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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I noticed that alot of my girl friends (friends that are girls) Are dating people that are far apart. Love is so strong! ^^ I invy those that have someone special!
So went well I guess, really I can't remeber what all I did, it was all kindof a blur... Lol.
Tomorrow is thrusday though, and I get to dye my hair friday, and spend the night with Aunda! ^^
One of my really good friends was having bad weather, and we were on aim chating, well she just loged off with out saying good bye. She said that they were having tornado warning where they were. I really hope they are ok. BOU BE OK!!
I guess thats all I have to say for today..

Have a great night and STAY SAFE!!!

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good Morning!

I slept rather fine last night. I hope everyone else did! When I get home The actual post will be here lol. I'm just bored. ^^ I woke up too early. Heh. So any good news from someone? V-day is coming soon. I wonder what all the loving couples are going to do? ^^
WEll I should go! I'll Be home later on, bye bye!!
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy...

I'm so sleepy right now, we just got back from the hospital. No news for two weeks. I had to call everyone and tell them that lol. I got to stay home from school today, even though I have missed alot of days. Um heh....oops?
I've been sick so leave me alone ppl that say you have missed to many days! When someone gets sick, normally it's very possable to be sick for more then 10 days..
In other news, this coming weekend I'm no longer going to be a blonde!! ^^
I guess thats all I have to say for today, even though I changed my post like 3 times lol.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hey everyone!

I went to the doctors yesterday. They didn't find anything so I have to go back to the hospital to get MORE blood work done, and more tests... I'm kinda worried.. lol.
School is going slow. I should have know concedering that the begining of the year flew by so fast.

My bro and his family are suposed to be here tonight so I'm waiting for them! yay!!

I hope everyone stays healthy, and for those of you with finals. I wish you luck! ^^

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Needles scare me!!
Nothing much happened today for me. I went to the doctor to get my blood work done, and they couldn't find a vein. Well. They found one...in my hand... MY DRAWING HAND!!!
But it wouldn't bleed. so they sent me to the hospital to get it done. They poked me three more times and the last one they got blood!!
Now I'm all sore now.. ><
Other then that I had to finnish cleaning my room, mom and dad moved my pc in my room, so now im all organized! haha.
Tomorrow will be an easy day tomorrow since my classes are shorter. But I missed today, and we didnt have school yesterday, so i have to speed type in typing class. ><
Well I guess thats all for today. My arms are kinda sore so I really dont feel like typing much! ><
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~
Oh yeah! Go to this website, heh. It's kinda annoying at first, but the song will get stuck in your head I was walking around school singins it, or at least trying I think I got the words wrong.. LOL!
~*~Caramel Dansen~*~

I have a simi large post today! ^^ Hope you don't mind that? Lol. But it's better then going to a site, and all you see is just four words for a post update. I try not to do that lol. I love to read! ^^
Ok well I'm almost done with my first chapter. Believe it or not, I'm on like the 12th chapter, but how I do it is I just write, and keep going. So I have to go over it, fix it up, and change the weak parts. I never start on the first chapter though. More like I 'jump around'
But I have the story in my mind, and I know what I want to happen!
^^ I just write the good parts first... >.> Then when the small parts are left I write them.. -.- Lol! So bear with me please? >< I mostly have been doing this at school because I have so much time on my hands, and well yeah. This week has been kinda busy for me. So I haven't really gotten to work on it, BUT!! I have three days to relax, and work on it, so I can have it up here and ready to read for you.
Out of all the chapters I have written, so far I like this one the most. It shows how caring Amber is. Even when she seems bitter or harsh at times. It's just that she has been lonely for so long, and hates it when she sees someone give up so easyly. She doesn't want them to go threw what she did.
Name: Amber Lee
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Golden brown hair, cut to her shoulders. Top part braided back to look like a hair band.
Eyes: Amber eyes, small star in the left eye.
Body Type: Slinder yet strong. Skin a pale pink color. Normaly cold to the touch.
Amber watchs everything. She keeps every posability in mind and never gives up. She will fight in what she believes in, and never sugar coats anything.
Both parents died when she was four. No one else in her family lived so she was forced to live in a children's home. Where she remained until the day of her 18th birthday.
Comments about Amber
Akame- "Her blood just smells so beautiful. But she is so strongly minded. It's hard to control myself! She would make a great mate...or meal."
Shinka- "does the bird forever fly? When blood drips. Does it not dry?"
Fubaki- "I once knew a young maiden like Amber..yes she made a nice meal..."
Mederu- "She is pure but loves a good fight. It's a bit of a challenge to keep up with her, but her passions for things fuel her will, and that alone is something great."
Ame- "Amber and I went to the same childern's home. She was always so sad! But then that really cut Mederu guy came and got her. I can see why she smiles so much with him around!"
Miss. Bellum- "I hated that child. Come again, I hate every rotten little brat that breathes!"
Ok well that was Amber. Keep in mind, she does change threwout the book. So Yeah lol.
I'm going to keep the summary up for a little bit. So you dont have to keep reading it if you don't want! ^^ But just for those that haven't read it. Hehe. I hope you have a nice day!!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~

Ok. This isn't the first chapter. I'm still reading over it and rewriting it. You know. The whole "Polishing the jewel". :P
I have the summery writen out though. As in the part on the back of the book that no one really reads because the cover sould tell all? ^^
Hope you like it. BTW, my mind is open to any comments ideas, or anything that needs to be fixed up a bit. I could use some help lol!
Amber was a normal sixteen-year-old girl. Well except that she forgot everything when her and her family was in a terible accedent. With no one else able to take care of her, she was forced to live in a childern's home. But an old -forgotten- friend comes looking for her. Amber struggles with her momeory. Wanting to rember, but wanting to forget the past and move forward. While Amber dreams of the past Mederu finds himself having to protect Amber from something that can't be fought. A vamper, that Mederu believes had killed Amber's family has made Amber his new target, and Mederu is standing in the way!
Why is Mederu willing to give his life for Amber's?
Find out soon in...
The Moon's Shadow
Ok promise you wont hate me for doing that haha. I'm making the cover to it as well. But I want that mysterious innocent look.
Well gotta go, I'll see you guys later!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~
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Friday, January 18, 2008
Hello everyone!
I have a simi large post today! ^^ Hope you don't mind that? Lol. But it's better then going to a site, and all you see is just four words for a post update. I try not to do that lol. I love to read! ^^
Ok well I'm almost done with my first chapter. Believe it or not, I'm on like the 12th chapter, but how I do it is I just write, and keep going. So I have to go over it, fix it up, and change the weak parts. I never start on the first chapter though. More like I 'jump around'
But I have the story in my mind, and I know what I want to happen!
^^ I just write the good parts first... >.> Then when the small parts are left I write them.. -.- Lol! So bear with me please? >< I mostly have been doing this at school because I have so much time on my hands, and well yeah. This week has been kinda busy for me. So I haven't really gotten to work on it, BUT!! I have three days to relax, and work on it, so I can have it up here and ready to read for you.
Out of all the chapters I have written, so far I like this one the most. It shows how caring Amber is. Even when she seems bitter or harsh at times. It's just that she has been lonely for so long, and hates it when she sees someone give up so easyly. She doesn't want them to go threw what she did.
Name: Amber Lee
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Golden brown hair, cut to her shoulders. Top part braided back to look like a hair band.
Eyes: Amber eyes, small star in the left eye.
Body Type: Slinder yet strong. Skin a pale pink color. Normaly cold to the touch.
Amber watchs everything. She keeps every posability in mind and never gives up. She will fight in what she believes in, and never sugar coats anything.
Both parents died when she was four. No one else in her family lived so she was forced to live in a children's home. Where she remained until the day of her 18th birthday.
Comments about Amber
Akame- "Her blood just smells so beautiful. But she is so strongly minded. It's hard to control myself! She would make a great mate...or meal."
Shinka- "does the bird forever fly? When blood drips. Does it not dry?"
Fubaki- "I once knew a young maiden like Amber..yes she made a nice meal..."
Mederu- "She is pure but loves a good fight. It's a bit of a challenge to keep up with her, but her passions for things fuel her will, and that alone is something great."
Ame- "Amber and I went to the same childern's home. She was always so sad! But then that really cut Mederu guy came and got her. I can see why she smiles so much with him around!"
Miss. Bellum- "I hated that child. Come again, I hate every rotten little brat that breathes!"
Ok well that was Amber. Keep in mind, she does change threwout the book. So Yeah lol.
I'm going to keep the summary up for a little bit. So you dont have to keep reading it if you don't want! ^^ But just for those that haven't read it. Hehe. I hope you have a nice day!!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~

Ok. This isn't the first chapter. I'm still reading over it and rewriting it. You know. The whole "Polishing the jewel". :P
I have the summery writen out though. As in the part on the back of the book that no one really reads because the cover sould tell all? ^^
Hope you like it. BTW, my mind is open to any comments ideas, or anything that needs to be fixed up a bit. I could use some help lol!
Amber was a normal sixteen-year-old girl. Well except that she forgot everything when her and her family was in a terible accedent. With no one else able to take care of her, she was forced to live in a childern's home. But an old -forgotten- friend comes looking for her. Amber struggles with her momeory. Wanting to rember, but wanting to forget the past and move forward. While Amber dreams of the past Mederu finds himself having to protect Amber from something that can't be fought. A vamper, that Mederu believes had killed Amber's family has made Amber his new target, and Mederu is standing in the way!
Why is Mederu willing to give his life for Amber's?
Find out soon in...
The Moon's Shadow
Ok promise you wont hate me for doing that haha. I'm making the cover to it as well. But I want that mysterious innocent look.
Well gotta go, I'll see you guys later!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Kiss Summery
Ok. This isn't the first chapter. I'm still reading over it and rewriting it. You know. The whole "Polishing the jewel". :P
I have the summery writen out though. As in the part on the back of the book that no one really reads because the cover sould tell all? ^^
Hope you like it. BTW, my mind is open to any comments ideas, or anything that needs to be fixed up a bit. I could use some help lol!
Amber was a normal sixteen-year-old girl. Well except that she forgot everything when her and her family was in a terible accedent. With no one else able to take care of her, she was forced to live in a childern's home. But an old -forgotten- friend comes looking for her. Amber struggles with her momeory. Wanting to rember, but wanting to forget the past and move forward. While Amber dreams of the past Mederu finds himself having to protect Amber from something that can't be fought. A vamper, that Mederu believes had killed Amber's family has made Amber his new target, and Mederu is standing in the way!
Why is Mederu willing to give his life for Amber's?
Find out soon in...
The Moon's Shadow
Ok promise you wont hate me for doing that haha. I'm making the cover to it as well. But I want that mysterious innocent look.
Well gotta go, I'll see you guys later!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I was rewriting the first chapter of the book me and my friends were writing. And I desided to have a little fun.. (I get side tracked waaay to easy... lol)
So I wrote a small inter veiw with the main character! ^^ Hope you like it.
Hi there Mika here! I got to sit down with Amber to ask her a few questions.
Mika: "How do you see the world?"
Amber: "The world is filled with so much! In truth, the world is shadded in dark and danger. But when it is so dark, you can find your star so much easyer."
Mika: "What do you mean when you say star?"
Amber: "The one person that makes every dark shadow disapear. The one you love! Your light. But be warned. There is always a shadow when there is a light."
Mika: "Have you found your 'star' Amber?"
Amber: "Yes I have. He loves me for who I am and proves it to me in everything he does. I love him dearly as well, I would die if it would help him..."
Mika: "Where is he now?"
Amber" "He needed to do a few thing so he maybe a little late. Sorry."
Mika: "Do you and Mederu have any future plans?"
Amber: "Yes we do, kinda. But we don't want to tell anyone, and we don't want to plan too far ahead."
Mika: "When Mederu disapeared, what were you thinking?"
Amber: "At first I thought the world was coming to an end. I couldn't live without him, and if I had to. I would find a way to make it to where I wouldn't have to. But then I rembered that the only way he can die is by drinking the blood of a pure heart, and he isnt like that at all. You know how long it took me to make him turn me?!"
Mika: "What did you do to get him to bite you?"
Amber: "anything I could think of that would get the blood flowing.. [laughs]
Mika:What do you think of the 'vampire world'?"
Amber: "Your right when you put it like that. The vampire world is a world of it's own. As a human, your faced with the daily things. Work or school. Paying bills and falling in love. But as a Vampire, the world rests in yor hands, and it doesnt go away when you sleep. Because you don't sleep.
Yep I got bored. I hope you liked it though. Hehe. I'm going to post my first chapter soon!
Everyone rest well and sweet dreams!

I love the couple Sakura and Syaoran, they are sooooo sweet!!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~
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Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday is over! ^^
I go to the doctor on the 22, but we have to go in 4 days before to get my blood work done. That way, when we come in for the opointment they will have it and will be able to reveiw it with me.
Last week was pretty ok, my tummy didn't mess with me much at all! But sunday night (Night before school..) Is when it started messing with me again lol. My tummy has been mad at me all darn day. So I'm kinda tired of it, and I have a headache thanks to my earache.... (I sound so... broken...) I guess this is what I get for not being really sick for almost two years.. Eveything comes attacking me at once!! ><
That's how it is for me though. I can go a full year of feeling great, and then the next year I some down with the flu + strep throat or something to that effect...
IDK lol. All I know is that I'm really annoied. And everyone is telling me to try and ignnor it. But, if your belly feels like it is on fire, would you want to ignnor it? 0.0
School went pretty ok for me today, um no really down side to it? I woke up kinda late but got dressed fast enough to where I could eat an orange and get on the pc. Brian was on yahoo, and we talked for a little bit, and he asked if i wanted him up (awake) when I got home. "Yes please! ^^" Lol. The sad part is when I got home he was in a pissy mood, he has been sick too, and is tired of it as well. I kept asking him if he wanted to get off the phone and sleep, but he just kept saying "Na.." Twards the end it sounded like he was going to fall asleep on me.. lol. So we ended up saying good night, and I told him I would talk to him tomorrow. Lol. Other then that I felt kinda lonely today. Don't know why. Well it could be that Brian was feeling poorly, and all I did was play neopet games. I need to get out more.... T^T
Well it's 10:25 here. I need to get some shirts in the wash and laydown and try to sleep. (I have been having a hard time sleeping on sunday nights, and sometimes the night after, I hope I can sleep tonight! x3)
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hey everyone!!
I wonder how everyone is doing? ^^ I have had a pretty good couple of days, my tummy hasn't bothered me while I'm at school, and when it starts to kick up at home, I call brian or he calls me! ^^ I like him.. he likes to flirt with me alot too, cause he knows I like him...lol (See I can move on if the guy leaves me alone.. LOL!)
The only problem I have now is I was streaching in the shower, and now my thigh leg feels like it is about to cramp up.. I HATE PAIN!! HAHA!!!!
I was like ahh streach ^^ Then like... ahh noooo! T^T
Brian's cell died on me -.- He is going to call me back when he gets home though lol.
Aunda is spending the night at my house this weekend, and I got a bigger bed.. YAY!! I think I'm going to have fun this weekend lol. Now I'm going to go walk around my house because I dont want my leg t cramp up, that makes me cry.. T^T :P
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