Puttin' on the Ritz

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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Sorry for my long absence!!! Again...and i seem to be saying this alot lately...school work!!! I've brought my grades up quite abit and it makes no sense to flunk the last 4 weeks of skool!
Okay so in other news...i changed my site again.... no worries i shall keep it for the next month or so, and i promise to update more...just so busy... But do you like it? I like it... quite abit!
So yeh, I just got my permit the other day...last wednesday i think. And i've been driving everywhere!!! EVERYONE BEWARE!!! No, i'm kidding. I'm actually pretty good...WEll cept for the incident with my dad today. You see, when i'm with him, he always makes me drive the Jeep which is a stick shift...and i'm not so good with that... so i was pulling in the driveway, and i almost bulldozed our mailbox, thank god i only grazed it! My dad laughed at me, and he got out of the car and said "I'll just fix this *kicks dirt* Thats what dad's are for, they now exactly what to cover up for their daughters." God i love my dad. ^^
BTW thanks for all of your comments on my last post, i think i may do some expirements with that.
So i should be by your sites at some time today...or atleast those of you who have already updated! Hope you all had a great day! Later!
Q: Do you like yaoi? why or why not?
A: I like the light fluffy stuff. Cutesy type...yeh. ^^ Why? my mind can't handle the hard-core stuff, and besides 2 guys together is cute.
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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Okay. I might as well tell you now that i'm not exactly in the best mood...i should proly save this post for tomorrow...but i have got to post now.
Here goes... There is this girl that i now. And quite frankly she irritates the snot out of me. We used to be so close...but now. i really can't stand her. She copies everything i do. If i like one thing...then she decides she likes it even if she has no idea what it is. If i decided i like a certain style of dress or music, or even behavior...she decides thats what she wants as well. She has even "stolen" my friends from me. Sounds a bit elementary skool, ne? She met a few of my friends and just kinda took over for me, and now they still keep in touch with her...and not me. ^^,
I'm sure that there have many oppurtunities for me to tell her this. But i can't...because i have no idea what to say. But it has gotten to the point, that i don't even want to be around her anymore, let alone look at her. I feel like i'm drowning in my own being.
People say that i'm different for a reason. Because i am. I do not choose to intentionally be as weird as possible. I just don't like what others would call normal. So it is strange for me to have a little carbon copy of myself walking around with me.
Yes i realize some may call this "admiration". But there is a fine line between "admiration" and "losing yourself". I say this because, what she does, i do not consider admiration, i consider it to be what i call "wearing a mask of someone else's face." She may like some of the things i do, but does she really have to duplicate exactly what i do and say? even some of my mannerisms?
i really just needed to vent i suppose. But seriously...its gotten to the point that it pisses me off. And she needs to be her own person. And the sad part is... i bet she has no idea i'm talking about her.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Women's Rights in English Class

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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yeh...i'm in my english class right now. *sigh* so very boring. i'm supposed to be looking up Women's rights in education. And i have been, but you know how it is.
in art class i'm trying to draw a picture of the guitarist of Antique cafe, Bou. But it looks nothing like him, so i'll proly end up re-drawing it. T_____T
God i need lunch now... we didn't have break like normal cuz we get out today at 2 instead of 2:50... so hungry....
So my dad is gonna take me to see V for Vendetta after skool today, cuz i get out early. oh i can't wait. So i'll check all of your sites when i get home. yup. Hope you guys had a great day. Later!!!
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
div id="Update">
Happy April Fool's!!!!!
Well, sorry i haven't been around...grades...trying to keep them good before the term ends. ^^
And as Bento suggested...I'm only changing my site once a month. And this month's theme, is actually not an anime. But i think that he still counts as a bishounen. This is Gackt-san. And HE is in fact a MALE. NOT a GIRL. okay? well now that we are clear on that...how do you like the new layout? I think it is pretty...
Anyway, so how is everyone doing? Hope you are all good, i'll be checking your sites today!! And i guess i'll update again later. When i find something interesting to tell you. ^^ Later!!!
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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So i went to the mall yesterday. Great fun that always is. ITs an outdoor mall, so i ran around like a fricking maniac. I just ran and sang songs and screamed at the top of my longs for no reason. You know...just acting crazy. XD
So yeh i went into Barnes and Noble and found this manga i had never heard of. its called "Kaze Hikaru". by Taeko Watanabe. Its about a young girl who dresses as a man to enter the Shinsengumi. She is put under the "teachings" of none other than the greates swordsman and by far the most immature, Soji Okita. I think its supposed to be some sort of romance. Regardless its pretty good if you know anything about the Shinsengumi.
I went back to skool today...first day after Spring Break. And i must say i think my Spanish Teacher loaded it on a bit to hard. And my Biology teacher is giving us a test tomorrow.-_-,
Oh well, i was just glad to see all my friends again.
In other news my muses still hate me and refuse to come back...T_____T So i shall sit a starving artist for the next couple of hours...*sniff*
Other thatn that...nothing really interesting to say. Hope you guys had a great day! Later!
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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well firstlly i must say that i love peach cobbler...why must i say this? Because i can. XD
*ahem* I am supposed to go to the mall today with my dad...last day of Spring Break...and i need to get out of the house. I'm actually really glad Spring Break is over. I'm one of those people that has issues with sitting still and doing nothing. Which is proly why i always change my site. XD
WEll my muses left me again...they just don't like me very much. I'm gonna have to tie 'em down and tell them to sit. Nasty little buggers...
I guess thats it for now... Later! ^_^ Hope everyone has a great day!
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Run out of sick days so i'm calling in Dead

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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Good Lord it has been awhile since i've been here. So i celebrate tih a site change!!! And possibly a few pictures...would should be up sometime in the next day or so.
Alright well as you can see i am not dead...though i feel as though i should be...my body refuses to operate correctly. XD
So Spring Break has sprung here, and i'm soaking in the laziness. Its been good so far...with the exception of my bratty brothers. When my mom took us to Gatlinburg, they were little jerks the whole time. But regardless...my sister and i had fun. I bought a Boken...which is a type of wooden sword. very cool. I proly could've gotten a real katana...but a sharp blade and my brothers wouldn't have blown over so well, methinks.
Well thats all i really have to say for now. Hope you guys are having a great week! I'll get to your sites today, promise! Later ya'll!
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Down with the Sickness :P

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
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it seems as of late i am always getting SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TURN AROUND AND I"M HACKIN UP A LUNG AGAIN!!!!! *shifty eyes* ahem....
on to more important matters. I'm gettin my haircut tomorrow!!!!! Yatta!! i've wanted to get my haircut for a few months now... but i have not said a word to no one...you know why? WEll its because the last time i got my hair cut in 8th grade...i recieved a swift slap in the face from on of my best friends. .... yup...i had a handprint on my face all day. I supppose i looked somewhat like Miroku. \../(-_-) yup.
ack...icky nyquil. So yeh thats all i have to say for now i think...other than i hope all of you are better than me. But i shall be returning to skool tomorrow!!!! Its Ash Wednesday...i can not miss a Jesus Day. That would be sinful and wrong. Later!!!
BTW so sorry i haven't updated for a while...i've been out of town and stuff...caving. I'll have to tell you about that later tho!
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Dragon bathing and Site changing

Link Back To Me! ^_^
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
div id="Update">
ALright well firstly of all, i was chaning my site last night, and then MyOtaku went all crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like "NNOOOOOOOOO" but i woke up this morning and it was fine, so i finished playing with my site. Do you guys like? I do, i'll keep it for awhile, i really like the song. I got the somg from Animerequiem.com, and the icon was made by Smam over in LJ. So yeh. Tsume and Toboe all the way!!!
Anyway....i had to clean out my bearded dragons cage. His name is Hubb. and my sister's is George. So after we cleaned thier cage, we gave them a bath. Does that sound weird? Oh well. WE put some water in the sink and sorta washed them off, and it was alot of fun. My dragon is alot more calm, and he doesn't try to eat me. But my sister's is a frickin spaz. WE think we are going to bathe them again tomorrow. ^^
WEll thats all i have to say. Hope you guys had a great day!!! Later!!
Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl
Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com
div id="Update">
OOOO the laziness of me. WEll, i was outta skool today, for no real reason, its calle "winter break" its a 4 day weekend, whatever. So anyway, i was supposed to go shopping today....but you know how tempting the couch can be.
So i watched The Grudge with my mom. And i must say, as much as the movie sucked, it was amusing watching my mom. lol. Okay, the suspense of the movie was good, but the storyline was kinda weak, and the ending sucked HARD!!!!!
So yeh, then i watched the end of clue...and now i have progressed from one end of the couch to the other end to get to the comp. And thats about as much as i have moved all day. lol. So yeh. Whenever i get off the comp, i'm thinking i need to go draw. Do something productive atleast...and physical activity isn't looking good. hehe. So i'll get to your sites now or later, depending. Hope you guys had a great day!!!! Later!!!
do you like my icon...? i know its not rally hightech but i still make it and i think its cute!!!