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Evil Aki 666
somewhere, out there..... in a forest next to a wildlife refuge right by the beach
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student...... and one of those people that push carts around the grocery store
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... I hate my name, so don't ask.
running away from home, but that doesn't count anymore. T_T
Anime Fan Since
I don't know
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to eventually die soon...
listening to System of a Down
running... I guess.
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
heh, not a loser anymore... but, I am a sick loser! heh...
eh, I'm bored... who's bored? Not just that... I can't do anything... all I can do is nothing... nothing... that word hurts me.. the agony, pain, make it stop... nah, it's alright. I used to be able to take up a small fraction of time by making meals and stuff, but since my father's not letting me touch the food, dishes, be in his room... stuff like that, so I really have been bored... bored as hell. Being sick sucks. I don't think I'm getting better like I was before, either. I think it's getting worse. I went to work the other day.. not the smartest decision I made, almost passed out. the dude with the rules... haha, yeah, I talked to him it went like this sort:
Him: don't come back til you're better
Me: what if I don't get better?
Him: then don't come back
Me: but I need to come back
Him: I don't care, go home
Me: Fine....
and then some, but like I had my bike as usual, y'know. So, someone else decided to give me a ride.
...and more has happened... a lot more, but I guess that can wait for another day...
...heh, I'm a loser. >.<

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Monday, June 19, 2006
eh... father's day
My father's picky. I made him breakfast and he threw it away... because he doesn't want to get sick. But that was kinda rude... ah well.
And uh... yeah, it was a father son day. Kinda nice day I guess.
I got an email from my teacher and she said that I might not have to go to summer school and all I'll have to do is take a bunch of tests for each of my classes, but that would mean contacting all my teachers somehow.
and i'm supposed to meet my father's girlfriend's kids sometime soon. it'll be weird, the son is my age and the daughter is a year younger. And if I have to meet them, it makes me think that... nevermind, i dunno.
how was everyone's father's day by the way?

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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hi, and the loser has returned yet again.... yes, that'd be me.
I rose from the dead last night. Happy? no... I'm still sick. But I'm getting better. I'm regaining my senses at least. Another note on the bright side, I don't have to make dinner. My father doesn't want to catch my cold... he will.
my friend is also mad at me because i never took the time over the last couple weeks to reply to her messages and crap. She's so impatient and thought that I ran away or something. I guess it couldn't be helped...
Huh... and I had no time to prepare for finals because I was sick all the week before and we got out last wednesday, i wasn't able to do much and then I just skipped the last three days. There was no point in going to school... So, for failing finals, i have summer school. At least i won't be bored... yeah. i hate this. Summer is going to suck.

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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Hey, the loser has returned. lol...
How you all been? I can't think right... right now. So.. excuse me for any stupidity at the moment.
I'm like sick with a really sore throat which sucks ass so bad.. Not just the throat being all bad, but I can't breath and I can hardly stand. It sucks. I don't even know why I'm updating besides the fact that I'm awake and bored. I'll probably go to sleep soon seeing as I've just taken medicine which should knock me out any moment now.
Not only am I ill, but next week is finals and I really don't want to fail, which means I'll need to go to school, but my father won't let me. Maybe I shouldn't, but I'm going to try and get to school. I'll try. I really don't want to fail. >.<
Yeah... so, have a good day and all.

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Sunday, June 4, 2006
How is everyone? I'm okay, I guess...
Last weekend, my father got in another car accident. It irritates me at how many times he gets hurt. I think he is suicidal or something. He's been in the hospital all week, but he's fine, so, I'm not allowed to worry... he says. And he's coming back tomorrow. I think I was just scared that he might die. haha, I shouldn't think like that.
Well, school's out in a week and a half. So, all is good. yeah. =D
uh... have a good day. and, i have got strep throat now. sucks so much. Why did I saw that all is good?

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Sunday, May 21, 2006
I suppose I'm mostly better now...
I forgot that I was going to update today. >.<
...uh, nothing much has happened really. I'm not so much upset as I had been before. I talked to my cousin about things and I realize how stupid I've been. Actually, he forced me to talk. He came to my school and chased me around the whole place and then I tried to ditch him on my bike. Hell, he has a car. He caught up and opened the door, knocking my over and I have this long scratch all over the side of my arm from falling on the road. >.< It didn't hurt, really.
Another thing that made me feel really stupid was the Romeo and Juliet unit we're doing now in school. It makes me wonder why my father is still alive. heh, I hope you have all been doing fine.
See ya...

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Monday, May 15, 2006
Hey, I'm back again. I guess I'm fine....
Well, I want to thank you all for the comments. I feel better when I read them, but once my mind fades, I feel the same as before.
I don't think it helps that it was mother's day. By the way, I hope everyone had a good mother's day, and I hope that your mother's have had a good day as well.
I realize my father deserves to be happy with whomever that special person is. It's just that he's tried so hard to not lose every last little thing that resembles my mom. Yeah... I spent all day by myself where my mom lays. heh, you could call it an uneventful day.
I finally got a job.... at the grocery store. So, after school there is track practice and then I have to work. I finish at 8 or 7:30, and then I stay there, do my homework or whatever until my father picks me up at 9. I figure that if I keep myself busy enough, I won't have time to think. lol.
My father asked me what I got for my mom and I told him that I would give her myself. He didn't get it until just now, which is why he has now finished yelling at me. lol. Took him all day.
Have a good day, people. Sorry, but I'll be busy most of the week, so don't expect much.

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Monday, May 8, 2006
Dammit all......
heh, I hope you all had a good weekend.
I got in a fight with my father. Actually, it was more of he got mad at me... I saw this coming, but I never really thought about it. He and this lady he works with... like each other. I find it odd. Then he told me how it would help me if two people were to support me through college and whatever. If it's that hard for him to take care of me, he should tell me to jump off a cliff or something... I'd rather do that than let someone I hardly know help.
It later hit him that it's because of my mom that I don't like this whole thing. So, he decided to bring Lynnly into the whole matter of relating him to me. I guess you could say that it pissed me off... I don't know, maybe I'm complaining more than I should and maybe I am the spoiled little shit he said I am...
At times like these, I wish I could switch places with my mother... or maybe join her. Hell, I wouldn't be as much a burden as I am now.
Sorry for the unintended rambling. It's just that I don't talk about things that much... so, you can consider this as something that only occurs once in a blue moon.
Take care.

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Hey, back again... haha, wow, 2 posts in a row, again!
lol, Two posts in a row, just like last time.
Yeah, so, I went to visit my mom because of May Day and all. I try to use any excuse I can get to go over there. Boredom is one of those excuses, but least likely to work.
I got back and my father was awake. So, I got grounded for leaving so late, he said his famous line of "you were going to get hit by a car and die." And then he told me that he would have come with me because he, too, likes to use any excuse he can to go visit her. Oh well, now I'm under house arrest... great.
see ya, I'll visit once track is over or tonight.....

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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
May day may day!! How was your day? I asked so you better answer, got it?
Hey, everyone. I hope you all had a good May Day. Yeah.
I did something to make my friend really happy. Well, it turns out that my friends weren't avoiding me as I suspected, but doubted and still do. They claim they were busy, as was I. So, my friend came over to my house to apologize. She didn't have to.
Well, my day was okay. How was yours??
I think I'm going to visit my mom now. I got a rose at school, so I'm going to go give it to her even if it is after 9 at night. Since I have a bike, I think I'll be able to get some sleep. I'd ask my father if he wants to come, but he'd probably tell me to wait until tomorrow which I'd rather not.
See ya.

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