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myOtaku.com: excalababe

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lol, I think this pretty much explains me. ^^

Deep, understanding, and mature, you�re an extremely loyal person. You�re kind and helpful to the people close to you. People see you as a person who�s ready to branch out and understand and truly help a person, but also a closed-up bud. When it comes to your own feelings, you�re a little shy about expressing them. If you try your very best to open up�I guarentee you that the results will be shocking, beautiful, gorgeous and utterly astonishing. You seek for fairness and love, and even if your aura is green, you�re not as jealous as you look! Famous Green-Aura:Oprah Winfrey Most Compatible With: Grey-Aura, Pink-Aura Least Compatible With: Orange-Aura Quote: �Every idea starts out with a seed, and every death ends with flowers on the grave.� �gomicha11 At Your Best: Understanding, kind and loving At Your Worse: Distant, confusing and quiet

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

   I Lived another day!!

Ever got the feeling you were just trying to live threw high school, day by day?

My first high school day was just over welming, and I was soo stressed. About after a week my stress went away and I felt normal. Well as normal as I get. Hehe. Anywho. September rolls around and it started up again. I have never been stressed so I'm not really sure that, thats what it is. Oh wells.

I made plans with a friend to go to the movies this weekend!! So I will try geting out more, and see if that works. I noticed that I feel A-OK right after I wake up, but when I become aware thatI am awake.. well then it starts up again. Haha. It's all really annoying for me. And untell the doctor finds out whats wrong, I guess I will remain somewhat scared..

My week has gone by really slow. Normally after Christmas break I get really lazy.. so I don't want to go to school. Heak even this morning I tried to stay home!! But I got really sick in the begining of the school year and missed a lot of days. Oh Wells. I hate to say this, but It's that time of year when I really don't care too much. Even though I am well aware that I have to work hard to get out of school.

Looking Ahead.

I know, from this year, that I am going to have a few down falls in the coming years. But I have to be patient, and take my time. My problem is..

Patiants is the one thing I have yet to learn when it comes to stress. ^^


Any tips for stress? I could really use it haha.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

>< Scared!! >>

I need to ask something, from my friends. I have been trying to figure it out, but nothing. For the past two months my body has felt weird. Like my tummy is cramping, my legs feel like they are going to cramp up, and my arms feel cold and weak like i just got done working out, but I havent. My mom has been making me take midol, and it helps during the day. But I also noticed that the night before school, it kicks up regardless of if I took a midol or not. I dont really understand why, I love school and all my friends there! It's so fun and my way to get out of the house.

I dont really understand it. But it's really annoying, and it's starting to scare me lol.
Mom says that it's a teen thing, that I may be going they my last growing spert. Ok, lests see, wensday night, i was feeling misurable, my tummy was hurting, my legs were messing with me and my arms were really weak and felt cold inside, (cant really explain the arm part..lol) It got to the point where i just started balling. because i was tired of it, and didnt know what was causing it. (Still don't) They finnaly made me go laydown, and i feel alseep, around 3am my dad's coughing woke me up and kept me up for a good hour. Well thursday, I was sooo tired that whole school day, and i just felt terible.

Please, if anyone went threw this, lol and it is just a teen thing, what did you do to make it go away? Or if you didn't go threw it, do you have any advice??

Sorry I havent been on, I've been sick, and mom put me under bed arrest lol.

Here are all the buttons I have made so far!




Innocent Heart's


If you want me to make you one. Please just ask. And I will love too! I have a few more I want to make. ^^

I love making things for my friends, so please if you want something or have an idea you would like for me to draw, just ask, and I will! ^^

Have a nice night everyone and sweet dreams!

(\ /)

~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Hello Everyone!
So how are things going with you? We woke up too late here so I was able to stay home. Yay!

Yesterday was a long day for me lol. The first day of the new semester! Hehe. That only means I lived the the first half. ^^

Upcoming Events

I was thinking as i was laying down this morning two things..

1} Should I get up or sleep some more.
2} What can I do thats kinda neat for my fellow O friends?

I came to a conclution. And it will be posted when posible. ^^ But I'm not going to tell you what it is. It's a suprize!

It's 6:18 atm, and it's already dark out side. T^T Oh wells, the moon looks pretty. ^^

I guess I'm going to go lay down for a little bit, I'll be back shortly thought. ^^

Fruits Basket

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So how did everyone party last night? I brought in the new years with an old friend of mine, we dated, but I'm happy he never left my side after the break up. I love him like a little brother!

I was think about a way.. that I could say "happy New Years" to all my friends. The 'Best' way lol. So I'm going to do it two ways. xD


Yay! I love that picture. It's so cute! If only I could be as cute as Chii. But if you think about it, Chii was always in trouble because of her looks... Why come anim� girls are so cute? T^T

What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You:

Intuitive --- Seeking --- Creative

Kind --- Self-Sacrificing --- Growth Oriented

Strong --- Very Wise --- Rare

That amazed me on how close they are about that... lol. Scary!


O wells. Lets see. Two more days untill I go back to school.. Well, at least I can look at it this way.. two and a half years. Then I'm done. But mom wants me to go to collage as soon as I get out.. But then again... I will only have to go two or three days out of the week. Yay! O and I can pick out of day, or night classes. ^^ I think I'm going to take nigh classes.. I love to sleep in. Heh. But thats all I have left! Wo0t!!


I think I pretty much wraped it up for now. I have to clean my office now.. Mom is willing enough to kill me today.. Heh. "Oops?"


Have a nice day. And remeber. If you get sad. Stand up and dance!!


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