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myOtaku.com: EveeAngel121

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Hisui (12/05/04)

Hey! Thanks for coming by and signing my gb. ^^

Luv your site! nice color scheme and pretty avi. ^^

Oh, and you asked how I got the blinkie up. It's the same way as a picture.

Well, cya around!
Take care!

Princess of Mer (11/20/04)

me lov MUDKIIIIIIIIIP~and c'mon..who can EVER reisist Torchiiic~
and u made a blunder..it's eevee,not evee....if eevee knows...maybe it'll make u leave its fanclub.....
(this crazy person whose gb i'm signing going 'NOOOO!pls dun kick me out!!' _ _U)
kk ....bb....gd luck with persuading eevee to let u stay...!

Cheetahgirl12001 (11/18/04)

I love poke'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!Like your site.Sign my GB!

Chibi Pyro Duo (11/18/04)

I wanted to say that your site colors are phenominal they go together so well without hurting my eyes ^^. You like gameboy too? It's so hard to find girl gammers!

lil angel girl (11/06/04)

hey hey! kewl site! thanx fir comin by! ttyl!

DNAnime (11/04/04)

Awesome Site!!Im gonna add you as a friend since you were so nice!!!Im gonna add ya sister as a friend too

*i gotta go visit ya sisters site seeya

scaryperson5 (10/30/04)

hey umm nice site,its interesting...well ne way come by sum time, seeya.....x_X

RanmaVS (10/16/04)

thanks for signin my GB. nice site ya got here. WOLVES ROCK! well, see ya 'round mon amie (my friend).

anime girl67 (10/15/04)

hey, thanks for signing my guestbook! ^_^ i'm very glad u like my qizzes. i'll keep them coming as long as i can think of more to write! hehe, so i'll add u as a friend. cya!

sweetypie34567 (10/14/04)

no my name is not really mandy but people call me that as my nickname you can call me that if you want to. my real name is amanda!!!!!

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