Monday, June 23, 2008
Sleepy~ ....zZzZzZz....
Hey guyus. So I'm a bit of a bind... My ex came back and told me that he has been doing some soul shearching and said that that neerdy crap and what not, you know the "your the only one for me" stuff. So well the whole day I agreed to spend time with him because he left without warning and was gone for some time.
He asked me of another chance, and the whole time saying "i love you" Bleeh, I was geting sick to the stomache from nerves...Come to think of it my tummy still hurts..
Ok anywho, twards the end of the day I told him:
"One more change to gain me back, bu tthat is it, as time has pulled it apart, let time bring us back, slowly you may earn my words i love you, but until then, all you have is an i missed you."
Imma fool right? xD I dont know i like him and then he just dissapeared on me *pouts* But im not coming back to him easily at all, and he knows im still upset with him majorly.
On other news. My fish looks like it is going to die... One side of his face is all swollen and red, I can see his scales sticking up and everything it's gross. But them I feel really bad.. He will beat him self up against the bowl and acts all crazy and in pain. of his eye is all swollen too. so gross. *Holds mouth clozed and waits for nazia to pass*
I don't know what to do, I tihnk I'm going to give him to my dad. No more naming male fishs female names >.>
On another note, my kitty is happily doing fine, she slept with me last night! ^^ she is geting courius about the out side world which is what worried me most.. Mom is going to take her to get declawed and well sniped xD Poor kitty.. <=(
Whelp I'm going to go nothing much more to say, love you guys!! See ya soon!!
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Bullseye.. =\ xD
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