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myOtaku.com: Evai

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A fantastic day! Although a bit humid. I actually find humidity rather pleasant, I just don't like how it makes my hair feel.

Had the math OGT today...It went better than could be expected, but not neccessarily good... I didn't drown in numbers. w00t. Most of the questions on there were stupidly easy, but there were still a couple that were just... What?

So my mom's brownies went skating last night, and of course I went along to wrangle. I like to think I'm pretty good at ice skating(better than most people, at least), but a roller rink is very different from an ice rink. I got the hang of skating in rollerblades after a little while (doing crossovers and expecting rollerblades to move like iceskates is really WEIRD.)but I still can't stop in blades.Whenever I try to do a t-stop, I just fall down. Or spin around and THEN fall down. It's hard to stand still in blades, too. O.o I fell down once, though, and hit my knees /really hard/. As in, they are now purpley-green with lots of lovely deep red blood-filled pores easily visible. =D Iseem to be getting very bad bruises this past year or so... I t was still really fun, though... ^__^

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