Thursday, October 2, 2008
Halloween wraps fear in innocence, As though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat... ~Nicholas Gordon

Ah halloween... So I guess the avie matches the qoute at the top.. I found it to be truthful and all too cute.
I'm in a rock mood... again xD I guess I would play some music for you guys. But then again I don't really know what kind of music you would like to listen to. I'm currently listening to "Bullet for My Valentine.. Funny how when the girl asked what my fave rock band was and I replyied "Evanescence." she kinda laughed at me and said: "Sissy!" Ok well I'm listening to her music now.. and I don't see much difference. I mean, style is differ and all, but they can pretty much be ranked at the smae lvl... Goodness.
So I have a question for all of you. (Well those who are still here...) Which IS worse, arogance or apathy? Eh, I could go into a very long speach but I rather not..
So for me my weekend came pretty fast. I missed school today (Thusday) and I can't go tomorrow either. Doc says! xD So I pretty much got an early weekend! ^^'
I'm going to draw a picture tomorrow, for the Halloween spirit. I'm going to the store with my mom and everything and I get to pic up things for my costume too! When I know FOR SURE what I'm going to be, I'll post it here.
See you all laters goodnight!!!!!
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