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Darkest shadows of hell, fading away.
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Lost soul here to direct other souls to where they need to go- ironic isn't it?
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You never can be sure... check my tombstone when it is made... otherwise known by many names...
Reaching 2006
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you still here?... hmm... I dunno. Wolfs rain roxz, there are too many to choose from
To Find Freedom
Staring through people. I can see things others can't... weird but I have gotten used to it.- can sense thing from future times and present times and I also have a weird talent for writing charms and stuff...
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
hmmm... well, whilst cooking dinner I got burnt by spitting oil :S I think i got bit to hot. I hate cooking with oil soo much. oh well, people are on camp-(Narkaiis is one of them) will miss having her around alot!
I supose today I seem to lack something in my site...
So I would just like to say thank you to a few people. Firstly thank you to all the people who come dropped by my site on MyOtaku, it means alot to me.
thanx to everyone who always stop and chat.
thanx so much Chocobo Gene, you always come check my site when you have time, your always a great, understanding, caring wolf to talk to! ^^
pikapika, thanx for coming by when ever you have time and your on MyOtaku, I havn't known you for too long but I hope to get to know you better.
arch_angel1990. You need to start using this site again and actually post something! haha, good time. Still can'y believe neither of us got in to trouble over those emails, i still remember when you choose ur username- u were going on about arch angels and all this other crap ^^ - miss not having you around (but that would be my fault for moving skools). Lifes pretty boring and normal without you!
XxX-Miroku-XxX -Your such a great person, so glad that I met you, thank you soo much for visiting my site^^.
AnimeBlue Girl, she has left MyOtaku- possibly for forever, I barely knew her, but she was a great person and I will miss having her around, and things certain are different without her on MyO...
Narkaiis, this would be around the 6th year I have known you. You may be a evil wolf, but you have a good heart! Enjoy camp... hope you took the pink dye ;) XD, loads of good times. You proberly know more about me than my own family. Wish you could be here for easter tho!
vampiremage666, thank you for visiting my site. Your site has got to be on of the most interesting sites I have come across, hope to get to know you a bit better and enjoy your time ruling hell.
Egill Hobob- not sure if you went on camp too, but I have enjoyed dropping by your site cause you always have something interesting to post. You have a really good sense of humour, you have a great gift of making people laugh.^^
dark sephiroth- I haven't spoke to you for a long time. That's something I need to do, lol- I'm very lazy. Alot of long convo's on msn with you, Narkaiis and me. Hope to talk to you soon.
Ok I know their are alot more people that I should mention, but there are just too many to type. thanx to all those people and the other people who have been there for me through the good times and the not so good times and the people who have stood by me through my depression. I wouldn't have made it so far with out all you people! thanx!
Others I shall mention quickly.
thanx to Hannah and Sarah Sk. for your great advice, thanx Joyce and Kylie for always being there to cheer me up last year. thanx Libby and amanda for all the laughs. Thanx Sarah D, Sarah Su., Hayley and Kez for putting up with my insanity! Thanx Kim, and well... everyone else from the gang (2many to mention), miss you all lots! and Thanx Danni, even tho you don't use MyO, you still visit my site when you can ^^.
thanx to anyone I haven't mentioned that I should have and fellow wolves.
- Ok their I have thanked people, just thought I would cause I don't think I have before. Plus I notice that you never know what tommorow brings and today might be your last chance to thank the people who you treasure.
hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Hope I recover soon from this viral infection so I can get on with my studies. Other than that hope people don't eat too much chocolate.
worried cause soon I will know if I need to have this operation that I would rather die then have :(. Not sure how soon, but should be this half of the year. This has been going on for sometime and there is this whole issue on it being a risky operation and they have to be sure that it is worth me having it.
oh well, giving myself a headache and I have so much work to do atm.
cya l8r
-evil angel
oh... I forgot, was watching this strange movie last nite about some skin condition that was making peoples skin turn into scabs and spread and making them bleed to death, and they were like coughing up blood, which has made me feel worse cause I have this cough and now I'm half expecting to start bleeding to death, LMFHO!
also sorry if I have been somewhat distant lately- I'm working on fixing that. ne how, cya l8r yet again
-evil angel
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
here is a blonde joke.
Three women are about to be executed. One's a brunette, one's a redhead, and one's a blonde. Two guards brings the brunette forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests.
She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."
Suddenly the brunette yells, "earthquake!!"
Everyone is startled and looks around. She manages to escape.
The angry guards then bring the redhead forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests.
She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."
The redhead then screams, "tornado!!"
Yet again, everyone is startled and looks around. She too escapes execution.
By this point, the blonde had figured out what the others did. The guards bring her forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests.
She also says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."
The blonde shouts, "fire!!"
lame joke, but LMFAO.
well ne how. so glad 2moz is day off skool, cause I am soo tired and on top of every thing that is already wrong with me i feel as if I have been punched in the face. ouch! can't wait the the holidays!!!
I might up a few pics to my site and some links, but all my pics and links are saved on other comp pretty much.
some jokes and stuff.
well this is testing my memory but i'll try and post some avatars up...
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
ahhh, I can't do anything right. I was talking to a person on msn, hhhmmm, i shall name her Lisa and she was one of arch angel1990 's friends (arch angel1990[shall call angel for short] doesn't have a veiwable profile so no point looking up and doesn't use this site ne more.), any how there came some issue that we were talking, something about 'lisa' talking to all angel 's friends that she doesn't even know, but it was my fault that she was talking to me in the first place, cause i got emails stuffed up and some how manage to add Lisa, (don't get how i managed this but...) so now angel is mad at Lisa for something that wasn't her fault and because angel also manage to get confuesed cause she has like used msn 3 times in her whole life. so she is mad at Lisa. Lisa who I barely know is mad at me because Crystal got confuesed and muddled things around and is angry at her for false reasons, so Lisa is also mad at me for false reasons.
So if that made any sence i have in directly really stuffed things up. i need to call angel and sort things out....
-----break while calling angel-----
*sigh* still busy line. Other than that my internet explorer keeps loading weird things but not actually loading them- as if tring to change the page I'm on. I have the weird voicce and can't breathe and talk at the same time and I have an oral 2moz.
i would fix somethings ova with Lisa but she blocked me and I only know her email and angel is busy so I can't call her.
trust me to stuff things up!
welcome back to the line after the break. plus got this enlgish thing to write ova the long weekend and my ribs kill like hell from over coughing and I really don't think i should be going to skool, ut everything is sooo important and i already a one whole subject as NS on my report. but it's not an VCE subject and hopefully I shall be able to repair that mark. it would help if i had that class before the end of term and I knew my teachers name.
well i think tats all at the moment I shall try and repair this mess and not create anymore for 2day.
-evil angel
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I can't help but think I have really f*cked up my life. Is life even worth living any way? I supose I get up everyday for my friends, especially those who are depresed or have been before. There is so much I wish I could tell some one but I don't. I foumd an empty book yesterday and wrote down most of my confessions and then chucked them in a draw. it seems as easy as something good is made it is also destroyed. For every life there is a death. Things are never going to end with 'happy ever after'.
I remember that as a kid I wished that I was older and outa school, now I'm closer to being outa skool I wish I was still 8yrs old, when I thought things that these days as nothing to me were bad. Now the current things are bad. I miss life being so simple and none of my friends were depressed or sucidal. Nor had kate died of cancer and Dot was still living happly. I hadn't become so distant from life. I used to be one of those people that never shut up when with other people, and now I am that person that doesn't want to talk to anyone.
it was my 15th birthday on the 21st, (yesterday) ne how, g2g
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Do we really want to know what our future holds?
ok, so first things first. I got my future told in little detial by a Psychic Medium called Dinora on monday... This wasn't to bad, things are ment to get better, I should go alrite in skool... ect, ect... But there was this one thing in particular that I didn't really worry about then, but now things are getting really weird and I'm starting to get worried...
Ok, well before I got my future told I wouldn't have even noticed these things nor thought them strange...
So I came to the conclusion that although I want to know about my future, that mayb deep down I don't want to know... And I really don't think its healthly to know... ok so none of the things i was told of in my future were Bad, but just knowing this stuff and not knowing enough is really killing me!- but then if I knew enough I think it would b worse..
So if I didn't know at all, everything would be ok... rite? (and now sum1 wonders what is the thing bothering me, lol) :P
well, in other news, it was Sue's bday wensday, so happy bday!
I enjoyed my long week end, which was rather busy. it started off with university stuff and partys and I ended up ditching one party and going into the country, where I ate in this really posh restrurant, meet the most physco waitress. lol and she was abit worried from my gothic looks, but eventually decided I look cool and my cousin spent a long time tring to convince me to lose the dark eye shadow. Tried vodka cruiser mellon, which I have labeled horrible. *goes off to finds Midori*
On wens day, at skool we had injections... then I had PE straight after. my PE group had fencing... We all need to chop off sum1's head sum time. But this fair turn kinda stuff is kinda boring and me and my friend decided to have a propper sword fight instead.- which was entertaining (although the person taking us for PE didn't look to happy). wensday night I was really sick, could move on thursday so I took the day off skool (1st day this year) saw a doctor who said I had a bad viral infection and the worse was over, blah blah blah.
I thought I was almost over it towards 5pm and then i got worse again and got a temp of almost 40 degree's c. which 42 degrees = death and ur suposed 2 be 36.5 degrees. - so still feel pretty crap from that. And I am soo hopeless at word limits, I always go way over... *sigh*
Today me Shu Shu, Sue and sum others got sum pizza to celebrate Sue's birthday. now, I am tired, have been all day. shall go soon, so sorry for boring you all with my life, but I like writing up stuff, sooo yea, cya
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
well... As SANE As The Monkey On The Pepsi Add
Thank the flash light that tommorrow is friday, cause I feel like bite a few head off, its not anger, its just this weird feel that I must crush the human skull in my wolf like jaws and watch blood spat everywhere.
Damn humans any way! who do they think they are?
on other news, english oral 2moz. grrrr... I watched 'darkness falls' mad as movie! just fate that I have a flah light next to me.- it was there b4 i watched the movie cause my brother just walks down stair and asks if i want one.
well, It's going to be a busy as weekend and I'm going to be stuck runing from one place to another, I'm tired all ready. wantted to do a few more things this weekend, but looks like i won't have time- that includes homework.
well what can i say? - don't look at her! lol the movie isn't scary, but it is weird and surprizing!
I think I should take ma dairy to skool ne more- I might be forced to see a counceller or more like pay a visit to the mental hospitial.. (Noooo! I don't wnat to go back there! you can't make me go back!)*pulls out gun and shoots people* Heh heh heh. Well watch out for that cliff, oops, I mean, there is no cliff there. happy death day someone out there, enjoy the end.
are you still here? concerned?
if you drop by post a comment or summat ^^ or she will see you! And you will die!
-l8r *evil laugh, complete with grin* like they say, can't get any more "sane" than me!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
well quick post,
Going to chang somethings on my site around. Dad returned and started talking to me about who I would live with. Mean while my homewrok pie is towering and I'm heading for 2 detentions, *sigh* I really hate my new skool, I want to go back to my old skool wif friends that were aliens but were actually like me and weren't weird kind people that talked to anyone and really are sooo boring. well it's Crysies bday 2moz and I'm going to sleep ova her place sun cause its long weekend, not sure who else was invited- but it a chance to go physco and laugh my head off and enjoy life for awhile.
its weird that no matter how funny things get at this new skool, I really can't find anything funny, its not tha same as the too much sugar, high kind funny that I'm used to and nothing around you can make you feel like sh*t.
Well things are pretty f*cked up as usual, think I might have passed my surds test though :). Giving myself a headace and I really need to finish homework for 2 subjects in 15min. l8r i supose.
-Evil Angel
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Things only get worse...
so fights took place yesterday and last night, police were called... even i was asked questions... so another fight this morning, dad said have a good life I'm leaving.(I was sorta in my room suposedly asleep at this time).
so, me thinks dad left, life is pretty sh*t. Looks like I'm either going to move to bundura or somewhere around there or out of state. but I don't want to stay here wif mum and I don't really want to move, i just moved schools again this year and i would rather stay in one school.
so things are getting complex, prob have a court case l8r in the year and all this other sh*t. If life wasn't already crap and a waste of time, it pretty much is now. Thats not all, but I know friends read this stuff and I try not to freak people out much (grrr lost that book...)... I have got home work to do so i might go do that and try to forget about life.
buh bye.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
hmmm... well, long time no post eh?
Things are pretty f*cked up and the moment, but what can I do?
I think I won't be doing much for a while, way too much work at the moment... and if I'm not to careful I'll end up grounded... *sigh*- me thinks I need anger management asap or I'm really going to lose my temper one of these days...
thinking of more stuff to bore you all with...
Think my head is gona explode...
18 days till my birthday. Ahhhh getting old! someone kill me now!
if ne of u r wondering what ~-on the egde-~ is, it actually a poem I wrote... i might post it up one day, but its in the book i wirte down my thoughts as poems and draw the distrubing images from my mind and it has currently gone missing... and that worries me somewhat...
People might... might... might well, find out things they need not know...
i might add more, excuse the typos spelling errors and any pure stupidy written down on this site!
cya - well c mosta ya's l8r,
luv Evil Angel xXXx
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Saturday, February 12, 2005
*crys uncontrolably*In meomory of dear Dot, lost to us earlier today. :'( Rest In Peace. We will miss you - we do miss you- greatly:'( :'( :'( :'(
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