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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Yesterday was funny
well it was funny cause like we hadthe christmas tree all decorated and stuff and it had a lot of presents under it but the bad thing was that the presents were breakable and like i'm telling you all of this cause something funny happened with this stuff like my mom was walking and she triped and went and fell on the tree and the tree broke and like she fell on the tree the presents were under and almost everything broke so now today we went to buy the gift for the gifts who were broken you know what the good part nothing of mines broke Hell yeah!
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Monday, December 19, 2005
how did they know i'm dangerous around fires
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i hate the dentist
tommorrow i have to go to the dentist to check my retainers....Darn i hate going to the dentist
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
well hi
well my cousin is doing better his out of the hospital now but i feel bad for him because now he cain't do nothing without having someone looking after him like if his mom leaves to work they sent him to either my house or his uncles house his being babysit to much and you know what i'm sad because my iguana died this morning when i went to feed it it was all hard and stiff and it wouldn't move then when i notice it's eyes where all dried out like if it had been dead for a while already poor iguana
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Friday, December 16, 2005
you know what?
it sucks i got a lot of homework i thought it was supposed to be call vacations Why the hell do they called it vacation if you have to do homework? i have homework for every darn class
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hi! Well i know this post is long but please take your time to read it
Well today was an awesome day we came out of school at 12:30 then i supposed to stay after school with my friends and go and pick my little brother and sister from school at 2:40 but instead of staying at school i went with my friends to my friend Tony's house it was funny because it was 11 of us getting inside the dash to go to his house and when we got in the bus it was funny because all the guys stayed in the back and let us girls walk in first then like the bus was full when ever some one got down they let us take a seat an until every girl was seated they sat last and it was funny because that kept on happening when we got down and up on it again. Well anyways when we were going to his house we all enter his house quitely so his parents won''t know that we were all there right so we all enter so quite and sneaky than we went and locked all of us in his room we were listening to music and stuff and Jeffrey's brother was playing with this handball and it was getting annoying because it kept on hitting someone supposely "accidently" then he threw the ball and it went rolling towards my best friend Netty and she got the ball and tried to hit Nester but Nester moved and the ball bounced of the wall and hit my other friend Ana in the face and that was funny Netty kept on saying sorry to Ana and stuff so later on Nester got the dam ball again and started bouncing it again and it hit me on my leg so i just got mad and jump on top of him and tried to get the ball away from him before he hit anyone else and it was funny because his braces got stuck in my shirt and i didn't want to take my shirt of so i was like dam unhook your braces of my shirt and everyone started laughing then he unhook and my shirt had a little hole so i didn't mind then later he got the ball again and i jump to take it away from him and his brother was like hey it's the first time i see you beat someone up and my friends started laughing because they know i fight a lot but he is the only person that didn't but anyways then i threw the ball somewhere in the closet it got lost in all the clothes so he never got it again anyways Tony's dad came in the room and saw us all and was kind of surprise to see how many people there was? ^_^ but then we left his house like at 2:30 and got the bus again they went to the park and wanted me to go but i couldn't because i had to pick up my litle siblings so i just stayed in the bus wheneveryone went down well the bad news was that i arrived to late at their school they had already left home and when i arrived home my mom was mad and i got grounded dam but the good news was that i had fun ^_^ he he well you know what Netty and Jeffrey look so happy awwww! and i'm glad for them also you know what my parents don't know why i arrived late and that's a good thing because other wise they'll be so pissed at me because they don't let me go anywere and i mean anywear they are very strict and over protective for some reason Well anyways bye now.Oh... i forgot how was your day?
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Well hi everyone
well i have a question Jeffrey asked me which is really confusing who out of all this animals would win in a fight 2 roosters with razor blades in their legs, a kangaroo or a lion? I think it's the kangaroo isn't it because the two roosters would end up killing each other and the lion may run fast but it only runs for a little while and the kangaroo could kick some ass with his legs and it could escape from the lion by jumping with his powerful jumps. PlEASE! help me out with this i know it's kind of stupid but please give me your opinion
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
this is not true it wouldn't be HIM even though his cute but no but his music is alright
 you like the rocker guys and ville would rock your world!
this is funny
 ..:::What type of girl are you??:::..(with pics and 15results!) brought to you by Quizilla
this is true
 Fox demon. Your are sly, loud, fun, and sarcastic. You are not uasually around people unless you are their absolute friend. Congradulations! Your colors are red, brown, and white. Your element is energy/light.
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well today i'm so happy even though school was so boring but lunch was fun my friend Romeo came today and i was talking to him on my 4th periods teachers door but since we were both like so close together behind the door this guy in my classroom was like "Patricia stop flirting with that guy" and i was like "You know what? shut up"and Romeo started laughing and mocking me wich he sucks at but he tried oh also Romeo gave me a cute little lollipop it was in a shape of a little bear and told me don't worry things would get better for you
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
well hello everyone
i'm doing much better now thanks for all of you not getting pissed of for me annoying you with my problems and well HI!!!!!!!!(super hyper)
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