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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Time: 5:49
Currently: Talking to an old friend
Wishing: Summer was forever
Music: Nothing but the *boink!* of IMS haha!
So how is everyone!
The story of my ex will come a later time, I'm just glad to say I turned him down, he is such an ass. SO my fishie died, poor thing.
We are going to the movies tomorrow and I wanted to post so I went ahead and posted now. xD
Nothing really good to talk about, I'm planing on starting a new comic book, just a really shourt one though, you know for fun! ^^ But I'm not really sure what it is I want to do.. Hmm... Any ideas?
1> Have you ever had truble with an Ex that just wont go away?
2> Have you ever had a pet die on you? T^T
3> What do you think I should base my mini manga on?
4> Do you like my layout?
1> Haha! WAY too many times. *sigh*
2> Yeah, last year my kitty died from the bad kitty food, I cried so hard... T^T
3>Hehe, I have no clue!!!
4> You tell me!!

Bye! Bye! KYAAH!! xD



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Monday, June 23, 2008
Sleepy~ ....zZzZzZz....
Hey guyus. So I'm a bit of a bind... My ex came back and told me that he has been doing some soul shearching and said that that neerdy crap and what not, you know the "your the only one for me" stuff. So well the whole day I agreed to spend time with him because he left without warning and was gone for some time.
He asked me of another chance, and the whole time saying "i love you" Bleeh, I was geting sick to the stomache from nerves...Come to think of it my tummy still hurts..
Ok anywho, twards the end of the day I told him:
"One more change to gain me back, bu tthat is it, as time has pulled it apart, let time bring us back, slowly you may earn my words i love you, but until then, all you have is an i missed you."
Imma fool right? xD I dont know i like him and then he just dissapeared on me *pouts* But im not coming back to him easily at all, and he knows im still upset with him majorly.
On other news. My fish looks like it is going to die... One side of his face is all swollen and red, I can see his scales sticking up and everything it's gross. But them I feel really bad.. He will beat him self up against the bowl and acts all crazy and in pain. of his eye is all swollen too. so gross. *Holds mouth clozed and waits for nazia to pass*
I don't know what to do, I tihnk I'm going to give him to my dad. No more naming male fishs female names >.>
On another note, my kitty is happily doing fine, she slept with me last night! ^^ she is geting courius about the out side world which is what worried me most.. Mom is going to take her to get declawed and well sniped xD Poor kitty.. <=(
Whelp I'm going to go nothing much more to say, love you guys!! See ya soon!!
 Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
Bullseye.. =\ xD
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Monday, June 16, 2008
sorry that I haven't posted for so long, I haven't been feeling right. Not sick, just something unsetles me, something is off and it kills me that I don't know what it is.
I got my grades back and I pasted to the next grade! I'm missing half a credit though, due the that spanish class they stuck me in...
I have drawn some here lately, I've been practicing my coloring, and to me it looks like I can color other's work better then my own.. Grr....
I was wathing my fave anime, and it was the dvd that is only on dvd, and i get the the 3rd episod (keep in mind that this is right in the middle of the climax) and then nothing... I look up the 4th episode and there isn't one!! they arent making it, and there isn't a 3rd season either, I was reading the manga online and it seemed much different to the movie. They were saying that Clamp and the company that was producing the movies had an argument or some, but I hope everything is gong to be worked out, I LOVE Tsubasa.... *tear*
I got my hair cut and I really like it! So cute! >< Ok normally I would say ya know I'm not going to post a pic, I don't really like the way I look, I used to think that If the people I meet on the web saw me they wouldn't treat me the same but then I thought. If they were my real friends then they wouldn't care, and well if theyt do then screw 'em, apparently they had a mental image of this super hot girl that was just "perfect" WRONG! xD I am me, Love me or hate me. :)

And no, My hair is kinda puffy, lol. I straitened it. xD
Oh and here is my kitty. xD

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Saturday, May 24, 2008
Hello everyone!
So to celibrate summer I am...
here are the rules:
1) If you want me to draw a character give a link or something to a picture of that character for refence.
2) Give me (in detail) what you want the background to look like.
3) If you have sertain cloths you would like them to wear, i need refrence plz.
4) If none of this is given, i will either send you a PM asking you this. Or I just wont draw it. If you leave one out. I will have a little fun and do it on my own.
This will take place from May 24 to June 7.
In other news.
I'm about to work on my characters I shouls have if not all, 4 or 5 up today. I may make a few changes in what they look like. Or even their name. I do know that I have been wanting to change my main character from, Amber to Blaire. Whatcha think?
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
A taste of Chapter One. Hehehe. xD
Hello everyone, today I'm going to give you a little taste as to what's going to come. I hope you like it, and it's still all coming together.
Chapter One: If I Were to Awaken, Would this Mean the End?
One by one they surrounded me like vultures surrounding the dead. My heart didn’t skip a beat, I wasn't scared, and I felt aware... Why?
One never removed his eyes from me, and like a challenge, I stared back, daring him.
"Who are you?" I asked myself in a whispered voice. "What do you want?" They stopped in their place. Not a single foot step could be heard when the tallest one walked closer to me, I took my stance.
"We want... The only thing you can give us Seien. Your blood..."
He's eyes shifted and a hint of red sparked my attention to his eyes. Suddenly my mind left my body. I had no control over it. He pulled his finger from my collar bone up the side of my neck. Pulling my head to the side, I felt a tear dance it's way down my cheek. He leaned in, I felt no breathe, he wasn't breathing.
"Good girl, soon the new beginning will be here, and my rule will take over all. I thank you for participating so elegantly."
I felt him touch my neck with his nose, and finally take a breath, breathing in my sent, like some animal, taking pleasure from the torture, that was about to be endure by the prey.
"I'm not Seien and personal space please?" He stepped back and smiled at me. You haven't fully awakened then, if you do not know who she is. The time isn't ready..."
Slowly one by one they faded no sound. Just, nothing...
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hello everyone. This is going to be a short post I'm afraid, just for now atleast. This week for me is going to be pretty heacktic. I thought I was going to see the desterbed concert in town however it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Oh wells. I'm listening to Evanesence to help keep me relaxed so I'm good. :P
Today was a normal day at school, tomorrow, tuseday and wesnday and friday I don't have to go to school until !pm. Yay! It's the finals week so I'm kinda happy at the moment but we still gotta go.
As of today there are only 22 day of school left, yay!
Ok this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking cute!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't pass it up, hope you like it! ^^
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Hello everyone!
My weekend went pretty good I guess. On firday I went to a friends party. I sat next to the band and went home with a headache. Monday it turned into a mingrain... lol. ^^'
Um. OH! I got two new books this time too! It's called Pixie Pop. And it's sooo adorable!! ><
This friday I'm going to the ball my dress is sooooo pretty!!! It's light purple. and backless! 0.0
Below is a pic of Pixie Pop. I hope you all have a good week. Remeber if you need to talk to me PM me. I check my mail everyday all day. I can check it at school now too!!! yay!!! So talk to you guys soon!!
Vol. 1)

Vol. 2)

Vol. 3)

I think there are only 3 volumes. I'm not too sure.. LOL!!!
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Hello everyone!

Hello everyone, this week seems like it is going to be busy.. I have the military ball to go to, I have a dress in mind, however I know I wont find one like it lol. I can't bring a guest because I waited to long so I have to go alone.. T^T
My friend asked my crush out without my permisson for me, his reply was no, he is trying to hook up with some other girl, but there is a cute guy im intrested in in my 2nd period, and well I know him a bit better.. I asked him to go to the movies with me and a couple of my friends. So... We shall see!
I'll post back later!
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hello and good evening everyone. I'm working on my special first chapter suprize! It'll hopefully be done soon, I kinda had to stop working on that and take care of school's drama. I'll post back later promise!
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
The mood, peace, the color, pale pink, the flavor, calming camomal, drift away, your soul'd your wings.
I had fun today, I invited a littl over 10 of my friends and only 4 showed up. But I still had fun. we bar-b-qued hotdogs, and chased our chips down when the wind blew them away, then we lit a candle for me to blow out and I made a wish. Everyone was full from all the hot dogs I guess, cause I started to throw cake at landon, and then I shoved the rest of my peice in celinas face, but missed and then she shoved a peice and didnt miss me... then aunda got landon at the same time he got her, and celina was still clean so i sent them after her. half the cake was on our face, the other half, was still in the pan but thats the beauty of an over sized cake and not so many ppl showing up. ^^
Tomorrow I got to paint, but I'm still trying to deside weather or not I want to do that..
I'm a better drawer then I am a painter. But I guess I could give it a try? IDK... What do you think I should do????

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