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Friday, September 12, 2008
thanks for the comments.
To Ruckles: I had read the poem Heaven already. It's so nice. So touching. I wish that would happen to me in reality when I die. I really want to go to heaven.
I'll comment tonight.
I was invited by my classmate in high school who was a member of Myo before. It is the birthday party of her sister and it will be held tomorrow but my mom was like saying no. I think I can't go to the party:( and that makes me sad:(
btw, can anyone give me a fanfic with a nice story. The one that you guys have already read. thanks. Coz there's a lot of them in fanfic.net and i could hardly choose which one to read.
thanks for reading..
take care always!!!
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
hi. I'm in an internet cafe now. So bad for me that we don't have a computer anymore in our home though we got one, but it's useless. Mom gave me an hour to be out from the house for surfing the net, that's why i'm here. Nobody in the house, except me got plans to buy a new computer and get an internet connection and it makes me so sad. And I have no reason to push my mom in buying since i decided to stop schooling.
I'll try to make some changes on my site hopefully i would be successful in doing that 'coz i'm no good with codes and stuffs. If i have extra time, I'll comment.
Btw, i volunteered to help my sister in wrapping her souvineers for her wedding next month.
this is the souvineer

this is the box where we put in the stuff above

this is the cover that i'll be needing to wrap the box above

and this is the partial output..

i said partial coz it's my sister's job to put a ribbon on it.
btw, thanks to Ruckles and TalimSoul for saying that i'm pretty *blushes* hehe.. btw, thanks for all those who commented..mwah...
take care ya'll..thanks Ruckles for sending me the poem. I'll read it later..
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
hi. i noticed that the number of my comments are getting low=(
To Ruckles: what is this poem about? email it to me please. thanks! ezel_20002000@yahoo.com
here are some pictures during my sister's bday last aug 31.
my parents


rema, my sister, the bday celebrant

rema's boyfriend/future husband

me and rueca, our eldest

me and rema

mom,me, and rueca

dad, me, and mom

rueca with a big opened mouth

me and my grandma/my mom's mom

i'm going to attend a mass now at 3 pm so i won't be staying for long here.
take care ya'll and God bless you...
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Monday, September 8, 2008
hi. uhm. i got this layout from one site. i just forgot the exact adress. i just copied and pasted it. my bad.
btw, my bday is soon...it will be on Sept 21. and i'll turn 19..huhu..i'll get older.
speaking of birthday, today's the bday of Mother Mary...happy bday to her..yepee!!
who's generous enough to give me a gift???? waah..
anyway, i've been wondering if there's a site where i can post a story for free since i'm making a story right now, i haven't finished it though.. if you happen to know a site that hosts for free stories, please do tell me..i'm begging you..
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
hi..as you can see i had changed my background. hope you like it..!!
and made some little changes too.
i had gone to church and just finished attending a mass..sorry i can't comment..i'm running out of time..mwah mwah..tc ya'll..
thanks for the comments!!
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Friday, August 29, 2008
hi...thanks for the comments...mwah!!! mwah...
btw, please help me find Death Note stuffs....thanks!!!!
on the 31th this month is the bday of my older sister..that means we'll be eating a lot of foods!!! weeeee!!!
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
hello.. thank you everyone for the comments!! i haven't been to this site for quite some time. things are getting better now, the family isn't as depressed as we were weeks and weeks ago(this is related to my decision in not persuing my course). I'm hoping that we would be at our best soon and forget all the heart aches and everything and i'm hoping too that i/we can totally move on. I'm totally a home buddy now and i do most of the household chores. My mom's rule is no surfing the net without doing something that could promote cleanliness to the house. And that explains why I've been gone and why I wouldn't be in this site everyday. But guess what will I be doing now...?? ---> I'll be commenting on your posts...yepee!!
Btw, we met again with The Mask's family in church last Sunday.
below is the picture of our house(outside view)

the following are pictures of our pets at home=)
this is our dog, chloe...

this is meng grel
 and this is ming guy

i'm sorry i haven't commented to everyone's posts because i'm running out of time..huhu...
btw, add me in YM ezel_20002000
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
hello everyone! thanks for the comments and my apologies for not posting for 13days. I made a decision that could change my life.
As mentioned on my previous posts, my duty in the hospital is for two weeks but sad to say that I was on duty for three days only. I had decided not to continue my course(nursing). My family was really upset (who wouldn't be?). They tried to convince me to continue for there are only 5 semesters left and after that i would be done, but I can't imagine myself working in the hospital. I just don't trust myself that much. So I was really firm with my decision not to continue.
So I went to our school with my parents and talked to the Level 3 Chairman of the Nursing Department and informed her that i would stop scooling. I had my clearance signed and I met this one classmate of mine, Christine. I apprecaite her concern, she really did try to convince me to continue my studies but somehow it annoyed me for she was really forceful though i already told her that I really don't want to continue. And she told me that I'm selfish for I didn't think of my parents=( But in fairness to my side, I did thought of them the reason why I didn't shift to another course when i had several attempts to do it when i was in first and second year but this time i just can't take it anymore. i just don't love the course. I feel so sorry especially to my mom, whom i love so much for doing this.
Last Sunday, we met again with The Mask and his family in church.
i have these ff questions:
1. Have you ever made a very big decision that could change your life?
2. What was it?
3.Were you happy about your decision?
my answers:
1. yes
2. when i decided not to finish college
3. dunno
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
hi...thanks for the comments!!
i'm making a comment to those who have posted today...=) woah..
something interesting happened today--my anxiety is lessened and i just don't understand it...
thank you everyone for the support...tomorrow is a starting day of practicing my profession(student nurse)..help me God...
take care always...
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
thanks everyone for the comments and for trying to cheer me up...=) that means a lot to me..i'm a little bit okay now..though there's still a bit of sadness and worry inside me..thanks everyone for the support..
and thanks to my bestfriend too...
i can't comment on anyone's post for i don't have much time for that..i'm just dropping by..hope you would forgive me...i'm preparing my things for the hospital duty this monday, but i'll make it up to all of you after two weeks...i would be commenting you at that time..promise!!!
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