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myOtaku.com: evanescence3000

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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osoraku (01/09/05)

Recently you visited my site, and made an invitation to come.
So here I’m!
I like your site as well your work; I’m a Dragon Ball fan too.
Also I like evanesces, the song you put to your site is cool…
See you!

Demon Fangirl (01/09/05)

Hey, since you were kind enough to sign my GB, I ought to return the favor. I love your layout, and I also love Evanescence, and tell Ami I said thank you for sending you my way!

Fae Tsukiakira (01/08/05)

Greetings, love...A very lovely and beautiful site you have here...so you are a photographer for Evanescence...?...i believe you...I do not doubt your words which appear truthful...obviously luck has smiled down upon you...?...but if i may ask how did you come to be their photographer...?...the question just passed over my mind...well i must bid you farewell until our next encounter...I shall add you as a friend if that pleases you...if you would rather me not then just say the word and i shall unlock the connection...Farewell....
*bloody kisses and black roses*

~The Innocent Demon~

Lonely soul (01/08/05)

evanescence is one of my fav. bands i am so adding u as a friend...bye... :)

Sakuma-Ryuichi (01/07/05)

I am lucifer Behold! No. No I am not. Unfortunately. Anyways! I am a fan of Evanescence! Well! Bluntly I am adoring your site. I think I'll add you. So there!

fallen otaku (01/03/05)

Heya! Thanks for signing my guestbook again- So I'll sigh your new one :) Rock On- Kristina.... check out my newest pics and comment :)

Zan (12/30/04)

Hello! I like the text color of your. Your site is cool. Although there's not much to read (excluding the intro). That's a good picture of cloud. The best one I've seen yet.

ElvesAteMyRamen (12/30/04)

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my GB!! Thanks for complimenting my fanart and mentioning my Inu and Sess duel drawing as well as the angel drawing! I had fun with both of them! Nope, I don't use the computer on my drawings...I prefer the traditional art and I think deep down..most people prefer seeing stuff done entirely by hand. Anywho, thanks for adding me as a friend, I'll be sure and do the same for you and I hope to see you around again sometime!^_^

i wuv u (12/29/04)

hihi! dude wuts up?? love the site and u were born on new yeas!? koolz

kingdomheartsgirl (12/28/04)

hey there!

sry i signed ur gb a little late. my stupid comp wouldnt load. anyway enough talk on that. ^^ thanx for signing my gb and for adding me as a friend. ill do the same. luv ur site! its kool looking! hope to see ya around!



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