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myOtaku.com: Evai

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   Rant Mode: On
Instead of talking about the weather today(which is cold, damp, and unpleasant), I shall rant.

My math class is really pissing me off. Not becaous it's difficult(I'm actually doing pretty well this year), but because of the people in the class. Three out of four people sitting around me are those utter utter fucking MORONS who think that the world is a drum set. And they drum with everything from pencils to calculators fo their feet. One of these guys also makes mouth noises. About another third of the class are loud, obnoxious jocks. You know the kind. And then there's this one girl who just /will not shut up/. She's been moved around the classroom about 20 times, and there's just nowhere she can be put where she won't talk. If you put her away from people, she just talks across the room. As for the tapping stuff, you'd think that I could just get a new seat, but A: The entire room is like that, and B: I have senstive hearing. No matter where I am in the room, I can still hear them. It's not like they're quiet anyway. And little noises are probably my biggest pet peeve. >.< I can't stand gum chewing either...

Other than that, I got ogled by the creepy guy. And Mr. Sacash, but he does that to everybody. (He ykids! On the minute chance that someone other than lizzo reads this, I have a new word for you! Mr. Sacash is basically Mr. Kimura from azudai, only real. So, instead of being molested in any way, you get sacashed! Spread it around!) I mean, the guy actually turned his head to follow me across the room. If you're going to stare at my ass, at least do it subtly, please. >.>

Okay. Done ranting for now.

Peace out.

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