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Saturday, October 28, 2006
well hi
hello everyone sorry i havent been comenting nor posting but my comp got messed up again and ummm right now im using my friends and well how have all of you been ive missed you all ? *HUGGS*well i've havent been good at all im single again"-_- my bf dumped me and well he was cheating on me with his ex gf so yeah that made me feel like shit but im getting over it oh they stoled my doggy that sucks and well the only good news so far is that my kitty is going to have kitties yayyyyyyy! lol and they got me a lil puppy as wel yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! and im sorry again i promise or hope to die that as soon as i get my comp back im going to visit all of you ok ^_^ 8*huggs* again
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
hello everyone
well im back i've missed all you guys so much *huggs*well school has been great except for the fact im in great pain from all my neck thru my shoulder cause well its all purple cause .............yeah lol and well school is good and im good how are all of you?
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
tommorrow is first day of school ^_^
yayy! im so happy tommorrow is the first day of school im going to get to see my bf ^_^ im happy i have been waiting for this day since the longest lol and well yeah im sorry everyone that i havent been updating or visiting but my computer has been acting stupid last time it took me 1 hour to visit only 3 people and well yeah cause my computer keeps turning off so i wont be updating that often while my computer gets fix ok so im sorry"-_- anyways when my computer gets fix i promise to visit everyone on my friends list alrighty ^-^ how have all of you been?
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Friday, September 1, 2006
hello everyone well today was a good day i went to epik and bought some fishnets i really wanted to buy this manson shirt but my dad didnt let me lol so yeah "-_- i went to work and it was alright im just a bit piss off at my computer cause its acting stupid and doesnt let me visit some sites and comment it keeps kicking me out and its really pissing me off so sorry if i didnt go to visit some of you i'll try to go tommorrow ok ^_^ and well anyways how are all of you?
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
lol here is a picture of my kitty and my real post is below this ok so please coment

and i tought this was cute

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hello everyone well umm pillowsrock i am thankful that im still with my bf and that he still cares for me ^_^ and well yeah today was a good day for me my day off spend it with my kitty and went ot the hospital again cause of my mom had her check up and i just remember some of you had ask me why my mom has to keep going well it is because she had gotten a stroke a while back"-_- so yeah thats the reason why and umm i got to talk to my bf again ^_^ for a lil why cause his parents started saying shit and made him hang up but im happy i got to talk to him for a lil while and now he was fine lol anyways how are all of you?
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
hello everyone well today im so happy my daddy found my kitty and i he only accepted a 40$ reward out of the 100$ i was offering ^_^ but im so sleepy cause i went to sleep at 1 in the morning and my dad found my kitty at 3 in the morning so i woke up really fast and huggs my kitty but then since it was with fleas cause it was hanging out with the street cats i took it a bath at 5:30 am so then i went to sleep like at 6 and woke up at 9 so i have been up since then and i got sick cause i bath the cat so early but oh well ^_^ im happy lol but still a bit sad cause i cant talk to my bf"-_- but anyways how are all of you?
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
hello everyone well today is a very depressing day for me "-_- i cant find my kitty it ran away sunday and its still missing and i cant talk to my bf either cause since he got in an argument with his parents they dont let him use the phone or computer anymore"-_- i hate this i miss both of the things i love the most my bf and my kitty T-T but anyways i dont want to bored you guys with my problems so here i found this is really cool just follow the instructions and you will start tripping out my favorite one is the last one

Are the purple lines straight or bent?

Do you see gray areas in between the squares?
Now where did they come from?

You should see a man's face and also a word...
Hint: Try tilting your head to the right, the world begins with 'L'

If you take a look at the following picture , let me tell you . it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it.... Weird

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Monday, August 28, 2006
well hello everyone today was a good day i didnt do nothing much i just watch the movie gothika again and that was mainly all lol well anyways ummm here a picture of my bf and his brother my bf is the one to the right flipping the book oh how much i miss him"-_- i wasnt able to talk to him today 
and well anyways how are all of you?
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
hello everyone well i was happy cause i got to see my bf today ^_^ but im so pissed off at my boss cause when my bf came i told him if i could leave and he was like no so my bf waited for me for 2 hours and since i wouldnt come out he just said that he was going to leave so i was like ok bye and kissed him really fast before my boss saw me then like 30 minutes later my boss was like you can go to your 30 minute break i was like wtf you fucken whore theres no point anymore he left and well yeah i call him during my break then i went back to work and 10 minutes later hes like you can go home i waslike you fucken asswhole you where just waiting for him to leave huh? you fucking suck and well yeah i was pissed off but i'm so touched that my bf actually went and happy that i got to see him and hold him for about 3 seconds lol anyways sorry for the rant how are all of you?
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