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Evil Aki 666
somewhere, out there..... in a forest next to a wildlife refuge right by the beach
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student...... and one of those people that push carts around the grocery store
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... I hate my name, so don't ask.
running away from home, but that doesn't count anymore. T_T
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I don't know
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to eventually die soon...
listening to System of a Down
running... I guess.
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Hey, it's been another couple
As the title states, it's been a couple months. So, I told myself to update... influenced by other minds admittedly. lol.
Hmm, so what's new might you ask? Well, let's see... Track season has started up. I'll try to beat all my records from last year, if I can remember what they are at least. If I can't figure that out, I'll check the school record and see if I can beat that. Now that would be an achievement. I love running, but the coaches suggested that I also try some field event, so I'm thinking of trying long jump also. That might work. I'm taller than last year, so I think I have a fair chance at doing well.
Other than that, testing is over for now. That's a plus. Even if all the tests were easy, they were just tiring. So, I'm glad it's over.
Nothing much else. I had to change my shifts for work to Fridays through Sundays because track interfered with that. *sigh* that means less hours of work and less money for food and gas for the car. *sigh* oh well. it's still money, so my father can't argue with me.
So, how has everyone been in my absence? I think I'll set a goal for myself and visit all my friends this weekend... sounds like a plan. And thanks for stopping by.. who knows, maybe I'll come back sooner than two months. lol.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Hey, it's been a while... as always. Heh.
Hello people... my friends. I suppose it's about time for me to update again. Yes, I rarely come on anymore. I suppose it's not that I'm busy, but then when I think about it, I am busy. So... yeah, you can say I'm busy.
Uh... how have you people been? Myself, I've been good. The 14th of January was my birthday. >.> And I'm going to take the test for my driver's license. Wish me luck. I need to be able to drive. It'll make things a lot easier.
Anyways, I just thought I'd say hi since it's been a while. And that's all folks... yeeaah...

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I should have figured.... hardly anyone visits me anymore. *sigh*
Hey, it's Halloween time and if none of you know the story (which I'm honestly hesitant on explaining) then I suppose I'll tell you in a little bit.
However, do to the date of Halloween, I was invited to a costume party on Sunday. My best friend wasn't invited though because the host and him.. let's say that they don't exactly get along too well. My girlfriend was invited, but she didn't go for the same reason that my best friend was not invited. *sigh* and now it's Hallow's Eve actually.
And... I shall spend Halloween with my best friend and my girlfriend like we did last year.. only, I don't want to get them all sad like I did last year... that's kind of rude as the host. We went to the cemetary. We are going to the cemetary again this year... and yeah.. I heard that the spirits rise from the dead on this day... what a load of bull.. I so wish it was true.
I guess it's time for the explanation and then I shall leave. When I was ten years old (and I'm sorry to all the people I've lied to before but...) my mom died. Eh... whatever...
I thought I'd update anyways... it's been a couple of months and I wondered if anyone still cared... so... here I am... back again... For one day anyways.
That's all folks! Oh right.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

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Saturday, September 9, 2006
it's been a while.............. and I could seriously be okay with dying now.... do you people actually read the headline?
Hey, it's been a while since i've been on. Yeah, so I thought I'd come back again. Well, first off, a few things happened over the summer so, I was forced to go spend a few weeks with my cousin... I sorta forgot about his birthday.
hmm... and yeah, there's been school, it's not too bad. I just don't have any classes with my two friends. So... they leave me notes in our locker. heh, our best source of communication throughout the day. lol. sucks.
...and........... I think that's it that I'd like to share. Later

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Hey, it's been a while.... again.... it's similar to a mix of happy and upset.... someone kill me.
Hey... yeah... my friend comes back home tomorrow. I'm glad. It's kinda lonely without real people around. Sure she calls and stuff... like every night, but... I don't know, you understand?
I'm probably going to change my theme if I have time, but I probably won't... Another one of my friends is going through parent problems because they're getting a divorce. He has to decide where he wants to live.
Also, my father happens to have gotten sick... strange, because I don't know how he got ill. It's really bad too. Whatever, I'm sure he'll be fine...
So, how has everyone's summer been?

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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Damn happy... er... I was. heh.
Yeah... I went to see my friend at her grandparents house in Bellevue, which is near Seattle. I live on the Kitsap peninsula... if that gives a description or something.. but I missed her. Two months without her, but it doesn't seem like too long, does it? I'm just pathetic.
I rode my bike there and it took me a whole day. Admittedly, I did get lost half way there... and it sucked that I spent half my money on a ferry ticket, but it was well worth it. I stayed with her for a couple days and met her new friends, whom are creepy, and she has pink hair now... first thing I noticed. And she happened to notice that I'm about two inches taller. That makes me tall... man... heh.
I have to deal with my father once he returns home. I sorta didn't tell him that I was leaving and that probably messed him up and made him think I ran away again... Stupid father... heh. I didn't mean that.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006
hey... only been a week, right? well... hm... yeah... my head hurts
The phone rang, so I went to go get it... it was for my father so, I went into his study to give him the phone, one thing though, he doesn't like to be disturbed... so, as soon as I come in, he throws a dictionary at me. Where the hell did he get a dictionary from? The book hit me in the head, I fell down, and my father yells "oh shit!" I started laughing... dunno why, just felt like laughing at that moment. and he yelled for me to shut up... afterwards, he had to deal with the person on the phone.
I've had this theme for a while and I've got some spare time... what do you all think I should change it to?

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Thursday, July 6, 2006
uh.. uh... happy independence day! heh.... wait... yeah... loser is back again.... I hate myself.
Well, the 4th wasn't all bad. A bunch of friends of mine all got together and stuff. We hung out on a sailboat in Kingston to watch the fireworks. It was pretty cool. However, one of my friends pushed me in the water, so sitting on the boat the rest of the evening, watching the fireworks was fairly cold. But it was nice being with people I know and stuff... it's just that the person I wanted to be with the most is many miles away...
Now I shall continue the rest of the week in my loneliness at home... such is the life I live.

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Sunday, July 2, 2006
hahahaha... something really funny happened this week... but it makes me feel bad and sorta happy..... but I'm not gonna talk about it.
Yeah, so how's everyone? How's life?
I've been good. I'm feeling better than I have been... it's about time, huh? uh... other than that, I don't really know what else there is to say...
Fireworks have started, but they're illegal around this area because I live in like a forested area. Though, people still light fireworks and stuff. If I don't go out of town this week, I'll just head into town and watch the lights... yeah. heh.
So long...

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Sunday, June 25, 2006
uh... yeah, I cried, so what? ............I'm such a wimp
I finally got a chance to go to the doctor's. My cousin took me. If I get worse, I'm to go back, but otherwise, it shouldn't be too bad... but for some reason, it already seems like it.
uh... yesterday, my friend took me to the beach and she fell down the stairs that lead from her house to the water and she started crying. My other friend and myself were worried at first, but then she said that the pain wasn't the reason she was crying, it was more that she was leaving for the rest of the summer. I'm not entirely sure if she was lying or not. She left today.
I start summer school on Monday, I'm gonna go whether I feel well or not.... see ya

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