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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira
Monday, September 13, 2004
Could you be my vampire prince...?

greetings my lovely Otaku friends...and a welcoming to those who have become my new friends...feel free to private message me on any topic if you like...i'll try to be an interesting person...i can make no promises...

i have discovered interesting news on some discussion going on about me among people who do not know who the real me is...they call me a poser...they say i am not the same person i was freshman year...hmm...but is that not a good thing...i would hate to be the same naive little girl i was when i first entered into high school...i did not know who i was so how could these people...? is true that i was a liberal Christian when i was younger..but i have moved past that stage and found truth and faith in other beliefs that are beyond that of Christianity...they also state that i dress like them now...hah...i could laugh in their horrific faces...i have dressed my way...i mixed my clothes...some days i was more hippieish...and mind you i dressed like a hippie before it was considered the cool thing to do...other days i would look somewhat normal and then there were days when i dressed more goth or punk...which ever you wish to categorize it...i dressed depending upon my mood...and i still do...i tend to wear more gothic and punky style now than i did then but i have decided this is who i am...they also say i am a poser because i do not listen to all of the music they do...hah...yet again they prove they are so closed minded...i have a wide variety in the taste of music...i enjoy swing, punk, emo, new and old jazz, goth, metal, etherial, some r&b, classical, alternative, my god the list could go on for days...they dislike me because i do not fit their mold...i fit in my own mold which is what we should all do...we should not conform to other people's ways...nor should we insist them to do the same...these people do not have any idea of what or who i am...they just gaze at my outer skin and let the vines grow from there...thinking they know who i am...i scoff at them...they get riled up when others judge them...yet they are just as quick to judge...they promote to other non-conformity when they truely loathe you if you are not like them...they are the Conformed Non-conformists...i pity them...i also have come to know as of late that the only reason why some of them associate with me is because they are hoping to get something extra...if you understand what i am saying...if not then i shall tell it now...they want sex...of could i have been so stupid...?...i do not understand why so many goths, freaks, punks, skaters, etc. hate to associate with other people outside of their group...i have many friends...but my immediate group is quite a sight...we are all is an elementalist and vegetarian, i am the gothic little singing witch, one is morman, another a christian, one a Blood as in the gang, another a catholic, we are all different yet can unite together despite that...but underneathe our labels lie more items to be unraveled...and we gather each others traits and styles while remaining true to ourselves...we really prefer no labels...we are just us...nothing more...nothing us or hate us...that is up to you...if you love us we'll love you in return...if you hate us...well then we will move on and pass you by only after trying to resolve the any case i believe the world would function more properly if there were less labels and stereotyping and more open-mindedness and acceptability of one another

On a different note...i have read that our endearing President Bush has flown over to Florida to scale the damage done by this we all know his brother is the governor of Florida...Pres. Bush was surveying the area and handing out some items and assisting...but also he has discovered that Florida's 27 electoral votes are up for he in fact providing these actions out of kindness of his heart or because he is wanting to gain those votes for the presidential race...?...hmm...something to ponder over.

Here are the additional five love sayings...
11. God has given you one big heart so you could love everyone. But God has given you only one heart so you could be faithful to the only one person you love.
12. Cute: “Seems like the only time you’re near is when I close my eyes. Should I keep it that way, Because it’s the only way I can make you stay.”
13. Cute: The eyes whisper, “I love you dear,” The lips move, no words appear. When your love is sincere and real, what the lips hide, the eyes reveal.
14. The simple phrase “I love you” are the most important words you could ever offer your loved one. It may never be hard to say if only you have the heart to feel it.
15. There’s someone out there for you and you alone. Many will come along yet you can only trust your heart to tell you the search is over. The heart knows when it has found its match.

Farewell all....

i wish to drink some blood...any willing victims...? >:D
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