love is just a hoax so forget everything that you have heard.
heaven's not a place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive.
ps. krissy, i love you dearly.
nothing could change that 8D Comments (0) |
you could be my modern girl, and i could be the one you found.
Okay, so i've seriously become way to addicted to Gaia. lol. I've come a long way from when Krissy first got me on it last summer. Lol. Random I know but that's where I've been spending a majority of my time.
These are those distractions that she was telling me about. Haha. <3
The next time I post Cassie will probably be here. Not probably as if she might not get here, probably as if I don't think I'm going to post Wednesday morning or whatever. I'M TOTALLY NOT PARANOID ABOUT HER MAKING IT HERE OKAY NO NOT AT ALL.
it was a boat ride from muskegon michigan to milwaukee wisconsin.
dude, warped tickets are cheaper then I thought they where. We are so on that shittt.
in my darkest hour in my deepest despair, please be here.
so it ends up that i do have pos.
yeah. whatever.
i love it when doctors ask me if i'm depressed because I really don't know how to answer that question.
I'm a teenager, I've had a fucked up life. Of course i'm depressed. But I'm also fine.
So what does that really make me?
i really, really wish that i wasn't so... damn weird. about everything.
i am either jealous that my dad gets to be in heaven with mj, or that mj gets to be in heaven with my dad. or wherever the hell they are. I'm not quite sure which one yet.
I remember when Suicide was looked upon as a sin that you went to hell for. Now my family covers it up with insanity.