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myOtaku.com: Exiled Empress

Monday, January 9, 2006

   Just a something coz I'm bored...
Have You Ever...
Made up your own theory about the existance of God?: nope
Stopped believing in God?: no
Participated in a protest of any kind?: Yup! The Dec 12th Mexican-United statewide boycott. It was a form of protest I guess. I say we should do it again =P
Gone to summer camp?: yup.
Betrayed a friend?: never
Made a perverted snowman?: haha no
Run around in your bathing suit during winter?: nope
Gone outside in your bathing suit during winter?: nope
Done the splits?: tried but failed
Picked flowers from other people's lawns?: yeah lol
Been grounded?: nope, Mexicans don't believe in grounding kids. Only chanclazos, haha.
Had a conversation with yourself?: oh yeah. i was really bored. But it was kinda weird O.o
Fallen asleep at school?: duh
Lied to a doctor?: don't think so
Been to a slumber party?: nah
Been to a co-ed slumber party?: no
Had a pillow fight?: nope
Lied about your age on the internet?: yup!
Lied about your age in real life?: yea =/
Cursed directly at a teacher?: noooo...
Cursed indirectly at a teacher?: yeah maybe. damn hw givers.
Cursed in front of a teacher?: nah
Cursed in front of your parents?: yeah
Cursed at your parents?: no
Cursed at a friend?: no
Cursed at stranger?: haha no
Cussed somebody out?: um no
Cried in front of a teacher?: nope
Cried in public?: nope
Cried in front of a friend?: nope
Done drugs?: no
Sniffed a permanent marker to get a mini-high?: lol no
Smoked?: nope
Been arrested?: nope
Gotten a ticket?: nope
Made a prank call?: yeah haha that was funny ^____^
Made a prank call to a friend?: yeah that was even funnier!!
Superglued coins to the floor of the mall?: haha no but i want to now, lol!
Stolen something from a friend?: nope
Stolen something from a store?: no
Gotten caught for stealing?: but i haven't stolen anything hah
Said a racist comment and meant it?: nope
Doubted your sexuality?: huh? O.o Of course not
Lied to a teacher?: yeah
Cut/hurt yourself intentionally?: maybe...a long time ago
Given the finger to somebody?: uh huh...this one time
Give the finger to a stranger?: haha yeah. this one driver tried cutting me off and I got mad.
Been to a concert?: yeah
Sung in the shower?: yeah
Sung into a hair brush?: haha no
Sung in front of friends/family?: yeah..but i didn't go all out hah
Sung in public?: nah
Sung at a show of any form?: nope
Danced in your underwear?: lol no
Danced in your underwear in front of someone else?: hahah nooo
Danced in public?: no way
Danced in a show/recital?: nah

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