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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
 You represent... loneliness.
Always alone and always sad about it... unlike angst, you don't have to look for a reason to be miserable. You want to be in the company of people but aren't sure how to act when you're with them. Sometimes you have to make an effort. You can't always wait for others to come to you.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Why does doing the right thing hurts so much?
ok well till this morning we were having an argument that should he go out with me or my friend but that either way i would be hurt and i told him and her to just go out with each other cause they like each other right well than they were like let's just leave it as it but i was like if you don't go out it's my fault and then today after school they were holding hands and he was hugging my friend and everything and i was happy for both of them but deep down it hurts like hell i can't stand this pain but i'm happy for my friend and well since i was in the same place as them i was trying not to pay attention to them because i didn't want them to notice that i'm really suffering deep down so each time they will look at me i would just smile back at them and sometimes kind of ignore them so i won't have to look at them but even though it hurts i think i did the right thing didn't i?
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
I'm so sad cause my only cousin that get's along with me is in critical conditions in the hospital because of an overdose and i think it's my fault because i could of help prevent this by telling his mom that he was using drugs i was the only person that knew about him doing drugs but i didn't want to get him in trouble by telling his mom and now look where this has gotten him i should of told how could of i been so stupid i knew what he was doing was bad i could of kept him from doing it i could of stop him but i didn't and now all of this is my fault my parents keep on asking me if i knew that he did that and i am telling them that i don't but this is making me feel so bad Why are all of this painful things happening to me i cain't satnd this for much longer?
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 What angel are you? (with anime pics and japanese names) brought to you by Quizilla
 Eyes of Death - Your soul posesses Eyes of Death. The darkest and most dangerous of all eyes one's soul can posesess, you live life seeing the world through darkness and pain. The sun does not exist in your world and the tears you cry are made of blood. You have few if any friends and none of them are close to you. Your emotions have become numb over time, and you feel as if all you are waiting for is death's cold kiss. You probably have the ability to write the most beautiful poetry this world has ever seen, and you probably understand many things about the world that others could not possibly imagine. You see things for what they are, and you are never afraid to be blunt. Your eyes scream of desparation, but no one ever tries to see the pain that lives inside you every day of your life. The darkness is your master, and you do not see that changing any day soon.
What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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thanks to all of you people
that pm me and gave me advice i really needed it i know what to do know and thanks again i love you all....big hugg...i'm going to write them a letter cause i don't have the courage to talk to both of them face to face telling them to go for it that i really don't mind because there some of the people i trully love and i want them both to be happy with no matter who
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Well you exhibit some of the signs. But you will only kill if pushed and it will most likely be accidental done in a fit of uncontrollable rage so watch it. Oh and i hope you are calm now i am actually quite happy with my life and dont fancy being killed over a quiz ~ Laughs nervously and walks off ~
Are You A Future Psycopath? brought to you by Quizilla
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hi people
i'm feeling better now but i have another problem my friend had told me yesterday that she liked the same guy i like to and today i called him on the phone and asked him if he liked her and he said he did and i got kind of sad and finally told the guy how i felt and i told him to go out with her because it'll be for the best because i want for both of them to be happy cause their my friends and he got sad because he said that know he doesn't want to say nothing because he feels bad that i like him and he doesn't and he said that i will be sad and that he doesn't want that and if he doesn't ask her out i feel that it's cause of my fault and now i don't know what to do what could i do?
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Friday, December 9, 2005
well today i aint feeling so well i'm kind of depress but i'll be alright
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
oh HI
well you know what my computer is working right now as you can see i think my computer has it's own will of mind because it sometimes work and then it doesn't stupid computer
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I won't be able to post or go to anyones site because my computer isn't working and the school computers suck but i'm going to try to fix the problem as soon as possible ok bye for now
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