hello everyone,my name is evenstar87. i am a huge fan of anime and manga. the first anime i ever saw was sailor moon.now my favorite show is inuyasha. my favorite movie is the lord of the rings. the lotr movies are the best movies and peter jackson a great director i dont think steven spierberg could have pull it off.my favorite band is linkin park. i just think their the greatest band ever. they never disapoint. i live in the bronx. its not a bad as you may think. well i dont know what else to write so this is good bye.
Friday, May 18, 2007
New wallpaper
yea im just workinig on some new wallpapers. hope you guys like it to those who care.... anyways
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
long time
i dont really know why im writing here since i spent all my time in myspace and write there the most. but anyways im just happy. yesterday i saw v for vendetta. that was a great movie! i fell in love with the character of V. plus his voice is sooo sexy. the movie awaken something in me im more happy for some reason. i dont know maybe im jsut imagining it but i dont care. ahhh ni dont know wat to write anymore so im going later
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
its been ages!
wow i havent been on the otaku for a really long time. well lets see im in college right now but hate it and will transfer soon. ummm my mommy is pregant. ummmm i dies my hair with red streaks. ummm i started to drink and that about it i guess. theres more but im no good at remembering stuff. well i been seeing soem anime but mostly on adult swim. fullmetal alchemist is the shit! i love that show. i still love inuyasha but u dont see me getting a inuyasha tattooo. yea that right i eant the tattoo that Al has on his arm. i want it on mt shoulder blades somwhere. i dont really care if nobody sees it but i just like knowing that i have it. well that all for now . im probably not going back for a while caus eim so busy with ohter sited too.
Saturday, August 6, 2005
bored out of my mind
its a saturday day and i am bored. i have no money. i live in manhattan and all my friends live in the bronx. i cant go visit them.i am downloading some stuff. i cant wait till adult swim though. my two favorite animes are samurai champloo and inuyasha. so i am here waiting and waiting..... god i need to get a job