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Darkest shadows of hell, fading away.
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Lost soul here to direct other souls to where they need to go- ironic isn't it?
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You never can be sure... check my tombstone when it is made... otherwise known by many names...
Reaching 2006
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you still here?... hmm... I dunno. Wolfs rain roxz, there are too many to choose from
To Find Freedom
Staring through people. I can see things others can't... weird but I have gotten used to it.- can sense thing from future times and present times and I also have a weird talent for writing charms and stuff...
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
ok ok, sorry!
really havn't had much time lately...
have snuck on and visited a few people, I'll have to catch up with what I have missed l8r.
not much to say...
I have been weirdly happier than usual lately
Things haven't gotten all the bad in a while.
Still miss my old skool n all... but hey...
how is everyone. need to catch up with you all, shall try to asap, okies.
g2g cyaz all l8r
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
ah soo much going on O.O
well I have been shopping alot lately, lol
seen some old friends of mine.
sorry if I have been alittle distant O.o
well atm I know for a fact that certain things in my life can only get worse >.< *sigh*
I'm outa my mind but feel free to leave a message.
me and my brother are both losing the plot. And I am not smart enough to figure out wat he (or even myself) is talking about.
eg. yester my brother (06ThomMC) said 'wats the time', but meant 'can you turn the music up'o.O
there were police at a house down the road (For once not my house- gota be the first time in 4 years)
I may post a poem up next time I'm on, cause I have wrote so many (mainly depressing tho >.<)
I'm making a motion avatar- if i get time it should be finished in a few days.- I shall post it up once I'm done (if i ever am)
well i shall leave nowish.
soz if I haven't had time to check everyones sites, I shall get around to that later
cya l8r
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Friday, April 8, 2005
wats up?
too much sugar !!!!!!
waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy toooooooooo much!
heheh hehh ehh eh he h heh
ok I'm ova it
havn't been on l8ly, snuck on for a few mins the other day, didn't get to post a comment on everyones site >.<
And then?
and then?
and then?
and then?
and then?
and then?
and then?
ok well things havn't been to good l8ly >.<
police had to visit my house >.<
great rep wif the neighbours!
well ne way.
and then?
i shall go
and then?
what do you mean 'and then?'
and then?
tats all, there is no and then
and then?
and then?and then?and then?
arrrgh someone help me.
and then?
*smashed computer*
ahhh, silence.
*walks away
and then?
and then?
and then?
and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?and then?
ok, I'm ova it, well cya l8r when I have had alittle less sugar
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
well had people over last night to play cards and eat junk.
they left about 12pm.
anyway I had the strangest dream.
It was 1am, very dark and (there is this soccer pitch on the other side of my block) I was at that soccer pitch and I was wearing a black outfit much like the evil star wars people wear that covers there face. It was like i was watching through the cameras around the place. And like what happens on the grugde, the camera keeped going fuzzy and jumping.
all the sudden it jumps showing are slightly taller figure cloaked like me raise a knife behind me. At that point I'm back in my own eyes hear the knife cutting through air as raised, see the figure behind me and ran like mad.
heh heh, I won't continue with the rest cause nothing much happens before I woke up. but that is a weird dream for me..
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Friday, April 1, 2005
ok things are bad
might not be around for a while
can't update much.
well I'm on holidays now.
I won't explain
not sure if I'll be back 2moz or when I will be back.
soz that I couldn't check all ur sites and might not be for awhile.
buh byes
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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Some images:

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

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*yawn* so tired.
skool was a waste of time today, only one class was worth going to O.o
looking for stuff to put on my site.
checked everyones site for yesterday (ones that were updated)
ah time difference really bothers me. why is earth round?
why could it be flat so that ships could fall of the egde and stuff ^^?
so mums having an operation at the moment.
well i shall look for images and maybe post them up.
cya l8r
-evil angel
thanx number 5 for helping me with the background :D
like it people?
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
in a hurry
home work to do
boring as day
will try to make it to your sites.
visit was l8 last time i know
I have skool for the rest of the week o.O *sighs*
finsh early 2moz tho, yay!
cya l8r
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Well I added crawling + clip to site. What do you all think? I reckon that the video clip could have been made alittle better. Crawlings my favourite song, I supose its just how the song feels. I sorta relate to it aswell.
I was going to post a Evanesense song up (hello), but I couldn't find a clip for it.
Question, what is your favourite song and why?
cya l8r
-evil angel
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