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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
hello everyone! i was gone for a while since my family was so busy for my sister's wedding day last Oct 18. And finally, it's done! And i was the one who got the boquet. My family is teasing me that i will marry next to my sister which is so far from reality since i'm not into a relationship and i don't have that yet in my plan. I was planning to put the pix here but there are a lot of them so i decided that i won't be putting any picture of the wedding here.
i have a new idea..instead of putting my comment on your comment on my post in your comment box, i would just PM it. hehe..(i bet you got confused with that)
huhu..i got some problems with others, i didn't get to PM them coz it took me so long to get in to theo so i decided to use my old style of commenting. i'm sorry.
"Bless are they who hear the word of GOd and keep it." (Lk. 11:28)
My reflection:
It's easy to listen to GOd's words but it's so difficult to put them into action. Prayers would help us stay in God's path though it's difficult to do..
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
here's a poem that i wrote before and i want to share it to you..
here's the link Nothing Has Ever Started.
thanks for all the comments!
Bow humbly under GOd's mighty hand, so that in due time He may lift you high. (1Pt 5:6)
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Friday, October 10, 2008
hi everyone! thanks for the comments! *hugs all*
Question: Am i annyoing anyone with the way i comment on your comment on my post? coz you know, supposedly your comment box should contain a comment on your post but i'm not doing that.
I passed the entrance exam for BSPsych and I'm happy. And we already talked with my mom and she told me that this will be the last chance that she'll give me and i promised to her that I'll do my best this time and i won't do the same thing that i did in my previous course(BSN). i guarantee to her that i'll finish this one and i won't back out. and i'll keep my word to make my mom happy.
these days, we're busy preparing for my sister's upcoming wedding. And i made a customized picture frame as a gift for her and my future bro in-law. here's how it looks like:

Can someone please explain to me how to put a drawing in Theo? coz i don't know how to move around Theo. please please please..thank you. I have some drawings that i wanted to place there. So please can someone help me with that. thank you..and Ey, to DaFeather: thank you again for the drawing, thank you so much..!!!
"There is no greater love than this: to lay down his life for one's friends" (Jn15:13)
"Blest are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of me/ Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is great in heaven." (Mt5:11-12)
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Sunday, October 5, 2008
oct 5-we ate in an eat-all-you-can restaurant for the double celebration of my dad's and sister's birhtday. I slept in my grandma's house. Before sleeping, I watched a movie in the television. its title is "So Close" it's a chinese or Korean(i'm not so sure) movie. It's very nice. I had watched it before but then i watched it again. It will make you cry. It's full of action too. It's a story between two sisters. you gotta watch it.
this morning, i decided to get my requirements for enrollment and examination coz i will be shifting to another course and to another school. I was in my college school to get my Transcript of Records and now, i'm in my sister's office coz she will accompany me to get my Birth Certificate coz it's one of the requirements for enrollment.
have a great day everyone!
If someone is oppressing you and you feel like there's no hope, read Psalm 119 and you'll be inspired to stay good and take those oppressors for granted and forget vengeance.
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Oct 3-was the 60th birthday of my father, we got a coffee walnut cake for him.
Oct 4-was the 30th bday of Rueca, my eldest sister and we got a chocolate cake for her since she really loves chocolate.
- it was also the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, we attended a mass and a procession.
This is how my sister's wedding invitation looks like

she made it herself. What can you say about it? And by the way, her wedding is on the 18th this month and i'm so excited. We were already giving out the invitation cards to the guests and i helped too in the distribution.
I really want to be a good girl now. I was never that bad though. But I want to be a real Christian-like you know. It's really hard to be a good person. I'm always facing this battle between good and evil, and sometimes, i fail. I really hate it. I hate myself when i'm so weak you know. But to help me accomplish my goal to be a good person, I would be reading the Bible often so I would be inspired and expect me too to be leaving Scriptures at the end of my post. I'm doing this all for the glory of God. Please let us all share God's words to the world. If there are any atheist here, I'm sorry for this part of my post that is All-for-God topic of mine but i'm just doing my job as a believer. And i am hoping too, to bring you back to Him.
Come after me and I will make you fishers of men (Mt.4:19)
I have not come to invite the self-righteous to a change of heart, but sinners. (Lk.5:32)
In Your kindness give me life, that I may keep your commandments. (Ps.119:88)
~good day and take care~
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm posting again another designs of dresses that i've seen from that the same magazine that i was talking about on my post yesterday. And here they are:

they're so cute, right?
anyway, i don't have enough time to read all of your post since i only go to net cafes to surf the net, i really can't comment on everybody. my new discovery technique is to write something on your comment box about your comment on my post. Bad thing here is i'm commenting not related to your post but please forgive me and just give credit to the time that i spent in making a comment on your comment *begging* i don't want to lose my friends here and that's my way of keeping in touch with you.I feel so guilty for not commenting lately. I love you all!
questions: 1 What are the bad qualitites that you possess?
2 What are the good qualities that you own?
my answers: 1 irresponsible when it comes to group work. and i'm lazy sometimes
2 responsible when it comes to myself, and being religious though i'm not a very good person but it helps me to become one.
thanks for reading..
~take care always~
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Monday, September 29, 2008
thank you so much everyone for the comments!
to Subi Lavi: thank you
to The Mask: thank you jessie. hehe.. haha..nice ang mug sa..haha..ayaw ka suya..hehe..btaw, everyone related to church jud/church persons jud ako ma typan..di kaha ko makilatan jessie? btw, Jess, tell me more about Psychology.. That course is one of the list that i have in mind since there are several subjects that can be credited with that. i don't know when kaha ko ka enroll ani this sem or next year coz my family is focusing on my sister's wedding..hapit nana..thanks again!
to Twists Of Rain, TalimSoul, and The Eighth Sin : thank you!! eating is really fun and nice to do..
to DaFeather: you'll make something for me? a card or what? thanks anyway
to tsubasachro: thank you. watermelon are really sweet.
to inkenyo 2.0: thank you. really? i look younger than my age? that's great! hehe..thanks..btw, the pictures that i posted were taken this year.
to ladyjacalyn, jomz, and Stixx: thank you=)
to Angel Zakuro: thank you. it's okay no need to say sorry. I was also like that with school before, so busy with everything about it. Thanks for the comment=)
wew. i can't help but extend my gratitude to all of you for the nice comments.
anyway, let's get to the real body of this post.
i had a dinner with my family and this friend of mine who's also a family friend and i showed her some pictures of death note characters and she said that Kira is more handsome than L. and that makes me sad for her to have such comment. *sorry for the Kira fans* but i just find L really cute that anyone else *apologizes again*.. well anyway, each one has their own view...and i respect hers.
i got these pictures of dresses from a magazine and i want to show it here. i find them really cute and nice. I didn't draw and i don't own this so don't sue me. As i said, i just saw them in a mag.

aren't they lovely?? hehe..
i'll end this by asking these questions:
1. What do you want to be?
2. What do you want to have?
my answers:
1. If i were a boy, i would be a priest. But I'm a gal who doesn't want to be a nun, I just want to be a simple person who's willing to help others with all the resources that I'll have(which i still don't have now)
2. a.cash
b. laptop
c. touch-screen phone
and please tell your friends to add me. *begging* I really want to have friends here, a lot the better. =)
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thank you all for the comments!! mwah!
As promised, i would show to you the pictures during my 19th birthday last September 21. We ate in the same restaurant where my sister celebrated her birthday last Aug 31. As you can notice, the scenery is the same as that one.
this is me...

this is Rueca(my sister-eldest of the siblings) and me

this is me and grandma

family members

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hi everyone! Thank you to Ruckles, TalimSoul, TaintedSanity, Twist of Rain, jomz, and Stixx for the comments. *hugs all*
The following is the summary of my activities from Sept14-Sept23(today).
SUNDAY(Sept14), afer hearing a mass, we had this small gathering with the family at home. We drank beer and ate foods while watching some shows on the television.
MONDAY(Sept15), my parents(with mom as the mastermind),went out from the house without telling me and my sister where there going to but only left us with these words "I want you to experience and feel a moment without us," because she's been complaing lately that ever since we've grown up, we wouldn't listen to them(parents) anymore which is only 1/4 of it is true. She's feeling that way ever since i decided to stop my course in college. She got really frustrated with that and i understand how she feels. They went back home at 12 MN bringing snacks for us. Yepey!
TUESDAY(Sept16), We(family) attended a mass and i find the priest cute with his chubby face. *I know this ain't right*
WEDNESDAY(Sept17), We attended a final vow of four nuns and after, we joined them for lunch for the celebration. After lunch, my parents accompanied me to my x-college school to meet my x-classmates to get my stuffs from them. I also received a gift from my friend. It's the best customized gift i ever received. It has Kenshin's face and L's face with my name on it, too. (That friend might be reading this but can't comment coz we had an agreement of off communication for some years) Here's how the mug looks like.

When I was in my former school, I felt like I was a superstar. Everytime my classmates would see me, they would yell my name while going towards my direction and give me a hug. They've missed me(read my post last Aug20,2008 for those who didn't get why they're not my classmates anymore)
THURSDAY(Sept18), i attended a Bible study with my parents.
FRIDAY(Sept19), i painted my nails brown(hands) and violet(feet).
SATURDAY(Sept20), i've been wearing this slippers for almost the whole day.

My Chinese classmate gave this to me when he got back to the Phils from his vacation in Hong Kong. In the evening, i continued wrapping my sister's souvenirs for her wedding next month. And i watched for the third time the movie The Twins Effect. It's a Chinese vampire movie and i have a crush on the vampire. He's so cute.
SUNDAY(Sept21), It's my bday! I attended a mass then ate outside with the family. I'll post the pictures next time. That's a promise. In the evening, I slept at my grandma's house.
MONDAY(Sept22), I was in my grandma's house the whole day and i was watching tv for the whole day too. I went home with my sister in the evening.
TUESDAY(Sept23), This is today. wahaha.. I feel so weak. I think I'm sick though my temperature didn't get high. Anyway, I have to cut writing coz I'll be attending a mass again.
Ciao! Thanks for reading. mwah!
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, Sept. 13, as predicted and as stated on my previous post, my mom didn't allow me to go to my high school classmate's younger sister's birthday party. =(
Instead, I stayed at home and helped my elder sister in making carbonara. She did almost most of the cooking and what i did were to grate the cheese, open the cream, and slice the garlics. My sister, Rueca, made plenty of carbonara and i was so full afer eating two full plates of it. yum! yum!
I have this multi-purpose cheap gadget (a camera, mp4 player, video player, etc) which also has a notepad in it. Since I only go to cafes for net surfing, to save my time and money, i would copy the fanfics that i wanted to read and save them in my gadget and i'll be reading them at home. Reading fanfics in internet cafes is time and money consuming.
There are two fanfics of Rurouni Kenshin that i read. First story was that Kaoru is a leader of a gang. And the second story almost made me cry (bec. I was holding back my tears) was that Kenshin and Kaoru broke up and then Kenshin realized that Kaoru was everything to him and he wanted her back. gosh. I really loved it! The way the author presents the details.
I love stories with humor and stories that would make my tears fall..
btw, thanks for those who commented on my past post. mwah..
take care!!!
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