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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira

Greetings my friends.Welcome to the world of broken love.Enjoy yourself as you meander through the fields of bleeding hearts.If you desire to do so then sign my guestbook and I'll do the same.I bid you farewell for I must return to the the shadowey veil of death.

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Monday, January 2, 2006
Reflections of the deceased...
So the year of '05 now lies in the dust...and the seed of the new year is planted, only to bud and blossom into another rose...sweet and lovely, yet riddled with thorns that tear and break apart the flesh and life...I've loved...and I've lost...and through that tumult of life I forgot how to love...I am unsure of what the feeling is when one is in love...My eyes only gaze into the past of my one real love...and the feeble smile slowly slides off of my face into my lap...I place it above the flame and watch it incinerate...the flames dancing upon it and consuming it until it is nothing but a grey ash to be carried away by the wind to unknown destinations where they shall either fade into the ground or breathed in by another soul who will for a brief second have a connection with my pain.
I wish to learn to love...but I cannot climb the hurdle and forget...I could dunk myself in cold water...shoot myself...slap myself silly...I just cannot awaken from my past love...that ghost remains in what seems to be an eternal slumber and does not wish to shake...I shake her and scream in her ears that the dream is dead...that his love has fled and will in time be given to another...but it is as if a spider has woven a shielding web within her ears so my words only bounce off the wall and back into my mouth...Until she awakens I cannot give my heart to another for she has it clutched so tightly and it cannot be pried from her cold hard grasp...alas I must sit about and wait until her dreaming slips into the hands of nightmares and she awakens in fear of what is the true reality...I pray that it is someday soon.
My head aches something terrible...perhaps because I am sick...perhaps because I am still awake after all of this time...but who knows...and really, who cares? is of little importance...I look at what I was at the beginning of '05...Dating Shayne and living a life so different from the one I am in now...months later to meet up with a divine lad who would forever change my june, head over heels in love...july, living with my one love with dreams of marriage in the future...believing this to be my soulmate...august...a dark month...incredibly world ripped away from me...september arrives, finally a word, his voice...but even then I could feel him slipping from me...I didn't want to see it...but love is see what you wish to see and never what is truly there...I saw a love to be eternal...but in a few months time that belief was's hard...we speak as friends...nothing more of course...conversation never as it once was and never again shall it be so...I find myself typing "I love you" as I did before and quickly hitting the backspace button before my pinky reaches for send..."No, Amber." I tell myself..."Those words are meaningless to him now and forever shall be." I suppose I shall lock those words away...despite how much I wish I could say them...but I guess the one I fell in love with is dead...and whoever he is now is done loving me...I just don't believe he realizes how much he took from close to death I really close from losing my mind I was...It just seems as if all of those promises he made me then were all in vain...He told me what I wanted to hear...did he mean it? can I know?...He promised to never hurt me...he promised he would return...He promised to love me forever...but somewhere in those two months of separation his love weakened...I'll admit mine did as well...and I tried ending things first...which I regret...I sometimes blame myself and think that if I hadn't of done that first then maybe he wouldn't have left me...but deep in my heart, I knew he wasn't coming back...everything he taught me to believe, he eventually showed me how false my beliefs november pasts...december comes along...I try smiling...try being happy and caring to him...wondering what is he really thinking...does he really want to talk to me, or is he doing this all out of pity?...*slaps self*...GOD!!! enough of mind wanders to this topic far too much which is what is destroying me and keeping me from moving on...
So, yes, the new year awaits friends...a new life...whether I want that life or love?...that I still cannot answer...remember the ghost of my past love has still not any case...I am a completely differenet being now than I was at the beginning of '05...had I met the me now back then I would have freaked...I never thought I'd be here in this place living this life...but it is just another experience to take a hold of and weave into a lesson I suppose...was it worth it?...the tears, the madness, the suicidal tendencies, the broken hearts? yes...because there was still smiles, love, kisses, friends, family, life...the stars continued shining...the waves forever rolling...the wind forever holding me...I would do it all again...each incident has made me what I am today...this being that writes this and speaks these words is this way because of the life she lived this last year...and had she not done so, why, she would be someone different...and that doesn't seem to be what the Fates want for her...only for her to be what she is now...this essence is in existance because of each decision made.
But I must lay my head upon that pillow or I will surely go head is throbbing even more than before and I am congested with this nasal back up...stupid cold much as I love the rain, it always has a bad outcome for my health...well pray that it passes...Thank you for taking the time for reading this if you got this far, that're a good person for doing so...comment if you wish...or just take the words and let them go or let them add meaning to your life...whatever you wish.
Goodnight (morning actually) and Farewell.
~The Innocent Demon~
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Love forlorn...
Much has occured within these past two weeks...My boyfriend is no longer here with me in L.A...He was a run away and I let him live with me...Now his parents have removed him from my life and taken him back and brought my mother and I to court...Thankfully we won, but still no contact with my beloved..just a message I received nearly five days ago...So I am to continue on for 53 more days...Living in a large vast city unknown to all and left to fend and care for herself...He was my rock in life...He took care of me...Now I understand why dependency is a sin...for once your support is stripped from you you fall into the abyss and left confused on what move to make next...I have been gathering some strength over the past few days learning to care for myself without him there...and I am so happy he shall soon be eighteen...still this empty lot in my life continues to grow...Walking into my bedroom and lieing upon the bed that we shared together is painful...i have resorted to sleeping in the living room...I just hope...I pray that he shall return and that I have not been led into a delusional wish... |
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Memories consume the blind...
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 Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
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