CrescentSunHanyou (08/03/06)
OH MY GOD I AM SOOO SORRY!! You signed my guest book in 2005 and I didn't see it until today! ::bows:: I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, GOMEN NASAAI!!!!!! T_T I am soo scatterbrained, I feel so bad now....I'm really sorry for that....
Okay, I shall add you as a friend, comment as often as I'm on, I'll make this as long of a gb signing as I can, geez I'm such a moooron.
Voice in Head: Figure that out today, now?
Me: Urrrnigh, not you again...
Voice: Well, you said you'd make this a long sign, and I'm the only way you can do that! ^-^
Me: I regret having to use you for these things...
Voice: Your own damn fault for not noticing poor EvilMonkey's signature.
Me: OI, OI, OI! WHAT did I say about the cursing in front of the kidlets??
Voice: ::sigh:: You said that if I do that again rabbit ninjas will come and steal everyone's sock.
Me: And which sock was it?
Voice: -_-;; ::gritted teeth:: the left one.
Me: And why the left one?
Voice: ::sounding very annoyed now:: Because the majority of the world if right handed, and the rabbit ninjas decided to be nice today and steal the left ones.
Me: Pretty unlucky for us lefties, ne?
Voice: nngh.
Me: ^_^ ANYWAYS! EvilMonkey's rule, dude.
Voice: You're on a roll today. Frist rabbit ninjas, now evil monkeys..
Me: Oi, the evil monkeys is EvilMonkey's thing, dude.
Voice: You're exhausting.
Me: yu-huh!
Voice: Bottomless energy...
Me: After watching Inu-Yash for three years, the boy rubs off on you a bit.
Voice: ::monotone:: Including his English and Japanese voice...
Me: ^-^ Yeah, I take pride in being able to do that, lol. Now, I just have to learn how to do Myouga-jiji's English voice (I don't care about Japanese)...aw, who am I kidding, I'll leave that to Paul Dobson.
Voice: Make up your mind...
Max Ride!! ^_^