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Jaime Clemente
i can fit safetey pins, paper clips, and chunky chains like armitiges through my ears, i can iterperate dreams, i can walk in 6 inch high shoes, i'm making my own manga, and i can touch my nose with my tounge. (or however you spell it! )
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Cowboy Bebop, Noir, B.C.T.2040, Gasaraki, Trigun, G.T.O., Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Azu Manga Daioh, Angel Sanctuary, Get Backers, YAUA, Hellsing, etc.
to collect more chains to go around my waist, wrists, and neck, and to make my own anime
drawing, shooting, practicing my jap and learning egyptian hieroglyphics, dancing, and painting.
henna tatooing, art, launguages, sleeping, dancing, and cooking asian food.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Ok. Now I'm REALLY bored. Here's your yearly overview...
GEMINI OVERVIEW: As a joint financial matter finally draws to a close in winter, you're finally feeling able to turn your attention toward enjoying life -- and there'll be plenty of opportunities to do just that in February and March. From the 9th through the 15th of January, though, you may need to tie up a few loose ends, but if you can buckle down and do it, you'll reap the rewards of hard work. The full Moon of January 25th will also provide you with the inspiration to keep on going, no matter how hard your work-oriented challenges are -- and to finish up, too! For the rest of the season, you'll be able to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Your friendships and group connections may change during April, or you may be put in charge of a previously recreational situation -- but you'll just love it. Being in charge will come easily to you during May and June as well, and you'll gain new admirers and lots of new friends who can't believe you're not too good to be true.
Abrupt and sudden changes during summer may not seem to be of the long-term variety when they occur, but if you take a step back and look around, you'll realize that you're really at the beginning of a metamorphosis -- and at the end, you'll be glad for each and every event that contributed to making you 'the new you.' The full Moon of August 19th will give you a chance to express yourself in a whole new way, too. Don't let it go by without taking advantage of it.
During fall, once again, your focus will turn to relationships -- and what to do about them. Money that's owed to you may be repaid, however, and a favor you'd long forgotten about will be returned -- further proof that the good we do comes back to us tenfold. You'll also have the chance to make some extra cash and have some fun, too, so if a hobby suddenly turns into a part-time job around the holidays, make time for it.
ARIES OVERVIEW: As the year begins, Aries, your focus will quickly shift from play to work -- hard work. After the 10th of January, in fact, it will be tough to talk you into doing anything other than putting your nose to the grindstone. You'll be able to reach your goals more easily, though, so it will be well worth your time and energy to put everything else aside -- for now, at least. Once March arrives, however, you'll be far more interested in taking care of your health and appearance -- and you'll do a great job of it, too.
A solar eclipse in early April will make this a birthday month to remember, and if you're single, this astral equation could also indicate a new relationship. Keep your eyes open after the 14th of April for someone who's extremely sensual and quite focused -- on you! Be sure they're not too focused, though. You know how you get when you feel smothered.
Summer will be an entirely different story. By July, you'll be enjoying lots of freedom, travel and new experiences. Keep your passport current and your suitcases handy. The full Moon of August 19th will also bring along a chance for you to start a new hobby -- the kind that could put you in touch with someone new, exciting and just fiery enough to keep you interested. Don't pass this one up! Both the hobby and the new person could be exactly what you've been waiting for.
By fall, you may be thinking of making a major career move -- one that's entirely possible. After the 17th of October, you may also be making your way along a whole new relationship path. Either way -- or both ways, perhaps -- you'll enjoy this new start, and so will those who choose to accompany you. The holidays look just wonderful, full of lots of good feelings and lots of surprises under the mistletoe. A new Moon on New Year's Eve will put you in the mood to get back to business after weeks of festivities. Go for it!
TAURUS OVERVIEW: After months of what feels like treading water, Taurus, you'll be able to make some very definite changes this year -- but you may need to use that world-famous patience of yours for a few months. Winter will be full of interesting changes, especially after January 10th. If you're due to make a career change, wait until then. The best part is that once you set your determined little mind to something, there's just no way you won't have it. So when you decide who and what you want, you have only to focus your considerable energies on it, and you can rest assured that you'll reach all those goals -- and more.
Spring will be fun and sociable, and your worst problem may be deciding which wonderful offer to accept, and which to reject. A relationship could change quite suddenly at the end of April, thanks to the lunar eclipse of the 24th. This bright event will spark up your relationship axis, asking that you turn your attention to one-to-one encounters.
But it's summer that will bring you the most exciting changes. Right up until the very end of July, fiery Mars will keep things passionate, but urge you to keep quiet, too. Once August arrives, however, Mars will take all that passion and aggression into your own sign, turning up the volume on your level of assertion. That means this summer definitely won't go by without you making a stand -- a serious stand -- on behalf of someone or something that you want.
Come fall, you'll make some changes, and they'll all be positive. If they don't feel that way at the time, think about this: There's a silver thread that connects everything that's every happened to us to where we are right now. If you're happy with yourself, you should be grateful for every little thing that's come your way -- whether you thought of it as positive or negative at the time. If there are things you want to change, make new choices and get your new show on the road. 'Tis the season for new beginnings, after all!
CANCER OVERVIEW: You're going to be very busy for the first few weeks of the New Year, Cancer -- but rewards will come along before you know it. Keep your goals in sight, and don't quit. All during winter, you'll feel the need to expand your horizons, either through travel, moving or connecting with like-minded others. Basically, the universe is giving you the chance to break out of your rut and learn something new. Take advantage of it. Sign up for classes or attend a seminar around the 21st of January.
Spring looks to be quite the hard working season for you, starting as soon as the solar eclipse on the 8th of April. This energizing event will affect your career and public reputation, urging you to take professional matters into your own hands. Just be sure not to ignore your family or partner while you're climbing the corporate ladder. The lunar eclipse on the 24th will shed its light on your friendships and group relationships. At that time, you may be asked to take more responsibility and prove your leadership abilities -- and you'll do a fine job. During May and June, a bit of intrigue may enter your life. Be careful not to become involved in anything that's not completely on the up-and-up.
Once summer rolls around, your focus will shift to your appearance -- possibly because there's someone new in your life who's inspiring you. You'll be tempted to spend more than you know you should once August 17th arrives. If you have to make a major purchase, shop around carefully.
Career and family will once again keep you busy during fall, especially around the 3rd and the 17th of October, when a pair of eclipses will activate these areas of your life. If you've been thinking of making a new career start, this would be a fine time to do it. By the end of November, you should be settled in comfortably -- like you'd been there all along. Money matters may be tight during the holiday season, but don't panic. You'll enjoy the season more if you concentrate on warm feelings, comfort food (your specialty) and mistletoe.
LEO OVERVIEW: As the year begins, you may feel torn between putting in more time at work and giving yourself some quality time alone. You can find the right balance if you manage your time wisely, and if you remember to 'measure twice and cut once.' Do it right the first time. During February, your primary relationship will keep you busy. If you're not attached as the season begins, get yourself out there and look around. The new Moon of the 8th could bring someone along who's just different and unusual enough to keep you interested.
During spring, an urge to learn something new will tempt you into taking classes or taking off for parts unknown with your partner. A proposal or a lovely invitation could come your way after the 23rd of May, too. Be prepared to make some changes for nothing but the most delightful of reasons.
Summer will be a fun, sociable season for you -- but expect some delays while traveling or attempting to keep your appointments between July 23rd and August 16th, when communicative, travel-loving Mercury will throw his engine into reverse -- in your own sign. During this time, always have a Plan B ready to go, and expect everything to take longer than you'd anticipated. This doesn't mean you won't enjoy yourself. In fact, you'll probably meet someone you never would have crossed paths with if you'd been where you were supposed to be.
Your natural talent for charming chitchat will be even more lethal during October. You may even be able to have a positive impact on a tough family situation. Take advantage of the good, warm feelings the holiday season inspires, and see if you can't remind loved ones of the importance of staying close. You may have some extra work heaped on your plate during mid-November, but it's nothing you can't handle. Travel plans will come together nicely during December, so make your arrangements and rest assured that all will be well.
VIRGO OVERVIEW: You'll probably find the first half of 2005 to be quite different from the second, Virgo. During winter and spring, you'll be thinking over money matters, and trying to get things settled. In summer and fall, you may feel the need to hibernate for a while to get your energy level back to where it was before all the excitement started -- and these seasons will be exciting, for several reasons.
Still, you'll have nothing but success when it comes to finances, especially if you're working with a partner. Jupiter, the benevolent king of the gods, will spend most of the year helping you to make sound financial decisions and choose the right partners. Listen carefully to the advice of elders around the end of January. A relationship will heat up and turn quite passionate around the end of February -- and it will stay that way through March.
A pair of eclipses during April will get your spring off to an amazing start -- especially when it comes to intimate matters and joint finances. Someone from out of town may also make a rather stunning entrance into your life. Tend to your career responsibilities during May and June, and expect to be rewarded by authority figures as early as June 4th. Secrets and whispers will be on the agenda at the end of June, so expect to be spending some time behind closed doors -- but not necessarily alone.
Summer will arrive with the chance to join forces with a whole new group, either for spiritual or metaphysical reasons. You'll get an awful lot out of their company and their influence, so don't hesitate to get totally involved. Your birthday will be extra fun this year, thanks to a new Moon and a full Moon, bringing along surprises and lots of fast-paced change.
If you're in need of the advice of a professional during fall, rest assured that you'll find someone who can help during October or November. Look around carefully, do your homework and be sure to investigate all your options before you sign on the dotted line. Expect long-distance friends and family to come along during the holidays, making them especially merry. Enjoy!
LIBRA OVERVIEW: With mighty, merry Jupiter in your sign for most of this year, Libra, there's really not much you can't accomplish. All you really have to do is show up! Your luck will be amazing. More often than not, you'll end up in the right place at the perfect time. If your best-laid plans need to be canceled or adjusted during winter, don't be upset about it. By the end of February, you'll see the reason for it all. The full Moon of March 25th will shift your focus from work to your primary relationships. Take care of dear ones -- and know that they'll be happy to return the favor.
The solar eclipse of April 8th could bring about a major change, due to a brand-new attitude -- yours. If you're feeling overwhelmed or excessively burdened, you won't put up with it any longer. The lunar eclipse of the 24th will turn up the thermostat on all your relationships, and could mean you'll be willing to risk becoming a lot more intimate with a certain person. Those feelings will continue throughout May and most of June. Just watch out for a bit of jealousy.
During summer, you may need to invest more time and energy then you feel you've got in your career and your group affiliations. You'll reap the rewards as soon as August, via a public display of gratitude. Whatever you're working on, keep at it, even if authority figures seem to be doing their best to make your job more difficult during September. They may simply be trying to see what you're made of.
A pair of eclipses in your sign during October will make fall very interesting. . If sudden changes come along, take them in stride and be adaptable. The harder you try to resist going along with the universe's plan, the more urgently it will pull you along. Besides, by the time the holidays arrive, you'll be happily involved in family matters, possibly because of a wedding or the birth of a child.
SCORPIO OVERVIEW: Your own planet, Pluto, will continue on his path through Sagittarius during 2005, putting laws, education and politics at the forefront of everyone's minds -- but yours in particular. You'll be even more likely than usual to get involved this year, but try not to get carried away. Remember, others do have a right to their opinion -- even if they're wrong!
Your urge to lecture -- and to go on at length, truth be told -- will be especially strong during January, when several planets in Capricorn will join forces with the new Moon to make it next to impossible for you to keep quiet. The first half of this season will seem to rush by you, but late February and March are times you'll want to remember. Slow down and enjoy this time to its fullest.
The pace of life will pick up dramatically during spring, especially when it comes to relationships. In particular, during April the lunar eclipse of the 24th will illuminate this area of your life, bringing with it the chance to either become closer to your current partner or to find someone new who'll be in your life for some time to come. If you've recently come out of a relationship, go slow.
During summer, your focus will turn to an emotional matter you were sure had long since been resolved. If this issue comes around again, don't be upset. Use the energy of the full Moon of July 21st to talk it all out and get it settled, once and for all. You can reach a happy compromise if you're willing to let go and let the universe drive. The full Moon of September 18th will bring you a chance to become friends with a whole new peer group. Go ahead and get involved. Expand your horizons.
The solar eclipse of October 3rd and the lunar eclipse of the 17th will both affect your subconscious desires. You've always been an expert in that department, but now -- well, now, you'll want more than just physical intimacy. You'll be after true intimacy on all levels, and you won't stop until you have it. That goes double for your encounters with family members around the holidays.
SAGITTARIUS OVERVIEW: During 2005, you'll have a chance to cash in on the solid reputation you've created for yourself over past years. You've probably become almost famous in your chosen profession -- so obviously all that hard work was worth it. As soon as January, however, you'll be able to resume your favorite activities: leisure, pleasure and fun. You may be doing it in private, but that won't be a problem. You definitely won't be alone unless you want to be. Money matters may be less than fun to deal with, so be sure you have someone to talk to -- someone you trust. Then let it go, and concentrate on the full Moon of March 25th, which is due to turn up the volume and intensity in your love life.
You may be uncharacteristically concerned with settling down during spring, but don't panic. Remember, you really can have a life and a relationship at the same time. You just have to choose the right partner -- someone who's as freedom-oriented as yourself. An individual who answers that description could be along as soon as May 23rd, by the way, so be ready.
Summer's astrological highlights will inspire you to learn some new skills and study subjects you've always been interested in. You're a lifelong student, always at home in a classroom. Make the most of it now. The full Moon of August 19th will inspire you to begin or resume the study of something you really enjoy. By the end of September, you should be up and ready to run.
The eclipses due in October will turn up the electricity in all your friendships, and could herald a change with regard to one in particular. So if someone you've only thought of platonically suddenly makes noises like they're interested in much more from you, think carefully about whether you're ready for this -- and if you can go back to being friends again if it doesn't work out. The holidays look just wonderful. Don't forget to spend some quality time with the elders in your life.
CAPRICORN OVERVIEW: Your own planet, serious Saturn, will spend the first half of the year influencing you with regard to relationships, Capricorn, and the second urging you to get up close and personal with someone you've just recently learned to trust. But during the whole of 2005, you'll be just as concerned as ever with your career. The good news is that you'll be amply rewarded for your efforts in all departments, and the kudos will start pouring in as soon as the 9th of January.
For the rest of winter, you'll focus on your personality and appearance. You may be in the mood to start a diet or quit a bad habit during January. In February, you'll want to tend to money matters -- which may be a bit tricky to navigate. Keep an open mind, and don't hesitate to explore unconventional possibilities. The full Moon of March 25th will bring attention to a family situation -- one you've been worried about for some time. Let go and let your emotions show. The solar eclipse in April will help to bring closure to the matter.
For the rest of spring, you'll be intent on getting closer to someone you've only been thinking of casually for some time now. It's time to put intimacy on the front burner. Whether it's emotional, physical or intellectual doesn't matter. Bare your soul with confidence. In particular, the full Moon of June 22nd will arrive just in time to help you be brave and bold, personally speaking. Take advantage of it.
The urge to get close won't be going anywhere soon, either. All during summer, you'll be focused on a certain person -- but fortunately, they'll be just as focused on you! This could mean -- once again -- that you're due to either end a relationship or take a casual encounter to a whole new level. Just don't let your work slide. You have your reputation to think of.
A voice from the past could arrive early in fall. Before you allow them back into your life, be sure you're ready for a committed relationship -- because that's exactly what they'll have in mind. During October, two eclipses will help you to turn toward career matters and think less about personal things. By the time the holidays roll around, you'll be quite ready to relax -- and you'll certainly have earned it. Some new family members may be along to help you enjoy your time together -- but don't forget about that mistletoe!
AQUARIUS OVERVIEW: You've been dealing with intensity and passion in all your communications for years now, Aquarius, which means you're probably quite skilled in that department now. Still, as 2005 rolls around, you may find that you're even more prone to speak your mind and let your opinions be known. That goes double for the first nine months of the year, which outgoing Jupiter will spend in easygoing but assertive Libra and your solar house of opinions.
You may be willing to keep quiet for a few weeks, especially after the holidays, so January will be quiet. You'll also need some alone time during this month, especially around the 10th, when a new Moon will inspire you to get to know yourself better. After the 24th of February, you'll need to be careful with money -- in particular, watch out for being taken advantage of by someone. And from the 20th of March on, you won't mince words -- not at all -- when it comes to speaking your mind. Go easy on anyone less well-armed.
That strong-willed trend will continue throughout April, and well past the lunar eclipse of the 24th, when it will be even harder for you to contain yourself. Come May and June, however, you'll be far more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, and more willing to stifle yourself -- just a touch -- to be sociable. By the end of June, even if you feel swamped by responsibilities and not all that happy about it, you'll keep your nose to the grindstone and your comments to a minimum.
During summer, you'll be more focused on work than on play -- much to the chagrin of your dear ones, who'll be trying to talk you into getting out of town for at least the weekend. Explain to them about how diligent you're feeling, and put off any travel plans until after the 17th of August. At that point, you'll be quite ready for a break in the action.
During fall, you may be so ready for a break, in fact, that you'll be looking longingly at your passport. The solar eclipse of the 3rd of October may put you in the mood to travel overseas -- but if you don't have to go alone, don't, and make sure you're home in time to enjoy the holidays with dear ones.
PISCIES OVERVIEW: As the New Year arrives, Pisces, you'll be quite intent on making a name for yourself within a group situation. You'll do a fine job of it, and you'll be remembered for some time to come for your efforts. During January, you'll be focused on joint financial situations and intimate relationships, all of which will work out quite well as long as you're not afraid to ask for -- and take -- the advice of an elder. The new Moon in your own sign on March 10th will call your attention to your physical self -- and while you in particular should never ignore your emotions, you might want to pay attention to the outer you, just for a while.
During spring, and most especially in April, monetary changes could be en route. Does that mean you'll be pinching pennies? Not at all. In fact, if you're smart about it, you may have more money to spend frivolously than you've had in some time. After the 15th of April, thanks to Venus in steadfast Taurus and your house of communications, you'll be especially persuasive, too. Don't even think about giving up on any argument. You're ready to make constructive changes, and to make them quickly. You go!
Once summer arrives, you can rest assured that you'll be entertained -- and quite amused! At least one new suitor will come your way after the 21st of July -- someone who's as home- and family-oriented as yourself. You'll also be willing to apply yourself completely to getting the job done at work, but with family issues so pleasant, who'd blame you if you were late -- or even absent -- for a few days?
As the year draws to a close, one-on-one relationships will still keep you busy, but with the solar eclipse of October 3rd, and the lunar eclipse of the 17th, you'll shift to money matters -- joint financial issues in particular. If you're not happy with the way your half of the money is being handled, take back control of the checkbook and don't apologize for it. Be careful with finances during the holidays, but do enjoy yourself.
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