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myOtaku.com: Evai

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Went to a party and was much fun. ^_^ A sleepoever, w00t. Many people seem to be inviting me to parties now. o.o 3 people this weekend. Shannons, and another sleepover from stephanie. I probably would have gone to mikes party, but I wouldn't have been much fun. It was around 8 ish and I kind of passed out on our couch after dinner. ^^''' Literally. I remember sitting down, and then it all blank untill about 10:15, when I awoke to dirty jobs. It was the 100th job episode. AGAIN.

Anyway,there was much fun at shannon's party. We played ddr and katamari and watched a weair gay almost porn soap opera. I colored many things. =3 And I watched/listened to advent children at least 4 times. I was going to play ff7 today(damn you liz!), but I left my controller at shannon's house... I also let my blood sugar crash really badly, which hasn't happened in a long time. I actually threw up in shannon's bathroom.>.< That's never made sense to me.You get desperately hungrry, so you throw up? Go figure. Anyway, I'm glad I stuck it out, because we went to the bookery later, which was lots of fun... I love that place. ^.^ It's like a little evai heaven. I so wish I'd had some money, because they had a whole bunch of volumes of phoenix(tezuka for the win!). O___O I hadn't even know those were being published in english. So now when my mom comes back I need to drag her down there and go LOOK AT THE SHINING HOLY LIGHT oF THIS MANGA. I COMMAND THEE!!!! They also had a shirt she needs to get. It said : Joss Whedon is now my master. I need to get lizzo to watch more firefly... And they had many action figures which made me laugh. I would get a cloud and a vincent of what's there now, but I would so buy a balthier... They have a bunch of old books and stuff, too... Grr. I need to like, become a ghost or something so I can haunt the bookery.

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