E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger evil_eye_elf
Birthday 1993-07-18 Gender
Female Location in a hole somewhere,in the middle of nowhere Member Since 2006-01-27 Occupation over comming my laziness Real Name DORITO!!!
Achievements I have great freinds Anime Fan Since 5years ago Favorite Anime FMA, vandred,FLCL,one peice,naurto,S-CRY-ED,Bleach,Ghost in the Shell,Saiyuki, Hellsing,Samuri7,samuri champloo,gravitation,fruits basket,Get Backers,Inyuasha and some others Goals to start overcome my ADHD Hobbies sleeping, eating ,playing videogams,watching t.v Talents I'm skilled in hand-to-hand combat,and I'm a pretty fast runner
myOtaku.com: evileye elf
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Yeah!!!!!!! i'm not sick no more*actually i'm still sick but not as bad as before*
yes' bed rest is treable i saw wolfwod yesterday she hurt me.
the reason that i recovered so fast was that i ate ramen all day. and dude it was Banging i love ramen!!!!! Comments (3) |
Friday, March 24, 2006
man this one is sssssssooooooo good that almos cried cause i wish that i was her.*ahem*anyways this one is good Rin and Sesshomaru wwwwooooooo
Man i always tought of train of an idoit bur this scene just proves me right.He is pretty stupid but i still don't care he's sssssooooo cute 'not cuter than Sesshomaru'.
spring Break is finally here and now i'm free to do nothing but get on the inter net and i have some bad news you guess Wolfwod is totally sick with something i might go see her *to annoy her of course*.
Today sucked i was sssssssoooooo bored in P.E. and i was totally dead in the gym i hated it.
My mom bought a treadmel thingy and made me help her put the damn thing together at 10:30 and we didn't finish until 12:00 i was sssssooooooo pissed at her but i just watch t.v. and called it a night.
I got a hundred on my voc test yes.i finally did a s.s project for the first time all year.
no more Mrs.Emrick*the bitch mrs.elric tells you about sometimes**ingore the parts when she calls me "it","thing","Dumbass",and my fav "asshole"
today was our last day in health *cartwheels*today mrs.elric put this little thingy on my hand and it means "love" she put the same thing on wolfwod's head.
today we had to do the crappiest assignmebt in s.s today.we had to make models of TN out of some kind of clay it way weird it got stuck to my hands and crap it was awful.hahahahaha mine looked wwwwwaaaaayyyy better than mrs.elric
we had two test today a benchmark in math and a vocab test in science.
SPRING BREAK is next week and i might be alone cause wolfwod might leave to go some where and i really don't know about mrs.elric *really don't care about either of them*
i really don't want to go to school plus that means i have to see everyone that are my enemy and i have a test in science eihter on tuesday or thursday.then to top it all off i got a project due in that EVIL ASS BITCH class*s.s*
my head is pounding again but i can handle it hoppfully it goes away soon
Man i wonder sometime why i even have friends cause my friends beat the shit out of me for being a retard.
we get out of health soon wwwwwooooo yes no more movies like'Radio' hey i kow someone who is just like Rodio Wolfwod
i can't stand baby sitting a baby it was hard she wouldn't stop cring to make it worst it was during FMA.i hate baby sitting well at least i'm getting paid for doing it 40-45 dollars then i might go to Hot Topic to get a head band.then to a book store to buy another one piece manga.
i have word of advice for some people never get high and then call a friend,cause thats what i did and i wouldn't slow down i was talking 40 words a minute i think that their going to kill me today cause i kept punching them in their head hey that BITCH mrs.elric made fun of my rat like dog of mine but i really didn't care though cause i make fun of her too.
ROY get up you damn bastard get up
ED aaaaaawwwwww that was sssssooooo noble i would have left him dead*not saying that i woludn't try just saying*
Pride you bastard doing that to that poor little boy he trusted and loved you.you evil bastard
hahahahahahahahaha Envy went into the gate and what the hell is up with the dragon anyway i just don't get it*i wonder where he went oh well its'not like i care anyway*
but that was still sssssssoooooooo nobel and aaaawww al is sssssssoooooooooo adorable hey it thier father something of Light.
man i got the biggest headach in the world my head is spinnig
i'm sssssssooooooo sorry that this post is ssssssssssoooooooo long
like i said i will repay my debt to Mrs.Elric and put these Ed pics on my site and she's actually my friend even though we do try and kill each other. ther might be some sanji pics in there i just forgot to add like 3 days ago
Hey everyone!!!! i've been think maybe i should start a talk show. but heres the thing i've been to busy to think of anything to talk about.so i was just wondering can you please help me. *actually this is a first for me i've never ran out of things to talk about before* Comments (4) |