Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Needles scare me!!
Nothing much happened today for me. I went to the doctor to get my blood work done, and they couldn't find a vein. Well. They found one...in my hand... MY DRAWING HAND!!!
But it wouldn't bleed. so they sent me to the hospital to get it done. They poked me three more times and the last one they got blood!!
Now I'm all sore now.. ><
Other then that I had to finnish cleaning my room, mom and dad moved my pc in my room, so now im all organized! haha.
Tomorrow will be an easy day tomorrow since my classes are shorter. But I missed today, and we didnt have school yesterday, so i have to speed type in typing class. ><
Well I guess thats all for today. My arms are kinda sore so I really dont feel like typing much! ><
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~
Oh yeah! Go to this website, heh. It's kinda annoying at first, but the song will get stuck in your head I was walking around school singins it, or at least trying I think I got the words wrong.. LOL!
~*~Caramel Dansen~*~

I have a simi large post today! ^^ Hope you don't mind that? Lol. But it's better then going to a site, and all you see is just four words for a post update. I try not to do that lol. I love to read! ^^
Ok well I'm almost done with my first chapter. Believe it or not, I'm on like the 12th chapter, but how I do it is I just write, and keep going. So I have to go over it, fix it up, and change the weak parts. I never start on the first chapter though. More like I 'jump around'
But I have the story in my mind, and I know what I want to happen!
^^ I just write the good parts first... >.> Then when the small parts are left I write them.. -.- Lol! So bear with me please? >< I mostly have been doing this at school because I have so much time on my hands, and well yeah. This week has been kinda busy for me. So I haven't really gotten to work on it, BUT!! I have three days to relax, and work on it, so I can have it up here and ready to read for you.
Out of all the chapters I have written, so far I like this one the most. It shows how caring Amber is. Even when she seems bitter or harsh at times. It's just that she has been lonely for so long, and hates it when she sees someone give up so easyly. She doesn't want them to go threw what she did.
Name: Amber Lee
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Golden brown hair, cut to her shoulders. Top part braided back to look like a hair band.
Eyes: Amber eyes, small star in the left eye.
Body Type: Slinder yet strong. Skin a pale pink color. Normaly cold to the touch.
Amber watchs everything. She keeps every posability in mind and never gives up. She will fight in what she believes in, and never sugar coats anything.
Both parents died when she was four. No one else in her family lived so she was forced to live in a children's home. Where she remained until the day of her 18th birthday.
Comments about Amber
Akame- "Her blood just smells so beautiful. But she is so strongly minded. It's hard to control myself! She would make a great mate...or meal."
Shinka- "does the bird forever fly? When blood drips. Does it not dry?"
Fubaki- "I once knew a young maiden like Amber..yes she made a nice meal..."
Mederu- "She is pure but loves a good fight. It's a bit of a challenge to keep up with her, but her passions for things fuel her will, and that alone is something great."
Ame- "Amber and I went to the same childern's home. She was always so sad! But then that really cut Mederu guy came and got her. I can see why she smiles so much with him around!"
Miss. Bellum- "I hated that child. Come again, I hate every rotten little brat that breathes!"
Ok well that was Amber. Keep in mind, she does change threwout the book. So Yeah lol.
I'm going to keep the summary up for a little bit. So you dont have to keep reading it if you don't want! ^^ But just for those that haven't read it. Hehe. I hope you have a nice day!!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball!~*~

Ok. This isn't the first chapter. I'm still reading over it and rewriting it. You know. The whole "Polishing the jewel". :P
I have the summery writen out though. As in the part on the back of the book that no one really reads because the cover sould tell all? ^^
Hope you like it. BTW, my mind is open to any comments ideas, or anything that needs to be fixed up a bit. I could use some help lol!
Amber was a normal sixteen-year-old girl. Well except that she forgot everything when her and her family was in a terible accedent. With no one else able to take care of her, she was forced to live in a childern's home. But an old -forgotten- friend comes looking for her. Amber struggles with her momeory. Wanting to rember, but wanting to forget the past and move forward. While Amber dreams of the past Mederu finds himself having to protect Amber from something that can't be fought. A vamper, that Mederu believes had killed Amber's family has made Amber his new target, and Mederu is standing in the way!
Why is Mederu willing to give his life for Amber's?
Find out soon in...
The Moon's Shadow
Ok promise you wont hate me for doing that haha. I'm making the cover to it as well. But I want that mysterious innocent look.
Well gotta go, I'll see you guys later!
~*~Be a Happy Chibi Riceball~*~
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