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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira
Friday, October 8, 2004
*insert clever title here*
shall be my last entry for some time due to my leave of absence when i shall be in vegas...
Listening to: Kampfende Pferde by The Protagonist
Wearing: faded blue tank top, olive green Tripp bondage pants, skull choker
Hair: rather unkempt and shaggy because i have just removed the HIM beanie i was wearing
Make-up: Mango lip gloss that tastes like orange eyeliner and black eyeshadow with burgandy and burgandy chipped nailpolish

yes, i know rather unproductive beginning...*yawn*...still unlimitedly exhausted but i want to complete this entry and visit all of your sites...hopefully i can before hitting the floor...hmm... it has been a while since i have taken a survey...and i love them so don't have to read it if it appears too long... i know they can get repetitive at times...sorry all...

oOo...the one all us girls should love...the perfect guy...^__-...alas this dream is beyond many of our reach...there is no perfect guy or girl...we all contain flaws...but love tends to cover them up and make them appear some ways this is wonderful because we become so accepting of them but in other ways it is dangerous because we forget to notice the negative and harmful flaws...
The very detailed Perfect guy survey | Created by Jazzbunny and taken 1372 times on bzoink! | His Look: | Name: | Damien | Hair Colour: | Black or odd color | Hair Style (long, short, bowl cut, cornrows, etc) : | long or dreads or mohawk | Eye colour: | green | Age: | not too old not too young | Height: | 5'8" | Size: | not sure... | Body build: | skinny with slight muscle | Ethnicity: | well i usually fall for white boys but ethnicity is no problem for me | Glasses? | depends | Piercings? | lip, eyebrow, ears | Chest hair? | eh...not so much | big ol booty? or no? | not flat but no bubble...just a little padding there | label | goth, punk | His Mind | in school? | deep intellect whos knowledge sometimes goes unnoticed | what does he want be/do when he grows up? | a musician, painter, writer psychologist or theologist | Can he speak another language, if yes what? | yes...his own language | Can he read music? | yes | Can he read guitar tabs? | yes | Can he play guitar? | yes | piano? | yes | the drums? | yes | some other instrument? | yes | Can he write music? | yes | Will he write songs about you? | yes | Will he write poems about you? | yes | Will he be artistic in some way? | yes!!!! | Will he "blind you with science?" | *blush*...yes | His Style | Party hopper or stay at home? | party but with dignity | Straight A student of Drop out? | fluctuates | Does he have a best friend? | yes | is it you? | no | Is he straight or bi? | straight...i don't want competition from both sexes | Religious? what type? | unsure or trying to discover | Virgin? till marriage or till "the rite time"? | hmm...till the right time i would suppose | Should he be able to bake or cook? | it would be nice but if not we could have fun learning together | Is it okay for him to have a lot of gal pals? | long as they don't get touchy feely | Out-going or shy?: | shy in his own way but once in comfort zone very out going and out spoken | Should he watch chick-flicks?: | from time to time | Would he be a smoker?: | no | drinking?: | casual drinking...not getting wasted every night | cursing? | doesn't bug me...except when fuck escapes his lips every three seconds | does he play football(US)? | | soccer? | sure | baseball? | no | basketball? | no | rugby? | no | golf? | no | does he drag race? | yes | does he have a "pimped up" ride? | *rolls eyes* travel by motorcycle, bike, skateboard, or meer feet | Can he surf? | yes | skateboard? | yes | snowboard? | not much snow around where we live so we'll just roll down the hills instead | Would he have an accent? | preferably yes | Anything else? | hmmm... | You and Him *last part!* | Does he kiss on the first date?: | yes but he graciously asks if he may rest his lips upon mine as a sign of endearing affection | Where does he take you? | to a forest or for a walk in some place where you can see the stars | Does he pay? | i pay for him...he pays for me | Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? | of course...that is my favorite pasttime | Would he use endearments? | awww...yes | Would you hold hands? | of course | Would you ever stay the nite at his place? | sure | Would he give you flowers/candy or a big expensive gift. | just simple tokens of love...a picture that reminded him of autumn leaf...a drawing or something he wrote or created himself... | Would he walk you to your door at the end o the nite? | yes...unless i am dropping him off | How would he propose? | we would be walking in the old cemetary or exploring the catacombs and he would pull me near a willow tree , he would sing in my ear a song ending in marry me | Lastly, after you meet, get hitched, etc. What do u name your kids? | Jade and Echo and Demetri | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |

hah...another one where you shall discover more about me...i wouldn't be surprised if you knew the answers
Everything About You Survey | Created by Crimsontear and taken 5020 times on bzoink! | Personal Information | First Name// | Amber | Age// | 17 | Gender// | Female | Nickname(s)// | The Innocent Demon...Ambri...Sexy...Fae-Fae...Carrot Juice | Hair Color// | Red | Hair Style// | Short...longer bangs that i wear sideswept over eyes...kinda like the emo and indie rockers | Eye Color// | green-hazel | What is your favorite | Color// | red and black, purple and green | Game// | Legacy of Kain for some reason | Song// | god too many to choose from | Music Video// | yet again too many to choose from | Animal// | cats and bats | Sport// | hockey, skating, skateboarding, soccer, motorcross | Country// | hmmm...not sure at the moment | Movie// | Edward Scissorhands and Nightmare Before Christmas and the silent film of Phantom of the Opera, Interview with a vampire, and Queen of the Damned | Food// | long rice and chicken and chicken nuggets!!! | Friends | Best// | Rachel and Cassie | Funniest// | hmm... | Coolest// | Tomas and Zori | Sweetest// | Charlegne | Kindest// | Maggie...?... | Annoyingest// | none | Dullest// | hmm... | Stupidest// | none really | Most Intelligent// | hmmm... | Athletic// | are any of us athletes???..oh Ryan | Relationships | Boy(Girl)friend// | single | Are you in love right now// | i think i am on my way in that direction | Do you have a crush// | most definitely | Do you have a stalker// | lol...yes i do... | Do you miss someone right now// | all the time | What do you do | At school// | act insane...argue with Dieri...complete my assignments | At home// | just think | Outside// | lie on the grass...stare at the many things | When you first wake up// | stretch and think of what i have to do | What _____do you hate | Food// | that would be celery... | Color// | not sure.... | Hair color// | brass | Tv show// | hmmm...there are a lot | Clothing style// | where the chicks are hanging out of their any of you have dignity...???...well some of you do i know | Movie// | Exorcist not the new one it is an older one | Emotions Right Now | Are You Happy Right Now// | no | Sad// | somewhat | Grumpy// | eh...kinda | Annoyed// | yes | Angry// | no | Sick// | extremely so | Lonely// | *sigh*....yes..*looks down and removes the falling tear from face | Bored// | no | Have you ever | Made your own religion// | lol...yes | Written backwards// | yeah i went through a stage where all of my poems were written backwards | Written your own magazine// | | Drawn art// | i attempted to but it came out crappy | Got angry with a game// | lol...all of the time | Played Lacrosse// | never but i want to | Broken a bone// | never | Dyed your hair// | yes | Put in contacts for no reason// | nope | Swam alone// | i am gonna | Things that come to mind when you read... | Intelligentence// | Perceptive | Stupidity// | Closed Minds | Depress// | Pain, abuse | Blood// | yummy!!!...lust...a beautiful thing when falling from one's own flesh...but an unnecessary risk | Blue// | cascadeing | Gray// | suffocation | Sword// | twist | Golf// | tiger woods | Soccer// | zac | Yellow// | hatred | Socks// | imagination | Ribbon// | accesory | Random Questions | Play Sports, if so, what ones// | none whatsoever | Have a lot of friends// | yes | Write good// | according to everyone else yes | Eat a lot// | not really | Like the day Friday// | very much so | Like the month December// | so | Do you(or are you) | (DY)Give good advice// | yes i think so | (DY)Talk crap// | there are times when i catch myself doing so but i try not to | (DY)Play a lot of games// | no | (DY)Wear hats// | why yes i do | (DY)Like to be outside// | yed indeed | (AY) Always mad// | no | (AY) Always happy// | | (AY) A good friend// | i try to be | This or that (Last questions) | Night or day// | Night | Snow or Rain// | Rain | Stars or the Moon// | Stars | Ocean or Pool// | Ocean | Boat or Plane// | Plane | Books or Magazines// | books | Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// | Yu-Gi-Oh | Blonde or Black Hair// | Black | Green or Blue Eyes// | Green | Pants or Shorts// | pants...shorts with tattered nylons | Pop or Rock// | Rock | Punk or Emo// | Punk | Tatoos or Piercings// | Piercings | Necklace or Ring// | necklace | Clouds or No Clouds// | clouds | Art or Literature// | Literature and art | Jeans or Baggy Pants// | jeans | Singing or Dancing// | Singing | March or May// | May | Halloween or Christmas// | Halloween | Coke or Pepsi// | Pepsi | Hug or Kiss// | Hug with everyone...kiss from my strumming muse or The Dragon's Spike | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |

I think i must head off into the distant of my bed for now...hmm...i will visit a few sites now and then lay down my pain...i hope you like this new song...the one prior to this one was "Love Song" By The Cure and this one is "Breathe No More" by Evanesance...i believe i spelled that wrong...but i am too tired to really be bothered by my grammar and spelling...*yawn*...Farewell all...
~The Innocent Demon~
in a few minutes i will be the
~Sleepless Dreamer~ honor of my bats Battie and Kohaku!!!

Plus before i exit a picture by Amy Brown which i find fascinatingly beautiful...

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