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Sunday, February 5, 2006
my day has been so boring so here are some quizzes
Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating

You're not ready to go walking down the aisle.
But you may be ready in a couple of years.
You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment.
And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility.
Your Brain's Pattern

Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly.
You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions.
And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring.
It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world!
oh and tommorrow i don't have any school yay!
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Friday, February 3, 2006
well hello there let me see umm........ here is a picture of me and my friends:

i'm the shortest one in the picture lol ha ha you can't see my face cause my hair was in the way that day cause it was windy ha ha ha ha ^_^lol anyways let me see the one in the middle is Ana and the one in the left is Jessica oh and that's not how i normally dress but that day was laundry day so i had no other clothes lol
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
this are funny
what do you think of this?

poor little kid huh?
and here is the next one

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Today is my last day with finals hell yeah! i think i did good in most of them except inglish stupid teacher and stupid julius caesar assigments they suck and i will probably pass that class with a D noooooooooooooooooooo!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
sorry i haven't been on that much is cause i'm having finals an am trying to catch up with all my work but today was a cool school day how was everyone elses?
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
hello everyone
well how is everyones weekends going? mine has been alright except that yesterday i wanted to go to my friend tony's gig and i couldn't cause i was going to go to this other party with my dad but then i ended not going cause they call my dad to go work so i was going to go with my cousin but he had already left so i had no ride and stayed home T-T but it wasn't so bad my dad bought me a bag of candy and i already ate it all so i was kinda hyper today but the sugar already ran out *sadly*
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Friday, January 27, 2006
hello everyone
today my day was awesome even though i didn't talk to jeffrey my friend nacho went to class he got in cause their was a sub and it was funny cause like this girl was saying shit to the sub and he got mad so the girl was running away from the sub and he put his leg and the girl fell and went and slam into the wall it was hilarious he does that cause he doesn't like it when people are disrespectful to elders but also i wanted to say thanks to all of you who came and commented yesterday i really appreciated^_^ oh and i'm sad cause my friend Felipe hes mean with me and took my Tazz keychain and wanted to throw it out the window and i said please don't so he kept it an gave it to this other person he's such and asshole why did he had to do that? >.<
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
well hello everyone here's a video that i think all of you would like
ESPECIALLY YOU GUYS but Girls the video and music is cool so PLEASE WATCH it if you can OK
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why didn't you commented on yesterday's post
hello everyone i'm kinda dissapointed about that an other reasons
1:my friend Nacho went to class today and the teacher told him that he can't get in the class again that if he tryes to come again she'll call security that made me so pissed of
2: my friend Netty didn't came to school today cause she whent to Tony's house and Jeffrey looked all sad and lonely i felt so bad and sorry for him
3:i was about to eat this cookie and this kid came in between me and my friend and the cookie fell to the ground and broke T-T
But any ways i'm happy cause jeffrey was talking to me after school and telling me about his past and about times he tried to suicide himself and that for some reason he couldn't suicide himself
1:he tried to slit his wrist and when blood started coming out the blood just dried up and that didn't work
2:he had a gun and tried to shoot himself and the trigger wouldn't move and he tried and tried and tried but he couldn't shoot and we he got mad and threw the gun to the ground it spun and then suddenly the shots just started to go out and his friend enter the door and got shot in the leg
3:he ask his friend to shoot him and he tried to but the gun didn't work again
he also told me that he wish he was back in time that way he could be free an do the things he used to do i actually learned that he is a very sensitive and caring person inside that evil person he tryes to pretend to be . well PLEASE read this post i begg to you all!!!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
well hello everyone PLEASE read this post i know it's long but please read it and comment
well yesterday my friend Nacho pinky swear to me that he was going to go to class cause he hadn't go like for almost a month and then i was waiting for him and he never showed up so today i told him that he was a liar and he said sorry that he went somewhere else but today he will go so when i got to class he was the first person there and i was like cool he did came so we started talking having a comversation i hadn't had a conversation since last year when i was in the nineth so we were talking and then the teacher told us to cut some pictures of food and well we started cutting them and i guess the teacher was in a bad mood that when Nacho was cutting the paper and accidently rip it he said oh shit and the teacher told him to go to the counselor and i was like oh shit that's fucked up and he was hey she said that to why don't you kick her out and the teacher just took him out and i think that's unfair cause why did she kicked him out but not me we desrved the same punishment cause we did the same thing and i don't think what she did was fair well anyways Nacho got so pissed of that he said i don't know why the fuck i came back to this class if i was just going to get kicked out five minutes after the bell and when he left the teacher started throwing away his pictures and i told her to not throw them out that i was going to use them so know i'm doing his work to make him feel a little bit better don't you think? anyways how was everybodies elses day?
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