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myOtaku.com: Evai

Monday, March 19, 2007

More skating.
Even though it's a week later, I'm going to talk about roller skating some more.

For a couple days after that, I wanted to take quad lessons. (quads being your basic four wheeled skates, not rollerblades) Partially because I can't even stand up in quads and I'd like to rememdy that, but also because of the ref there. He was really graceful in his quad skate. (every now and then I kept thinking hah, If this was an ice rink I could sashay about like you!) But also , he just looked like he really loved his job, which makes me happy. I like it when people obviously love their jobs. And his job seems erally awesome. That would be a great not-career job...

But now, (and I'v ebeen thinking this for a long time) I'd like to take some kind of string instrument... Most liekely cello or violin. For some reason, when I think about learning a string instrument, it just seems like a good idea. Like it's the right thing to do, or something. Funny thing for an atheist to say, oh yes.Unfortunately, I don't think my mom would respond well to the idea of string lessons, since I never practice the instrument I play now...

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