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Darkest shadows of hell, fading away.
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Lost soul here to direct other souls to where they need to go- ironic isn't it?
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You never can be sure... check my tombstone when it is made... otherwise known by many names...
Reaching 2006
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you still here?... hmm... I dunno. Wolfs rain roxz, there are too many to choose from
To Find Freedom
Staring through people. I can see things others can't... weird but I have gotten used to it.- can sense thing from future times and present times and I also have a weird talent for writing charms and stuff...
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Monday, December 12, 2005
well i am used to hallucinations but i guess i am getting them more commonly now...
was reading this:
Medical history questions documenting hallucinations in detail may include the following:
Is there a sensation of a voice (auditory hallucinations)? yep
Is there a sensation of something seen (visual hallucination)? yep
Is there a sensation of something felt or touched (tactile hallucination)? ocassionly i get the feeling that there is something srathing against my skin particualy arms...
How long have hallucinations been present? few months
When did hallucinations first appear (initial onset)? no idea lol
Do hallucinations occur just before or after sleep? at random times not realavent to sleep
Has there been a recent death or other emotional event? yeh
What medications are being taken? no none at all
Is alcohol used regularly? nope
Are illicit or illegal drugs being used? no
Are the hallucinations related to a traumatic event? no not really... the closest one to such an event would be seeing the grim reaper.
Is there agitation? yeh
Is there confusion? yeppers
Is there a fever? no
Is there a headache? I get headaches offen, for unknown reasons
Is there vomiting? no
i guess i shouls see someone about it... prehapps oneday
saw a wild fox for the time in my life yesterday and at least i know it wasn't a hallucination cause my friend saw it as well... i did manage to see a small creature that resembled a bunny that wasn't there and one of those dogs the people has this short fur... o.O *shrug*
So how is every one going?
On holidays finally, miss reading all ur sites as they were updated
so I guess i shall do that now
cya l8r
-Kage Oukami
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Friday, October 7, 2005
heya people, long time no see
only here for a min, will drop by a few sites.... but can ya all do me a favour? click this link. click here.
this will just register how many ppl click the link... i need to beet 1000, so can you try and get ppl to visit my page? it is much apprecated. thank you for doing me a favour. and may ye all have great days!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Just quickly running in to say hello. Stuff have happened, I shall update soon. it also going to revamp site... Will get around to that.
just ran to a fe sites, left comments on some on them. but my comments and working one minute and not the next . >.< *sigh*
ne way, no time to chat
luv ya, take care
-evil angel
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Monday, July 25, 2005
ok... well have been visiting your sites whenever I can.
I can't get online to much though. >.<
Saw monster in law... it was an alright movie. Funny with strange visions of them hurting each other... ROFL
-Only happy when it's raining-
ok, I have been bored lately and have had an idea for a possible book and written abit of poetry, which I might post up someday.
For the book I was thinking the plot would be like: these kids' boat crash into an Island... they are around 16 yrs old and all the older people in the boat didn't make it through the crash.
Mixed in with strange unknown scaring looking creatures, a promise and a war that seems unwinable. Powerful ancient magic and telapathic powers/ physic connections. and a whole lot of stuff thrown in wih that...
Don't ask it just randomly came to me the other day... what do you all think? is it worth writing???
although I'm not good at finishing my novels, in fact the most I have ever done for any one novel was a chapter. >.<
I need to write one called 'wroms of the world united' which I promised a friend I would turn her idea into a story.
This yr I don't talk nearly as much as last yr.. I know *sigh* I have just had alot of stuff on my mind and it might be awhile untill things get alittle better... might even take to next yr. O.o
I hope things hurry up and get better, so I can start to recover... atm I am not even sure I can make it through this.
But meanwhile you all take care of yourselves. If you need someone to talk to PM me and I will be quiet happy to talk.
miss you all, shall add a few changes to my site asap. untill then...
cya l8r
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
wOoT! Ok so have started holidays, friday was my last day of skool for 2 weeks XD
hehe.... Friday was like the best day of skool eva... Other than me being vey tired, I went physco, worried a few people and had an interesting conversation with my friend in Biology over the spilt peas experiment... Other than the spilt peas being yelllow and the fact that we were adding meat softener to them. And in mid converstaion, Mrs Greenwood marches in the class and everyone goes sillent (she is one of the 3 yr10 co-ordinators... then she went to the teacher and sed 'Chantel'. and I'm like 'shit' and left the classroom wondering what I did... Turns out to be nothing significant at all. *relief*
Earlier in the day I had a fit cause I had spend all nite working on my english oral and left it on the desk at home, and my teacher's like 'the max grade you can possibly get goes down to a C, if your not ready'. So I was just like whateva and after class arranged for me and Steph (friend who could print off her oral as the skool printers were down) to have the orals at lunch time. so I called dad and got him to come from the middle of nowhere to go home and bring me my oral.
Of course he manage to get me the oral, except it was my draft which I had changed and learnt half of the other speach. Lunch timecame and the enligsh techer just happen to be running late and asked if we could come bac at p.5 (which was our last period and was shorten to 30mins) So we had to run around like crazy and arange with my maths teacher to be very late if there at all. A whole lot of delays, a few converstaions and 2 enlgish orals later, we got our books and rocked up at maths with 3mins to the bell. Our maths teacher is the kinda person thats like 'the bell went 0.05 seconds ago... Late', so everyone id maths was like 'Miss there late' everyone just looked so shocked and everyone spend the rest of the class with gossiping about our late enterence. And we didn't even get to open our books b4 running out.
Got my report... Supose it was alrite. Some A's, 2 D's and alot of B's.
Was bored so went shopping and called up a friend, which end up a very long converstaion on big brother (a show I don't even watch) Something about an eating comp envoling gross food..
have been slowly catching up on what I have missed. Comments are still down for me. Sorry and hope everyone who has them, has been enjoying there holidays. XD *hug*
cya l8r
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I'm back XD
I tried to come on and post and check peoples sites, but for some reason MyOtaku would work. I finally manage to get it working again ^^
still comments aren't working :(
Exam was easy, I have alot of work to catch up on today tho. Hope I havn't missed to much and well prob write more 2moz as I have to go. cya
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
As I promised a pic of me:

Hope it works. Thanx Narkaiis for the background, and the words are from bloodstains by offspring.
well... Comments are still not working for me >.< I still can't check them or write them.
I think 2moz I will use my laptop and hopefully the comments will work on that.
hmmm... I alittle better than I was yesterday, back to my normal standard of depression.
Shall possibly see you soon. (got exams to study for)
take care
cya l8r
-evil angel
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Friday, May 13, 2005
ah, comments aren't working. soz >.<
long time no see.
So depressed all the sudden
worse than before
and nothing to cheer me up anymore
I wish i could live last yr ova just last time.
cause no matter how bad things got,my friends always knew how to cheer me up.
even when I was closed to tears they would always leave me in fits off laughter...
but there so far away now
I'll post the pic up asap and hopeful comments will work agen 2moz.
got some art work I may post up aswell. cya all soon I hope .
Buh Byes!!
and take care!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Well... A lot has happened. Won't bore you all yet, don't have the time. I'll post up a pic of me soon. ^^
Shall up date soon as possible. Right now I shall try and visit as many people as possible, but I just don't get time these days. Maybe on thursday I will have time.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
well... I didn't do my homework so I could visit all your sites for the first time in ages!
Got a test resulf for maths... another A... So far I have gotten all A's on my test for maths, but who wants to bet I get B+ on the exam... I always get B+ on maths exams.
oh well, whats been going on?
I saw a movie: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. heh heh heh. It's mad! gota love the robot dude ^^
good movie ^^
Other than that I am tring to keep in contact with old friends. Been taking photos abit and went through all my old skool photo's to see who was in them ^^.
ahh... Reminds me of the good old times XD
On a sad note. RIP Lindey (lilmissyprissy33)- miss you 21/8/89- 30/4/05 or 8/21/89 - 4/30/05
depending on where you live. I didn't know her well, but I'm so sorry to those who were close to her
cya l8r
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