Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Mood: Homesick
Currently doing: Watching the kids
Currently thinking:Nene is soooo cute!
Currently listening to: Whisper by Evanescence
Hey everyone! How are you today hmm? I'm currenty at my bro's house now, helping with the kids. My sis in law is cooking, smells good! My bro is at his work so I get to play on the pc as long as I keep my eye on the kids.
We went to Wal*Mart yesterday. I got a gigapet! ^^ Then I saw my ex, I caught him blowing a kiss to me, so I blew one back. We are just friends, but we flirt for fun. :P I named my giga after him cause he helped me set it up xD it was a boy anyway. It made Alx laugh. 'Cuz I told him, Imma name it after you so I can kill it fasta! :P
Today I am going to play games with Wade all day when he gets home!
I'll post tomorrow perhaps! PM me if you would like to talk, I check my mail alot! xD

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