
Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
Current Time:3:30 am
Mood: quite tired
Music: the lovely sounds of the TV
So what do you think of the site change? i mide my avatar and the background myself. I have a fetich for checkerboards. The lovely boys of Antic Cafe. They are a wonderfully hilarious bunch.
So how was all ya'lls weekend, ne? Mine was good. I went to the lake with my 3 best girlfriends. We call it one of our "this does not leave the trampoline" weekends. It was a good break from reality. And Lord knows we all needed it.
Today when i got back from the lake...or really yesterday i guess since its now 3 am where i'm at... anyway, today when i got back i went to the police station with my dad, to the precinct he works in. I sat in one of the rolly chairs and rolled myself around the whole building singing the mission impossible theme. ^^ And then i fell asleep in that chair.
I was releived to be home, tho until now i was by myself, seeing as how all my siblings are out of state, and my dad was at work. XD Tho it was quite entertaining since i joined a JRock RPG. Where i am the Lovely Kanon. He is the fantabulous bassist for AnCafe.
Well now...i suppose i will be at your sites sumtime this evening. maybe 24 hours from now...who knows. I would go right now...but i lack the brain power to take in anything right now... *starts drifting to sleep* Later guys. *yawn*
Q: What is the most tired you have ever been?
A: I was in the Midnight Classic Bikeride. It is a "race" that lasts from midnight till 3 am. By the time we got home, my siter and I were far too tired to take a shower, so we straight to bed. But i couldn't sleep. I was so tired that i began to sob.
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
Thank you all for your comments yesterday! I hope you all are going well!!
And in regards to magnus, yes that is me on WDX. ^^ And i hope to get back there soon!!!
Alright so... TH MOI DIX MOIS CONCERT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!!! actually their whole US Tour has been cancelled due to the incompetant dimwit who was supposed to be organizing it. Idiots... so if Mana doesn't kill them i will. XD
Yeh, not to happy about that. But we are still going to Chicago, we just won't be seeing a maybe we will go shopping or sumthing. Who knows.
Ah well i'll get over it. Hehe I'm watching BIG right now...what a great movie. XD
Oh yeh! I won't be on this weekend, because i'll be at a friend's lake house. Part of our crew of misfits, for her sweet sixteen. ^^ I'll let you know how that goes! Later guys, have a great... well, next couple of days i guess! *hugs*
Q: Have you ever been to a concert? If so, what was it?
A: Linkin Park. The opening bands were Hoobastank, Story of the Year, and POD.
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
Okay, so how has everyone been? I've been pretty good. Just extremely bored. ( i just sat here and watched a pokemon movie with ym brothers) I miss my friends. T____T Exspecially my Johnny because i can't see him whenever i want, like all my girlfriends. I'll have to get him to do something with me and our "crew" of misfits this week.
So anyway, on saturday i went to this Birthday party for a woman that my stepmother works with. Carrie was her name...and her husband was Howie. They were amazing people. Quite possibly my favorite adults ever!!! Howie told me that if i ever made an art peice that I wanted to sell, he woul help me sell it, or any clothes designs i make. Maybe its just me...but for me, only being 15, to have an adult that can help me, take my art seriously...was amazing. Makes me very happy. ^_^
And then Monday i went to another party of a friend of my step mom. And met this fabulous gay couple. The sweetest men i have ever met. My sister and I spoke to them for the longest time. ^^
And Yesterday... I SAW X-MEN!!!!! And being the dedicated mutie that i am...i will see it again!!! But i must say, bits and peices annoyed me. Such as the alligence of certain mutants, and couple formations that never were in the comics. And some of the plot with Archangel(Warren) , and his dad. But h well. It was good. And thanks to Magnus, i stayed after the credits for "the scene". Which i jumped up and said, "AHA I KNEW IT!!!!" My dad said, "How could you know that." And i repied, "Duh, don't you read the comics?"
It was great, i definately recommend it!
And in other news. I think i'm going to get my hair cut again. ^^ And i've been looking around alot on ebay for clothes, and if you are in to strange clothing, i mean stuff that is considered visual kei, and unusual. On ebay there is a store called "Refuse to be Usual". Look it up, it got some prety cool stuff.
Well thats all from me. I hope you guys have a great day!!! Later!!
Q: What are you doing right now at this very moment?
A: I am on the couch watching chicken run, and typing to you all! ^^
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Friday, May 26, 2006

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
*ahem* i'm just so happy. i had my last exam today. they weren't so geometry exam on wednesday raped my brain though. ah well. its over now, thank god. Well, so after skool 2 of my close friends and i went to the bubble tea was divine.
Oh yeh, i got my nails done yesterday. ^^, A manicure and a peticure. it was nice. They are bright green, and the thumb and big toenail have little red flowers on them. ^^ not that you wanted to know....but its cute!!
Ah i'm so glad skool is have no idea. although i am kinda sad because i know i won't see my Johnny... cuz we are both too lazy to get together. ah well. ^_^
oh yeh, changed my site again. hehe. I promise i'll keep it awhile. then again i always say that. XD Well i really hope everyone had a great day!!! Later!!
P.S. LittleTrigun, your should get it later..or maybe tomorrow depending on how long it takes for it to get accepted. I'll scan it when i get to my dad's. :)
Q: what are you guys doing this summer?
A: I'm going to hand with some friends at her lakehouse, going to the beach, and going to chicago to see Moi dix Mois. XDDDDDD
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
How is everyone? My day was pretty good. Its my last full day of classes. Because tomorrow i have classes up to 5th period then i begin my 7th period exam. T_____T
As the skool year's end is dangerously close and exams are taking up my time, i don't think i'll be able to much concerning My Otaku...or drawing anything. Mind you i have alot to be scanned. And LittleTrigun i know i promised to have that picture for you, but right now i really need all the time i can get!!! ^^,
So aside from that. Moi dix Mois (JRock band) is coming to the US. I'm so excited. My friends are are going to try to be at the one in Chicago!!! MANA-SAMA WE ARE COMING!!!!1one1 *ahem*
So yeh because my brain melted the other day due to sleep deprivation and geometry i am completely spaced out all the time now. ^^ Oh yeh, today was my last day of geometry...and i totally fell asleep. T______T There is no hope for me.
Sorry about the boring post, i just thought i should let you guys know, i proly won't update for awhile. But i will check your sites when i get the chance! Later!!!
Q: Anyone going (or even heard of) to the Moi dix Mois concert? At any location?
A: Definately trying to go to the one in Chicago!!! (even though we live in memphis...T___T) My friends and I have been planning a trip there for months now.
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
Sorry that its been awhile. My finals are in less than a week!!! I'm serprisingly calm about it which means i should start to freak and cram like crazy in a few days.
Aside from that, i haven't done much as of late, and have gotten sick again...i guess from stress and allergies.
Oh yeh!!! i'm gong to the beach in about 3 weeks. i can't wait. although because i'm so pale i burn horribly whenever the sun touches i'm thinking about getting a parasol. ^^
Almost forgot...i changed my theme. Its still lovless, but its Youji and Natsuo, who are both males BTW. and its no where near as colorful. Ah well. I still like it.
So i shall be getting to all of your sites here in a moment. Hope you all had a great day!!!
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
alright!!! so how was the rest of everyone's weekend, eh?
Mine was pretty good. I got this nifty lolita skirt at the mall. It reminds me of Mana ^^ cept i'm not as pretty as him...
And Last night(sunday) i had to take an IQ test for my Stepmother. She is a psychology student. And she was really trying to find my IQ, she is being graded on how well she preforms the test. So she has tp tape everything we say. God it took for ever, and it was so funny.
One of the last questions...and at this time i was so tired i wanted to pick up the pencil and stab myself in the brain... Anyway one of the last questions was "Who is Confucious" i was really about to say " A really old Chinese guy" so glad i thought about it before i said otherwise i proly woulda messed up her tape. ^^
So yeh... i guess thats i all i really have to say...other than i still need a job. I'll proly end up working at a grocery store... but hopefully Barnes and Noble or Sonic.
I'll get to your sites when i can... i've got some requests building up i'm afraid..that and i only have 20 days of skool left... 15 before finals. Later!!! Hope you had a great day!!!
Q: Everyone has a certain style whether you think you do or not. So whats your style of clothing? Stereotypical style or whatever you want to call it...
A: Gothic Lolita ( of EGL or Kodona ( on my mood. and if you're not familiar with these then go to those links. ^^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
So Last night the concert went well. After the band preformed we kinds skipped the choir, and ran around outside in the grass. WE completed glomped Johnny, and then they glomped me. ^^
But know for the real reason I am posting. There is this dog that used to live across the stret from me. Her name was Makana. She would get out, and i met the dog because i took her home everyday. She was a beautiful, sweet dog. WEll recently i haven't seen her, and just found out today that she was adopted by a couple that live down the street.
I was driving home with my mom, and there she was... dead on the side of the street. WE come home and then turned around to go back. Found out that is was in fact MAkana.
What makes me so angry as that it was a FedEx guy...and he didn't stop.And that dog is big enough to be seen and heard. He should have stopped. Which is why we know it wasn't the regular FedEx guy, Robin. Robin is a hippie. But this new guy didn't stop when he hist Makana.
I can't stand the heartlessness and greediness of people, and society. Everyone does what they need to to get by regardlesss who or what they destroy along the way.
I really hope everyone had a better day than i did.
Q: Whats your outlook on human society?
A: I'm very dissapointed in the human race. I've felt that way for awhile. I don't think we are doing anything but regressing. Humans have become heartless and cold. We were created to be loving and social creatures. The fact that we are greedy and self-absorbant destroys what we were created to protect.
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
Its the End of the World As We Know it

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
I had a relatively good day today. we had our annual talent show at skool today. the "dramatic prose" act was quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen. They were hilarious.
Oh and my Johnny didn't die like he prophesized. (sp?) but he did have to go to the doctor because they thought he had a type of cancer (but thats personal). So we're aren't really sure the world is ending today, ow we think that instead of 27 days, it was more like 27 full moons. Which is proving to be more accurate. ^^
So i'm going to the band concert at skool today. Cuz all my band geek friends tell me I must, or they will kidnap me. hehe. OH YEH!!!! best part of the day! Mr. Link (band director) in his lime green truck, totally almost ran over this chick. LMAO!!! The sad part is, we thought he was joking...o.O hehehehe. ah that was funny.
Ill get to your sites now!! Hope you guys had a great day! Later!
Q: procrastinator?
A: all the time ^^, i always wait till the last minute to do practically everything.
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
div id="Update">
Hello!!! How was everyone's day? Mine was pretty good. I think i have decided that i'm going to join the band next year. Yay me... social reject. lol. Band geek and an art kid. Which brings me to stereotypes... me and my friends would be considered the gothic outcasts, i suppose. Or atleast that is what we are told. Even (jokingly) by our parents. But since thats not really the point...
The Band director at my skool (Mr. Link) we now call him a He his a hippie, cept he more like a beatnik. Anyway...he isn't even one of my teachers, but he might as well be. He bought this lime green...we are talking "OMFG WHY" lime green, truck. It is so funny. My and my ginny love it.
oh and do any of you have thoughts on where i should work this summer..? i'm thinking Sonic (huge tips!!!) or barnes and noble...
Oh yeh!!! My Johnny predicted that the world is gonna end tomorrow, just thought i should warn you all!!! Oh and does anyone have any get online store know for clothes? or anything good on ebay? Just wondering.
I'll get to all your those of you who have updated! hope you had a great day!!! Later!
Q: do you play an instrument? If so, what is it?
A: I play flute, and bass guitar...well learning the bass. (totally opposite ends of the music genres ^^)