Hi ppl thnks for visitin my site plz sign my gb!thnks ya very much!!

Friday, February 16, 2007
help plz!
ahhhhhh help someone plz!!! i can't remember how to do anything!!! its been ages since ive been on!!! lol it juz tat school been more complicating than ever!!! well thank for stop by just to take a look at my page!! happy chinese's new year!!!
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
its been along time!!!!!!!!
good golly!! it been like ages since i updated!!! lol its cuz i been yoo busy with my xanga. well its Chinese New Year hope every have a great time!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
omfg!!! it been so freakin long!!!
wud up animefreaks! it been like...forever fo mea to get on tis site!!!o_o tha reason y ish tat i been playin tis game and im like...obsess with it! it been like a month when i started tis game! u guys can check it out to see if ya like it or not it s www.runescape.com! tat game totally rule!!!well i gota go play tis game if i dont i might go crazi!!cya
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Monday, February 21, 2005
wuddddd upppp!!!!
wuzzzz uppppp animelava!!! wat ya been doing mea nothing jus being hyper!!! i had way too much candy!!! well anywaiz tomorrow i have to take a TAKS test tomorrow over english and its suck!!! sorry for the language!!! well i gtg chow!!!*eating noodle*^___^
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
sorry long time no type
ello ppl!!! sorry tat it been a long time tat i havent post anything or did anything to my site!!! well ima try to do something to it but i too lazy to do anything right now!!! well see ya later!!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
its like its just happen!!!^_^
like oh my god its my favorite color!!! i think@_@!!!
 Aqua! Your eyes are Aqua! You're a very energetic and fun-loving person, although at times you can be mellow. Your friends love you! Try not to let your need to have a fast heart rate ruin your health.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla