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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone today was a cool day my friend Romeo came to school today he came yesterday but he left early cause he was feeling bad but he said today he was better and also i'm very happy for him cause he decided to stop doing drugs and i think that's a good thing he is the only friend that actually talks to me now and spends his time talking to me ^_^ i still can't believe i didn't want to meet him the first day i saw him and it's hard to believe that after that they we ended being like close friends
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Monday, January 9, 2006
yay i finally have 50 gb signitures YAY
i know it's kinda low but hey it's more than i expected YAY i'm happy with what i have
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this is not surprising it's true
 Your word is: Helpless. You have so many emotions bottled up inside and you are at the verge of a breaking point. Life is just too painful nowadays and you don't want to live it more. You secretly wish someone would show their love for you and save you from your dark thoughts. You feel there is nothing you can do and may turn to self-harming to relieve the stress. You are also often depressed and may have thoughts of death. Life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.
What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics] brought to you by Quizilla
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well hi everyone
i just finished doing my hw it was so much writing that my pencil cut my finger and it started bleeding oh but today was an awesome day at school i got a lava lamp and it's cool but it get's me sleepy just staring at it
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
oh crap i haven't done none of my hw
tommorrow i go back to school and i haven't done none of my hw and my teachers are some a**w***** but oh well i guess the only good thing about school tommorrow is that i'm going to see some of my friends YAY!
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***The Keys to Your Heart***
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are flexible and ready for anything!
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
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hello everyone
well i'm am not suppose to be here right now cause my dad get's mad but he went outside for a while so hello! how is everyone? i hope good i'm doing well my self to day i went shopping but didn't buy anything cause i didn't like anything well i have to go before my dad comes bye!
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
i thought this were funny pics

south park as Green Day

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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
hi everyone this are things about me
i don't really expect you to read all this but if you want go ahead
here are some things about me
Your real name: Patricia
Nickname: cookie, Patty, Shorty, And Minimi
Age: 15
Height: 4'6 (sadly)
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: tan
Glasses/Contacts? need Glasses but don't have none
Piercing: 2
Tattoos: none
Braces: used to have them
Colors: Black and Red
Video Game: not into them
Movies: There’s way too many
Book: i don't really have one
Food: tacos
CD: lest we forget
Website: i dunno i have to think about it
Cartoon: South Park
Do you
Play an Instrument: no
Like To Sing: no
Have A Job: No
Have A Cell: yes but I didn’t want one
Like To Play Sports: kind of but not really
Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: sadly no
Have More Then Five TV’s In Ur House: yes
Have Any Special Talents/Skills: i don't thinkso
Exercise Daily: Hell no
Can You
Sing The Alphabet Backward: i think i can but i'll be a while till i'm done
Stand on Tip Toes without Wearing Shoes: Yes
Speak Any Other Languages: Yes (Spanish and a little French)
Go a Day without Food: yes
Remember Your Dreams: sadly yes
Read Music Not Just Tabs: no
Roll your tongue: no
Eat A Whole Pizza? deffinitely not
Have You Ever
Snuck Out Of the House: yes
Lied To Get Out of Trouble: Yes
Had A Computer Crash: hell yeah a bunch of times
Gotten Lost: yes
Seen A Star: Yes
Been To Any Other Countries: No
Had a Serious Surgery: don't thinkso
Stolen Something Important To Someone Else: No
Kissed A Random Stranger: nope
Hugged a Random Stranger: nope
Been In A Fist Fight: nope
Been Arrested: no
Had Alcohol:not really
Laughed and Had Milk Come Out Your Nose: No
Pushed All the Buttons on an Elevator: Yes
Sneaked in to the Opposite’s Bathroom: I didn’t sneak I was pushed in when i was in the 1st grade
Kicked A Guy Where It Hurts: yes and regret doing it
Been To a Casino: no
Ran Over an Animal and Killed It: ofcoarse not
Broken A Bone: Nope
Gotten Stitches: Nope
Bitten Someone: Yes
Been To Disneyland/Disney World: yes
Burped In Someone’s Face: nope
When’s the Last Time You
Cried: ummm not that long ago
Went To The Bathroom: about 2 hours ago
Saw a Movie in a Theatre: i don't know the last movie i saw was Tarzan
Read A Book: a month ago
Went To A Doctor: i can't remember
Got Sick: I don’t remember
Do You Prefer
Fruit/Veggies: Fruit
Black/White: Black
Lights On/ Lights Off: Off
Cash/Check: Cash
Summer/Winter: Winter
Snow/Rain: Rain
Rock/Rap: Rock
Meat/veggies: veggies
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
Cookies/ Muffins: COOKIES!!!
Long Sleeve/Short Sleeve: it doesn't matter
Pants/Shorts: pants ofcourse
Spring/Autumn: Autumn
Clouds/Clear sky: Clouds
Moon/Mars: Mars
Love and All That Crap
Do you believe in love: yes
What’s the most important kind of love: between you and someone else
Have you ever been in love: i think i don't really no but possibly yes
Been Close To love: I don't know
Want: candy
Need: candy
Love: animals
Hate: Humans
Feel: alright
Did: Nothing
Am Annoyed By: people
Would rather: be with someone right now than alone
Am tired of: This life
Will Always: Be what i am
Do You Think You Are
Funny: Some times
Cool: No
Pretty: HELL NO!
Sarcastic: Sometimes
Lazy: of coarse
Hyper: Sometimes
Friendly: yes
Evil: kind of yes
Unforgettable: i don't know
Smart: Yes (and i hate being smart)
Strong: Nope
Talented: nope
Dorky: i thinkso but don't know
What Comes To Mind When You Hear The Word…
Lonely: Me
Pen: writing
Window: looking out
Psycho: ME
Strange: ME
Suffering: Me
Art: Awesome
Would You Ever
Sky dive: Yes
Run away: Yes
Curse at A teacher: yes i do it most of the time
Unscrew you cell phone to see what’s inside: I already did
Visit a foreign country for more then a month: no
Go scuba diving: no
Write a book: i can't i'm not that good at writing
Become A rock star: i don't thinkso but wish i could
Last Questions
What Kind of Computer Do you have: windows xp
What grade are you in: 10th
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies: i haven't gone for a while but i'll love to do that
How many posters do u have in your room: A big amount
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A little Quiz you may take it if you want
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