it on the mail next week. That's going to be a couple of days without of slepp. ^^
Well, I'm off now, I still need to finish that stupid report. Take care now my peoples. (huggles)
Oh yeah. Happy Year of the Dog!!!
~eva girl~
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Hello guys and gals! How do you guys like the x-mas look? Just wanted to do something to make it more x-masy. ^^ How's the fat santa in the chimney? Thatput a smile on my face. And how would it be x-mas without Snoopy doing his dance? hehe Well,this will be my last post until christmas is over. Family is coming and you know how things get.
I just wanted to say to all HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hope you guys have a great time with your families and friends. Sayonara for now. (hugs)
~eva girl~
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Friday, December 23, 2005
eva girl vive!
Hello otakus! Yes, eva girl still lives. It sure has been a long time since my last post but is just that so much has been going on. School has been the major reason with tons of work that take all my free time. Well, at least I have some weeks off from that prison until the holidays are over. ^^
On anime news. I am ready to spend my time watching Samurai Deeper Kyo and the rest Of Wolf's Rain now that there's some free time. It's sad how the months have passed since I got those two series and I still havent finished watching them for the lack of time. Just yesterday I finished watching Princess Mononoke for the first time, and I have had that movie for ages. All I can say about it is that it is one of Miyazaki's best. The plot itself is awesome and the animation is great. I cant wait to get my hands on the rest of his work. Also, I watched the first half of FMA. OMG, that is one awesome anime.
Well, that will be all. A small post letting all of know that I'm still alive and kicking. I'll catch up with you guys later. (huggles)
~eva girl~
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Hello amigos! Today has been a pretty good day. School was pretty cool, not much work for my classes. WOOOO! Today I have no hw, this has not happend in a long time. That means I get to see the last few episodes of Fruits Basket I need to watch. I love this anime. It can be so addicting.
I wonder why so many people dont like Yuki that much. I find his story pretty sad. But than again Kyo has had it pretty rough too. I still cant decide who I like the most. Oh well, I can live with both Sohma cousins xp
Well this will be a real short post for my bf probably already got home from jazz band practice so he'll be calling me any time now. I'll let you guys go. Hope you all had a good day. I'll see you all soon. (huggles)
~eva girl~
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Hello my friends! I hope you are all having a good weekend. Mine has been pretty good. What I have been doing is just watching anime. ^^ What a perfect way to spend two days huh? I've been watching Fruits Basket and I have now fallen in love with it. I am now in episode 21 out of 26. After I'm done with it I'll go and see the other half of Wolf's Rain that I have not finished. ANIME WEEKENDS ARE THE BEST! ^^
Well right now I'm taking a break from reading all those subtitles (i just cant stan the englished dialouges) so I can finish my Political Cartoon Project. I had to get 15 political cartoons and write about what they mean and what my opinion is about it. I have already done 11 so I just need to do 4 more and the Reference page. I have been having a pretty good time doing this project for it is fun to see the way the truth of how are government is going down the rain is being portrayed on a simple drawing. (sigh) Its sad how people are bearly starting to realize what a mistake Bush is. =/
In other news, let me inform you that I got 4th chair out of the 26 clarinets on my band. I guess its ok, but I'm still a bit surprised of this because my other two friends got higher chairs than me played worse. They were surprisd to see that I didnt beat them as well. The scores this year for most of the sections (instruments) are all f-up. Well, I guess that's how it is. Oh yeah, b4 I forget, my internet explorer is being a real bitch right now so I'll be downloading FireFox. THe thing is that since I have dial-up, it will take forever for it to download. So let me apologize before hand if I dont make it to your sites. I hope you all understand.
Anywho, I'll let you guys go now. I need to finish my work so I can watch the rest of Fruits Basket. God I love that anime. ^^ Who do you guys prefer, Kyo or Yuki? I still cant decide. Well take care my peoples, see ya around. (huggles)
~eva girl~

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Monday, November 7, 2005
Hello peoples! This will be a short post for I have not much time here. I have a pile of Algebra 2 hw and I need to get started on my Political Cartoon Project. Overall today was a pretty good day. I will be taking my chair test tomorrow, and I'm pretty confident about it. I know my music and are one of the 3 who can actually play it correctly out of the 27 people ^^ Yup, I'm pretty sure I'll do good tomorrow, nevertheless, a wishing of good luck wont hurt =) Sorry I cant make it to your sites today, but I'll do my best to be back and visit people tomorrow...hopefuly.
On another note, I'm kind of sad right now for what happend to a good friend of mine here. Some of you may know him. Well this is for him.
*Josh, I'm here for you, just a simeple PM away. Dont worry, everything will be ok. Take care. Love you, (hug)*
Well I'll talk to you later otakus. I need to search for more info for that project. I'll catch up with you all later. (huggles)
~eva girl~
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
Eva Potter
Hello everybody! Not much going on today. Dont know what I might do for the rest of the day, except to get my clarinet and practice my chair test music. Yup, I'll be taking it on Tuesady or Wednesday so I need to practice a bit. I'll let you guys know how it turned out later on the week.
Earlier I was watching the 3rd Harry Potter movie and I just remembered that I had this pic. This is a cross between Evangelion and Harry Potter. I'm off now to go watch some more Wolf's Rain. Well hope you guys have a great weekend, love ya all. (huggles)
~eva girl~

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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Howdy otakus! How you all been? Hope the answer is a good one. As for me everything has been going good. Yesterday was our last football game of the season since our team didnt make it to playoffs this year (we really sucked this time around.) Well it was also our "band sweetheart" (its like homecoming but for band) We did the presentation on half time and all and after the game it was PARTY TIME FOR THE BAND-JOCKS! ^^ We had a DJ and food there in the band hall, it was pretty fun. They had this big screen showing all our performances throughout football season, it was cool. The thing ended up around 12:30 but we still stayed there longer, just to not go home. Overall it was lots of fun, all from the food to the dancing (even our band director busted out the moves ^^)
After that I just went home and fell asleep enhausted. Today it has been a pretty good day so far. Woke up and started to play HALO with my bro and cousin. After that I had something to eat and continued with the Wolf's Rain episodes. Now I'm here in the o visiting my friends. I'm going to change the look of my site pretty soon. I'm getting tired of this one as much as you all are too.
I'll let you all go now. I need to go see what animes are on sale. ^^ (huggles) love ya guys.
~eva girl~
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
yes, eva girl still lives
HI THERE! It sure has been a while since my last update. I've been missing all of you. I apologize for not visiting anyone lately but is just I dont have much free time to spend online like I used to. Right now I'm updating because I need to search for some political cartoons for a class project, so I decided to swing by the o and see what my otaku friends have been up to. As for me, well lots of things have happend since my last post. First, let me tell you all about the band competitions I kept on mentionin. Well we had the last main competition about 2 weeks ago and I'm sad to tell you all that we got a 2. We were expecting to get a 1 (the best ranking from 1-4, 1 being the best) It sucked, we could of gotten a 1 but there's just too many people who dont care. Well, that's now in the past, there's nothing we can do about it now.
For the most part school has been fine. I've been improving on my algebra 2 grades xp but I still believe that such subject is useless. Pre-AP Chem and PAP English 2 have been alright. Those are the hard subjects so my other classes have been pretty easy.
Now to a subject everyone will enjoy..ANIME NEWS!! I am currently watching Wolf's Rain. Yup, me and my bro finally bought the series and let me tell you it is one of the best animes out there. Also, my boyfriend got me Fruits Baskets (the entire series)!! ^^ He's so sweet, I love him so much. Just 2 days ago was our 1 year anniversary. I'm so happy. ^^
Well I'll get to some of your sites right now, I still need to search for those Political Cartoons. I'll let you guys go now. I'll see you all soon. Love ya all (huggles)
~eva girl~
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