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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira
Monday, July 26, 2004
tears have fallen over false lies...
today i was welcomed with a rather alarming bit of news...which i am still not completely sure is true...if any of you know the answer to this present mystery please alert me for i am wondering what sort of malevolent being could come up with a sick lie...i was in Visalia at the local Hot Topic...i was gathering some pens and notebooks all fashioned with me a crazed fanatic or some obsessed teenage girl living with a me whatever you want...i like the band so i buy their merchandise...i had my boyfriend hold it for me while i rushed to find my mother so i could ask of her on the matter of borrowing an extra request was granted and i made my way back to the store...i found my boyfriend right back where i had left him and he followed me over to the stationary supplies while i pondered which pen i should purchase..."Ville Valo died."... i stopped...looked at him...and smiled...knowing he was joking..."no...really...ask the girl over there...she told me while i was holding your things..."...i wanted to but i was frightened in thinking that perhaps the answer was yes he had passed on into the nether world...i went up to the cashier and purchased my items..."You are a fan of theirs are you not?"...the cashier asked of me..."yes. i findit rather obvious with one glance at the items i am trying to attain..."..."you keep up on the news about them don't you?"..."I try my best to, yes."..."really sad what happened to the lead singer isn't it?..."...."What?...You mean it is true?...he is dead? cannot be possible...this has to be some sick joke..."..."nope...i saw it online last night and my friend said she had heard of it to on the television."...well i about stopped breathing...i was determined to rush home and log on so i could look upon their official site and see if i coul gather any news...after a scruciating drive home filled with much anticipation and curiosity, i got on the internet and immediately typed in their web was no news whatsoever of ville's death...i was told he had been hit by a train...and had to endure my boyfriend's endless jokes on how he had died and his reenactments which i found quite childish...i checked a whole bunch of other sites as well and there is nothing speaking of his now the question remains...have i been lied to? someone out there trying to spread a vicious rumor?...or is his death being covered up?...asi mentioned earlier...if any of you have any knowledge of this mystery leave it in my comment box...i would deeply appreciate it...i always am deeply grieved when a talented muscian dies suddenly and always light a candle...preferably a black one ...and i do not wish to burn it until i know that it is certain he has left our world...Farewell...
~The Innocent Demon~

In loving memory of Ville Valo???
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