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The ocean
Member Since
Real Name
Emily *******
i mastered arts
Anime Fan Since
Remember sailor moon at 4 everyday?
Favorite Anime
anime: Bleach Manga:One Piece Game: Kingdom Hearts
To paint a perfect picture of the ocean
Drawing i dont draw anime but land scapes
Painting witth oils without gettin them on you
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when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against's policy
to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.
Only one guestbook signature per user.
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Guestbook Entries:
AnimexClub (09/23/07)
Hello and thanks for singing AnimexClub gb. This is really cool and awesome site. You can get in contact with new users and flaut your own favourite anime and discover new ones that you'll learn to adore.
Pick a topic or a an anime/manga send it, and we'll post it, hopefully with feed back discussing user's opinions on the anime. Some good, some bad, but it's not all flashing lights right? Debate civil-like to voice your own unique opinion.
Animex is always open to ideas on how to improve. But don't stop there, post our buttons on your site or ask another club to link us and spread the word. We want to help link all the clubs together and create a mass of clashing otakuites to get to know one another!
But we are controlled :P.
Youre now an official member pick a banner from our selection or just link or tell people about. Have fun, spread the word! Just don'concentrate it!
Thanks ♥
Team Plasma N (06/05/07)
*appears out of the mist* Hey there sorry about this guestbook signing but I wanted to randomly sign guestbooks so I am a random ninja going around making sure everything is ok on the far so anyway if you have a chance stop by my site and sign the guestbook I would appreciate it a lot! If you decide to add me I will add you only if you visit...cya! *does ninjitsu and disappears*
~Not Only Shall I protect Naruto, but all those on the otaku~
Moto-chan (06/04/07)
Hey! It's Vennie! I love you Emmy! Addin you bye!
Spy bunny (05/29/07)
hello ^^
I love your site its sooo kewl! I love that you have a certain theme and stick with it.
randomized05 (05/23/07)
hayz! i like the site ^ ^ i also like yr name- "Every time" i think its catchy. well ill add ya and you can pm me whenever you'd like, i can cure boredom! eh....sometimes, i am more entertaining in person, but we cant do much about that now can we -_- well i hope that we can become good friends ^ ^
Iceburg.the.wolf (05/13/07)
yay! im first to sign! Welcome to theo! I hope you enjoy it here...if you have any questions just pm me ok? Later!
~Iceburg the mystic ice wolf