myOtaku.com: fading.dreams
Saturday, May 16, 2009
don't let it slip away.
So. I realized today that my cousins have wireless internet which means yes, I am on the internet in NY. Epic win right? Right. I was feeling pretty down too but this kinda really improved my day by a lot. It goes to show how lame my life is though, as my cousin has oh so carefully pointed out for me.
So I'm sitting on an air bed on the third floor of my Aunt and Uncles victorian home. It's pretty damn amazing but I just never really feel like I fit in here because I don't really fit in with my family but it's time like these when I'm all alone with just my family that I end up writing the most, I don't know why maybe because I feel lonely, maybe because like I've been told I'm a loser. I don't care, my friends are the best no matter where they are.
So, an original 10 hour trip turned into a 12 hour trip which then turned into a 14 and a half hour trip. Yeah, that's what happens when my grandma drives. We spent a lot of time in Michigan and I kept saying that it would be fine if they just dropped me off in Flint because we kept seeing exits for it anyways but whatever. We spent a lot of time in downtown Detroit and had to get directions to Canada. Still don't even know how long it was after that, that we finally got to Canada but it was a while. I seriously find Canada to be the most boring place ever because it's just miles and miles and miles of nothing. I slept through out most of canada.
Got to New York at about 6oclook and we'd left Milwaukee at about 3:30 in the morning. I was relieved it actually be able to get out and walk around a while but then we had to get back in the car and go to church because my cousin was having a before graduation mass. That lasted about two hours and i ended up crying during it because being this close to someone just leaves me an emotional wreck, and because well of other things.
Came home and my grandma was really sick and I don't really know what happaned but shes doing better today so that's good. Timothy [my cousin] and I walked up to a Cafe called "The Spot" and i'm telling you it was the coolest place ever, and i'm not saying it to be mean but seriously you found your stereotypical people in that cafe. I had a really yummy Hot Choclate that Timothy bought me so it was all pretty fun and I got to see a lot of interesting people. Then we walked home and sat on the front porch and talked for hours and went in and watched his dad prepare the food for his graduation barbeque today. I really like my Uncle because he's not so high strung like the rest of my family and he's not afraid to swear in front of me or talk about the things he really wants to talk about. he told me that he dropped out of highschool when he was 16 and became a cook in a restaurant and practically learned how to cook drunk. It's all very interesting to me.
Theres a certain place in the house that I actually get phone signal so i'm pretty happy about that considering I practically die without my phone because it's the only way I talk to you-know-who. Hahah.
It was an okay day.
The thing about my cousin is he's a little ADHD, okay maybe not a little a lot and I don't really mind cept' he doesn't really have a concept of personal space and I don't really mind that either but sometimes, i'm just so out of it that I'll snap at everyone. Yeah, I don't know why i'm typing this.
Graduation today. Not much Tomorrow cept' one of Timothy's concerts. and Niagara Falls on Monday. Tuesday we're leaving. Yep. Weird, huh?
Alright.. I guess I should probably go before someone realizes that I've completely dissapeared. and I'm also not actually sure if I should be connected to this Network but Oh well, I don't see what it'll hurt right? Hahaha.
I think i'm okay, but i'm also very numb.
^ps. I finished the perks.
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