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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Well Hello Everyone
today i'm so happy because tomorrow it's my last day of school for this week and i'm happy because of that anyways i'm kind of sad because this guy i like invited me to go to a GIG with him but my parents don't let me go if i don't go with my brother and since my brother is an a-hole he said no so i cain't go but my cousin said he's going to ask my parents to let me go with him to the GIG That's like the only cousin that i have that i actually like because his a very cool person and even though he doesn't like metal he is trying to offer himself to go with me so my parents would let me go i hope they do and if even they don't i will still give a big hugg to him for trying cause i know how hard-headed my parents are anyways how was your day?
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Monday, November 21, 2005
awwww i tought this pics were so cute
tell me what you think about them?

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 You died of either old age or a sickness. You are a kind person and are smart. You have a good head on your shoulders. But don't think that just because your death wasn't exciting or extreme that that makes you boring.
How did you die in your past life? (for everyone) brought to you by Quizilla
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i'm so tired today man my whole entire body is aching well anyways let me tell you what happened yesterday First i woked up at 5:00 in the morning then i went to my little cousins house and made some tamales we finished like at 11:00 preparing the food but mean while the food was cooking we clean the entired house thenwe finished like at 3:00 about the same time the food was cooked then we ate some about 4:00 people started arriving at the party they were all drinking and people ended up getting so dam drunk that some couldn't even stand up and some were puking everywere but in that situation therew was a good part and a bad part the good part was that some people were puking in the neighbors yard so i hate the neighbor and it was funny and the bad part was that i had to clean everywhere were the people had puke that was so disguisting I know what i'm going to do next time i'm going to join them on the getting drunk that way i won't have to clean someone elses puke they'll clean mines. oh and i ended giving my brother a tequila bottle for his birthday and i'm happy theres is no more parties coming up.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
well hello there
my brothers birthday was alright but i ended up getting so tired i just fell asleep in the sofa and didn't wake up till this morning but my body was aching like hell because that sofa was so small anyways today i had to clean my room and i just ended right now at 7:29 because i took my carpet away and i move my drawers around and i'm so dam tired and then tommorrow i have to wake up at 5:00am to go to my cousins house because tommorrow it's his birthday and i'm going to help his parents make some tamales and some other food so yeah it sucks and today i couldn't go to my friend Romeo's party because i had to clean my room so yeah this weekend is not going so good as i tought it will
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hey you Know What i berely notice?
Tommorrow is my brothers birthday he's finally going to be 19. I berely realised that Wow i don't know what to give him. Can you give me some advice what could i give him for his b-day i will really appreciate it? Thanks
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Cool Quiz
 Why do you cry? brought to you by Quizilla
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Well today i was a funny day
it was funny because our school has two schedules one for 9th graders and one for 10th and up well when the 9th graders bell rang i got out of my class and left and the security guard didn't say nothing because i'm really short so he tought i was a 9th grader so yeah i was mad at my dad for not picking me up but then he told me i was an idiot for getting out of my class at the wrong bell.
I felt so embarrassed
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
today is a very sucky day
My teacher is trying to sent me back to AP classes when i did my best to get out of them it would really suck and stink if he sents me back because the AP teachers don't like me and i don't like them all i hope for is that he doesn't change me back
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Well Hello
I finally changed my puzzle and i bet you it's harder than it was thursday try it out and tell me what you think about it now
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