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myOtaku.com: eyes-of-the-wolf

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

   Down with the Sickness :P


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Credits Graphics: Crimson-rose
Coding: Crimson-rose
original coding Somegirl Hosting: Myotaku.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com

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it seems as of late i am always getting SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TURN AROUND AND I"M HACKIN UP A LUNG AGAIN!!!!! *shifty eyes* ahem....

on to more important matters. I'm gettin my haircut tomorrow!!!!! Yatta!! i've wanted to get my haircut for a few months now... but i have not said a word to no one...you know why? WEll its because the last time i got my hair cut in 8th grade...i recieved a swift slap in the face from on of my best friends. .... yup...i had a handprint on my face all day. I supppose i looked somewhat like Miroku. \../(-_-) yup.

ack...icky nyquil. So yeh thats all i have to say for now i think...other than i hope all of you are better than me. But i shall be returning to skool tomorrow!!!! Its Ash Wednesday...i can not miss a Jesus Day. That would be sinful and wrong. Later!!!
BTW so sorry i haven't updated for a while...i've been out of town and stuff...caving. I'll have to tell you about that later tho!

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